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  • Публікація
    Порівняння вихідного спектру для чотирьох моделей приладів зі схрещеними полями
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Алфьоров, М. Є.; Воловенко, М. В.; Мощенко, І. О.; Нікітенко, О. М.
    У статті описано чотири моделі пристроїв зі схрещеним полем: циліндричний магнетрон, циліндричний магнетронний діод, площинний магнетронний діод і площинний магнетрон. Обчислено спектральні складові індукованого струму для кожної з моделей. Виявлено, що складові спектра індукованого струму містять від однієї (площинний магнетронний діод) до восьми (циліндричний магнетронний діод) складових. Здійснено порівняння обчислених спектральних складових зі спектральними складовими спектру генерації реального приладу.
  • Публікація
    Value stream map optimization model in the field of educational services
    (2023) Moshchenko, I. O.; Nikitenko, O. M.
    The relevance of the implementation the Lean Production quality management model in higher educa tion institutions (HEIs) in Ukraine has been proven to optimize the stream of HEIs business processes in order to improve the quality of functioning of HEI as an economic activity subject and increase the compete tiveness of educational services, scientific and educational products. The modern approaches of scientists to the Lean Higher Education and the construction of a process model of activity and the identification of key business processes of HEIs are analyzed. The purpose of the article is to develop the optimization model for the stream of business processes based on Lean technologies and to apply the model to visualize and optimize the key process of business process at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE). A DFD model of the optimization process of the Value Stream Map (VMS) - a quality management tool created within the framework of the Lean methodology for process stream analysis - was developed. The model optimization criteria are proposed. During the development of the map optimization model, the peculiarities of the result of the HEI activity, which is a combination of educational service, educational and scientific product, were taken into account. The practical significance of the article lies in the study of the HEI key process "Development of educational and methodological support of the educational process". Decomposition of the main process was carried out. The second and third levels processes for the value stream mapping was distinguished. The current state VSM of the process "Development of educational and methodological support of the educational process" was developed, the indicators of the effectiveness of the value stream at the department of information and measurement technologies of the NURE were calculated, the "bottlenecks" of the stream were analyzed. Measures to optimize "bottlenecks" based on the criterion of minimizing time are proposed. Prospects for further research in the chosen direction are determined as the implementation of Lean technologies in the activities of HEIs are the development and optimization of VSM for all key processes of HEIs.
  • Публікація
    System-information approach to uncertainty of process and system parameters
    (ХНУРЕ, 2021) Lutskyy, S.
    The subject matter of research in the article is a system-information approach to the uncertainty of the parameters of processes and systems of the technosphere as one of the scientific directions of using information theory in metrology and other scientific areas. The system-information approach is based on the definition of the term "information" of the properties of the system, its content and meaning. The solution of the basic problem in metrology, obtaining "information" of the quantitative characteristics of the true value of the properties of objects and phenomena that reveal the regularities of the environment, is a complex scientific problem. The instrument for obtaining information about the properties of the system is the measurement process. One of the directions in the development of measurement theory is the concept of uncertainty. The goal of the work is to research of non-traditional solutions to problems of technical-cybernetic systems based on the system-information approach to the uncertainty of the parameters of processes and systems. The article solves the following tasks: to analyze the assessment of the parameters of technological processes and systems based on the system-information approach; to develop system-information methods and algorithms for the effective use of discrete-probabilistic information in technical-cybernetic systems; to develop principles and approaches for using the system information assessment of the uncertainty of the Planck units, use of system-information modeling in various scientific directions. The following methods are used: system-information approach to processes and systems, methodology of system-information modeling of the measured value; system information methodology for the assessment of the measured quantity and uncertainty. The following results were obtained: developed a system-information methodology for assessing the nominal parameter has been developed, which provides indirect control over the independent parameters associated with it; systemic and information methods for the effective use of discrete-probabilistic information in technical and cybernetic systems have been developed; a system-information methodology for calculating the energy equivalent of product performance indicators has been developed; the principle of calculating the efficiency of manufacturing a product based on the energy equivalent of Planck units is formulated. Conclusions: The solution of the set tasks on the basis of the system-information approach to the uncertainty of the parameters of processes and systems makes it possible, from the system-information point of view, to study the regularities of the stages of the life cycle of technical-cybernetic systems and conservation laws.
