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Публікація Adaptation of the least squares method for determination of oscillating type measuring devices parameters with using gain-frequency characteristic(2019) Zakharov, I. P.; Serhiienko, M. P.In this article there is suggested a method, which determines both a time constant and a gain-frequency characteristic damp constant for a measuring device, which is simulated by oscillating type dynamic element. The described method is based on a method of least squares, which increases an identification accuracy because of obtaining more information about a measuring device performance during a measurement process. The standard uncertainties of both a time constant and a damp constant are analyzed. The recommendations for measuring process, which was mentioned above, optimization are given.Публікація Approaches for modern rhinomanometry diagnostics with data mining support(EAS, Bonn, Germany, 2019) Аврунін, О. Г.; Семенець, В. В.; Ibrahim Younouss Abdelhamid; Shushliapina, N. O.; Avrunin, O. G.; Semenets, V. V.Approaches for modern rhinomanometry diagnostics with data mining support are described.Публікація Autonomous Agent's Behavior Model Based on Automata Theory(ХНУРЕ, 2018) Філатов, В. О.; Семенець, В. В.; Filatov, V. O.; Semenets, V. V.This paper is devoted to a problem of management the corporate system's information space. The management is carried out on the technology of the program agents. The approach to construction the program agent's model on a basis of frame structure is considered. The frame is fixed as universal extension system. For the decision of concrete tasks the functional modules - slots can be added in it. Base structure for model of behavior of the program agents in information environment is the model based on the finite-state machine. The offered models can be used for development the systems for administration of information resources in the allocated computing systems.Публікація Coomet recommendation «Expression of the expanded measurement uncertainty (method of kurtosis)»(ХНУРЭ, 2021) Zakharov, I. P.The draft COOMET Recommendations “Expression of expanded measurement uncertainty (method of kurtosis)” was approved at the meeting of the COOMET President's Council on 25.11.2021. The official approval and assignment of the number of the Recommendation will be carried out at the 33rd meeting of the COOMET Committee (June 2022).Публікація Data processing specific features of COOMET supplementary bilateral comparisons(NNC Institute of metrology, 2020) Zakharov, I. P.; Botsiura, O. A.; Zadorozhna, I.The article provides examples of the application of electrical resistance standards in metrological practice. Existing methods for their calibration are analyzed. It is established that calibration using a comparator is the most accurate and common method for calibrating electrical resistance standards. A model for transferring the size of the resistance unit in calibration of electrical resistance standards using a comparator is considered. An expression is given for the evaluation of the value of measurand. The procedure for estimating the expanded measurement uncertainty based on the kurtosis method is described, and the uncertainty budget is drawn up. An example of evaluation of the measurement uncertainty in calibration of the resistance coil P321 using a resistance comparator P3015 is given. The coincidence of the obtained results with those got using the Monte Carlo method is shown.Публікація Determination of the time constant of measuring transducers(Zakharov I. Determination of the time constant of measuring transducers / I. Zakharov, P. Neyezhmakov // Measurement: sparking tomorrow’s smart revolution XXIII IMEKO World Congress “ August 30 September 3, 2021, Yokohama, Japan, 2021) Zakharov, I. P.; Neyezhmakov, P.The methods for the experimental determination of the time constant of measuring transducers are described. The method is based on determining the parameters of the steady-state response of the measuring transducer using a periodic sequence of rectangular pulses of known time pulse and repetition period as an input signal. Expressions for determining the time constant for various response parameters: maximum, minimum, average, and average rectified values are given. The evaluation of the measurement uncertainty for each of the obtained expressions is made. The proposed method has high accuracy and low labour intensity in comparison with the known graph-analytical methods.Публікація Development of a method for measurements of the parameters of the external magnetic field of technical means(Technology audit and production reserves, 2018) Дегтярьов, О. В.The object of research is methods and means of measuring the parameters of the external magnetic field of technical objects. One of the most problematic areas of existing methods for measuring the magnetic moments of sources of an external magnetic field is the presence of a significant methodological error. For magnetometric methods, its value is 10 %, for integral 20-30 %, which is due to the imperfection of the theoretical foundations of the method. In the course of the research, methods of analytical representation of an external magnetic field and its modeling, magnetomctric methods for measuring the strength of a magnetic field, methods for solving systems of algebraic equations, and methods for matrix algebra are used. A method has been developed for measuring the components of the dipole magnetic moments of sources of an external magnetic field in three orthogonal directions. The method ensures the measurement of the dipole component and eliminates the influence on the measurement results of the multipole interference of the spatial harmonics of the magnetic field in the interference of the fifth harmonic. Due to this, a significant reduction in the methodical measurement error is ensured. It is determined that the methodical error in measuring the components of the magnetic moment Mx, My, Mz is 0.381-1.278 %. The accuracy of measurement in two overall dimensions increases by an order of magnitude in comparison with the analog. The sensitivity of the measuring channels to the useful signal is increased by 2 times.Публікація Development of the theoretical basisof m agnetic measurement uncertainty evaluation(2019) Degtiarov, O. V.; Alrawashdeh, R. S.The theoretical foundations of measurement uncertainty evaluation magnetic moment of radio electronic means using point methods are considered. A sequence and implementation of the uncertainty assessment procedure is proposed. A model equation based on the multipole description of the object’s magnetic field is obtained. An analysis of the equation is made. The uncertainty budget has been drawn up. Found standard and extended uncertainty. The results are in demand for control procedures and tests in the area of technical magnetism. The results contribute to the standardization of the quality assessment of magnetic measurements.