  • Публікація
    System-information models for intelligent information processing
    (ХНУРЕ, 2022) Korablyov, M.; Lutskyy, S.
    The subject of the study is system-information models of processes and systems and their use for intelligent processing of information in production tasks. The use of intelligent information processing in production management systems is currently one of the key areas of development of informatics. The aim of the work is to develop system-information models of processes and systems for intelligent information processing allowing to analyze and solve production problems, in conditions of uncertainty. In the article the following tasks are solved: to analyze approaches to the definition of information characteristics of processes and systems; to develop the basis for modeling of system-information processes and systems for intelligent information processing; to develop system-information models and ways of their application for intelligent information processing in the tasks of production. The following methods are used: system-information approach to processes and systems; system-information modeling of processes and systems. The following results were obtained: the analysis of approaches to the definition of information characteristics of processes and systems; developed principles of modeling system-information processes and systems for intelligent processing of information; introduced the concepts of system information and information measure; developed system-information models and methods of their application for the intelligent processing of information in the tasks of production. Conclusions. The development of methods for solving various classes of practical problems using intelligent information processing is one of the key areas of research in computer science. The developed system-information models of processes and systems for intelligent information processing allow analyzing and solving problems. Thereby increase the efficiency of solving problems of analysis, synthesis and forecasting of production systems and technologies, as well as problems of production management. The system-information approach to processes and systems operates with new concepts – system information and information measure, it allowed developing system-information models for intelligent processing of information, as well as ways of their application at stages of product life cycle, which allowed solving problems of production. System-information models of processes and systems describe interaction between source and receiver on information level on the basis of sensitivity threshold. The communication channel between the source and the receiver of information operates, as a rule, under conditions of uncertainty, which can lead to the loss of information during transmission due to possible changes in the characteristics of the system. To describe their interaction, some models of intelligent information processing can be used, in particular, neural network models or fuzzy inference models. Their use will improve the efficiency of receiver state prediction, taking into account the state of the transmitter and the conditions of communication channel operation. The presented article has shown the relevance of developing system-information models for intelligent information processing at the levels of data reception, interpretation and ommunication, which allows expanding the class of solved production tasks.
  • Публікація
    Мера информации в экономических задачах
    (ХНУРЕ, 2017) Руженцев, В. І.; Луцкий, С. В.
    Предметом исследования в статье есть некоторые вопросы системно-информационного подхода к анализу меры дискретно-вероятностной (ДВ) информации в экономической кибернетике в рамках деятельности предприятия, касающиеся расчета технико-экономических показателей, прогнозирования программы выпуска продукции, технологического процесса изготовления изделий, эффективности использования материалов, ценовой политики, рентабельности и некоторых других. Цель исследования - анализ мероприятий дискретно-вероятностной информационной оценки управлением технико-экономическими показателями производства. Задачи: разработать структурную схему дискретно-вероятностных технологий оценки эффективности производства; разработать систему логарифмических технико-экономических показателей производства, которые позволяют более объективно использовать оперативную информацию производственного процесса; решить задачу прогнозирования необходимых материальных ресурсов для запуска в производство новых изделий, времени их изготовления и стоимости до разработки технологической документации. Используются методы. Основные научные положения методологии системно информационного подхода которые включают в себя: научный метод расчета дискретно-вероятностной информации физических величин (параметров); способ отображения в виде созданных дискретно-вероятностных моделей процессов и систем, которые воплощают метод и способ (компьютерные технологии); процессом реализации измерения контролируемых параметров, сбора, хранения и обработки информации. Получены следующие результаты. Разработана структурная схема дискретно-вероятностных технологий оценки эффективности производства определяющей иерархию компьютерно-интегрированных технологий метрологического обеспечения, в основе которых лежит дискретно-вероятностная информация контролируемых параметров КД изделия, технологического оборудования и технологического процесса. Разработана система логарифмических технико-экономических показателей производства, которая позволяет более объективно оценивать и эффективно использовать оперативную информацию производственного процесса; решать задачи прогнозирования необходимых материальных ресурсов для запуска в производство новых изделий, времени их изготовления и стоимости до разработки технологической документации. Решена задача прогнозирования на ранних этапах жизненного цикла изделий, которая обеспечивается методологией системно-информационного подхода, а также разработанными на ее основе дискретно-вероятностными технологиями метрологического обеспечения оценки эффективности производства. Разработанная методология формулирует научные положения и закономерные связи между числовыми значениями дискретно-вероятностных логарифмических показателей, которыми обладают технологические контролируемые параметры и технико-экономическими показателями производства. Это позволяет решать задачи управления технико-экономическим состоянием производства, решать задачи прогнозирования необходимых материальных ресурсов для запуска в производство новых изделий, времени их изготовления и стоимости до разработки технологической документации. Выводы. Дискретно-вероятностная информационная технология оценки технико-экономических показателей производства позволяет точно и своевременно и экономически обоснованно рассчитать динамику технико-экономических показателей производства для использования ее в оперативном управлении производством.
  • Публікація
    What Types of Space Charge Are Inherent to Different Models of Crossed-Field Devices?
    (2023) Moshchenko, I.; Nikitenko, O. M.; Volovenko, M.
    In this article four models of crossed-field devices: planar magnetron diode, planar magnetron, magnetron diode and magnetron were described. As well known in crossed-field devices electrons moved by cycloid-like trajectories and formed space charge. The shape of the space charge depends on the model under consideration. In a planar magnetron diode the space charge formed as a flow that is parallel to the electrodes. In a planar magnetron the space charge is not formed and is determined by the anode current only. In a magnetron diode the space charge formed as a flow that is parallel to the electrodes. In a magnetron the space charge is not formed and is determined by the anode current only.
  • Публікація
    Обробка даних при вирішенні завдань педагогічної кваліметрії
    (ХНУРЕ, 2018) Козлов, Ю.
    Розглянуто метод обробки результатів оцінювання рівня засвоєння знань, умінь та навичок суб’єктів навчання, отриманих за різними шкалами. The method of processing the results of evaluation of the level of knowledge acquisition, skills and skills of subjects of study received on different scales is considered.
  • Публікація
    Formation of the competences of engineering students in the field of using the theory of measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment
    (2023) Moshchenko, I. O.; Nikitenko, О. М.
    The professional standards for students of engineering specialties within the framework of distance education require continual monitoring and updating of competencies, which must correspond to modern trends in the field of science and technology.
  • Публікація
    Аналіз стратегій впровадження принципів Lean Production у сфері обслуговування з точки зору впливу на лояльність персоналу
    (2023) Довгополий, С.; Мощенко, І. О.
    Послуга не обмежується лише актом її надання. Особливості впровадження методології LP в сфері надання послуг у працях українських науковців не отримали широкого висвітлення, натомість це питання досліджено в роботах закордонних авторів. Дослідження показало, що стратегія поступового та продуманого впровадження LP допомагає зберегти лояльність співробітників і клієнтів без зниження якості обслуговування та уникнути втрати репутації.
  • Публікація
    Розробка методики оцінки невизначеності вимірювань під час калібрування анемометру
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Твердохліб, Л.
    The purpose of the work is to improve the metrological support for measuring speed of gas flow by developing a method of calibrating a digital anemometer. Research methods - methods of statistical analysis of measurement information, methods of uncertainty theory. The object of research is the uncertainty of digital anemometer verification. The results of repeated observations were processed. The standard uncertainty according to type A, В and the general standard uncertainty were determined. Budget the measurement uncertainty
  • Публікація
    Розробка методики оцінки невизначеності вимірювань під час калібрування тахометру
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Меюс, Ю. О.
    The purpose of the work is to improve the metrological support of the measurement of the rotation frequency by developing a method of calibrating an electronic tachometer. Research methods - methods of statistical analysis of measurement information, methods of uncertainty theory. The object of the study is the uncertainty of household water meter calibrations. The processing of the results of repeated observations was carried out. The standard uncertainty according to type A, В and the total standard uncertainty are determined. Compile the measurement uncertainty budget.
  • Публікація
    Оцінювання якості інноваційного продукту
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Русанова, Є. В.
    The problem of evaluating the level of quality of an innovative product is considered. Based on the goal, the nomenclature of quality indicators is selected and the basic values of the indicators are determined, which usually take the values of the indicators of the closest analogue product in terms of functional characteristics. The evaluation of the quality level is carried out by comparing the actual values of the product's quality indicators with the basic ones. Each indicator is assigned a weighting factor, which is taken into account in relation to the generalized indicator of the quality of the innovative product.
  • Публікація
    Технічна експертиза електродвигунів
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Сошенко, Д. Д.
    The purpose of the work is to provide technical expertise of electric motors by developing metrological support for testing electric motors. Research methods - a comparative analysis of the existing regulatory framework for the safety of electric motors, measurement methods of controlled parameters, test methods. The essence, purpose, tasks and content of tests of safety parameters of electric motors are considered. The normative documents are proposed in accordance with which tests of safety parameters of electric motors are carried out. The program of tests of parameters of safety of electric motors is offered. Proposed test methods and control, measuring and testing equipment
  • Публікація
    Value Stream Mapping як інструмент візуалізації та оптимізації виробничого процесу
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Довгополий, С. О.
    This paper is devoted to the consideration of value stream mapping (VSM) - a visual representation of the production process that helps to identify waste and improve efficiency. It also highlights the importance of lean manufacturing and VSM as essential tools to enable businesses to remain competitive and produce high quality products with minimal waste By implementing lean manufacturing principles and utilizing VSM, businesses can optimize their operations, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. This paper emphasizes the significance of VSM in today's competitive business environment.
  • Публікація
    Дослідження та розробка оцінки якості послуг
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Кулічко-Павленко, І. С.
    The purpose of the work is to improve of the fitness center service level by developing elements of the company's quality system. The object of the study is the elements of the quality management system of an enterprise serving the population - a fitness center. A system of objects is proposed for quality management at the enterprise. Methods for assessing the quality of fitness center services have been developed. The characteristic of research solutions is given. The object of the study is the elements of the quality management system of an enterprise serving the population - a fitness center.
  • Публікація
    Розробка витратоміра та його метрологічного забезпечення
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Пономаренко, І. О.
    The purpose of the work is to improve the metrological support for measuring the flow of substances by creating an acoustic flowmeter with improved metrological and operational characteristics that meet the requirements of the technical task and the basic standards for flowmetry. The structural and principle diagrams of the acoustic flow meter have been developed. The method of metrological certification of the acoustic flow meter has been developed. Algorithms and schemes have been developed to implement the proposed methods of improving metrological characteristics. The metrological characteristics of the developed flow meter were evaluated, taking into account the influence of non-informative parameters of the analyzed environment
  • Публікація
    Застосування систем комп’ютерної математики для реалізації інструментів управління якістю в освітньому процесі
    (НУ «Чернігівська політехніка», 2023) Мощенко, І. О.; Нікітенко, О. М.; Козлов, Ю. В.
    Для ефективного управління якістю на підприємстві у важливо, щоб керівники та відповідальні особи усіх підрозділів організації володіли методологією управління якістю згідно процесного підходу, найважливішим і найбільш об’єктивним елементом якого є застосування статистичних методів контролю.
  • Публікація
    Does a Diocotron Effect Exist in Magnetrons?
    (2022) Moshchenko, I. O.; Nikitenko, O. M.
    In this article magnetron model has been developed for explanation why the electron beam had wavelike form before oscilation stage. As well known in crossed-field devices electrons move by cycloid-like trajectories. In accordance with the diocotron effect electron beam form has wavelike form because interaction between RF wave and electron beam. But at preoscillation stage we had the same electron beam form in magnetron both planar and cylindrical. Such form we explained by space periodical distribution of an electrostatic potential distribution.
  • Публікація
    Штучний інтелект – сучасний інструмент біомедичної інженерії
    (ХНУРЕ, 2022) Скляров, Г. В.
    The medicine of the future depends on the development of artificial intelligence, robotics and biotechnology. Artificial intelligence is used in many areas, and medicine is considered one of the most promising for using its capabilities. This work is devoted to on the ability to application of systems of artificial intelligence to the solving the problems of aging and longevity. On the basis of the possibilities of the most popular bioinformatics packages with an open code, there is an application of the best way for the completion of the tasks of biomedical engineering.