Публікація Distribution of electrostatic potential in crossed–field system with complex electrodes’ configuration(2000) Nikitenko, O. M.The most important problem, which represent of practical interest for specialists of UHF electronics and electrodynamics, is problem adequate describing of physical process occur in crossed-field systems. The most difficult problem is solution Laplace equation with complex boundary conditions. Here it was described the solution process of Laplace equation for defining electrostatic contribution potential for systems with complex geometry.Публікація Does a Diocotron Effect Exist in Magnetrons?(2022) Moshchenko, I. O.; Nikitenko, O. M.In this article magnetron model has been developed for explanation why the electron beam had wavelike form before oscilation stage. As well known in crossed-field devices electrons move by cycloid-like trajectories. In accordance with the diocotron effect electron beam form has wavelike form because interaction between RF wave and electron beam. But at preoscillation stage we had the same electron beam form in magnetron both planar and cylindrical. Such form we explained by space periodical distribution of an electrostatic potential distribution.Публікація Estimation of uncertainty measurement of parameters of thr external magnetic field of technical means(Харківський національний університет повітряних сил імені Івана Кожедуба, 2018) Дегтярьов, О. В.; Запорожець, О. В.A methodology for estimating the uncertainty of indirect measurements of the magnitude of the magnetic mo-ment created by an external magnetic field of a technical device is proposed. Previously, to estimate the measured value, direct, multiple measurements of the useful signal were performed. The measurements were performed at eight points with different coordinates. An induction type sensor was used for the measurements. Direct measure-ments were also made of the distance from the geometric center of the magnetic field source under investigation to the sensor. Model equation is completed. The specification of measurements is made. An uncertainty budget for measuring the magnetic moment has been compiled. Found the total uncertainty of measuring the magnetic moment. Extended uncertainty found.Публікація Formation of the competences of engineering students in the field of using the theory of measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment(2023) Moshchenko, I. O.; Nikitenko, О. М.The professional standards for students of engineering specialties within the framework of distance education require continual monitoring and updating of competencies, which must correspond to modern trends in the field of science and technology.Публікація Has a magnetron abnormal anode current?(2019) Нікітенко, О. М.In this article two model of crossed-field devices: magnetron and magnetron diode was described. For magnetron diode one equilibrium point was found and it is potential energy minimum. Therefore electrons that have lost kinetic energy move to potential minimum forming space charge. For magnetron two equilibrium points was found one of them is potential energy minimum and other is potential energy maximum. Therefore electrons that have lost kinetic energy move to potential minimum forming anode current. Thus magnetron has no abnormal anode current.Публікація Influence of construction parameters of crossed–field devices resonant structure on quality factors(Вебер, 2012) Chen, Xin; Nikitenko, O. M.Quality factors of magnetron resonant structure via geometrical parameters were analyzed. Using the oven magnetron as a base it was defined the influence of geometrical parameters on quality factors in particular neighbouring mode separation.Публікація LATEX в дiї. Рекомендацiї з використання видавничої системи LATEX(ХНУРЕ, 2018) Нікітенко, О. М.Описано роботу в настольній видавничій системі Latex. Наведено приклади створення анімаційних презентацій, побудови графіків, описано можливі помилкиПублікація Linearized Approach of Crossed–Field Devices(IEEE, Monterey, 2014) Korchakova, A. S.; Nikitenko, O. M.Публікація Maple: Розв’язання інженерних та наукових задач(ХНУРЕ, 2011) Нікітенко, О. М.Навчальний посібник присвячено математичному пакету Maple – найновішої системи символьної (аналітичної) математики. Розглянуто основні правила роботи в середовищі цього пакета, методи та засоби розв’язання задач з моделювання процесів вимірювання, графічним побудовам та математичній статистиці. Окремий розділ присвячено математичним моделям у наукових дослідженнях. Посібник побудовано на досвіді викладання автора. Наведено багато прикладів розв’язання задач. Посібник призначено для студентів, науково-технічних співробітників та викладачів вищих навчальних закладів.Публікація Measurement uncertainty evaluation at mass calibration(NNC Institute of metrology, 2020) Zakharov, I. P.; Botsiura, O. A.; Patsenko, O.Example of JCGM-S1 “Mass calibration” is analyzed, which describes the comparison in air of reference and calibrated weights having the same nominal mass. JCGM-S1 compares uncertainty evaluation procedures based on the GUM uncertainty framework and the Monte Carlo method. The article uses the procedure developed by the authors and consists in decomposing the measurement model into a Taylor series of the second order taking into account the kurtoses of the distributions of input quantities. To facilitate the calculations, the finite increment method is used. To find expanded uncertainty, the kurtosis method is used. Good agreement between the results obtained by the proposed method and the result obtained by the Monte Carlo method is shown.Публікація Measurement uncertainty evaluation by kurtosis method at calibration of electrical resistance standards using a comparator(NNC Institute of metrology, 2020) Zakharov, I. P.; Botsiura, O. A.; Semenikhin, V.Presented methods for calibrating electrical resistance standards are ana-lyzed. A model for calibration of electrical resistance measure with help of com-parator is considered. The procedure for measurement uncertainty evaluation based on the kurtosis method is described, and the uncertainty budget is com-piled. An example of measurement uncertainty evaluation at calibration of electri-cal resistance standard using a comparator is given. The coincidence of the ob-tained results with the results obtained using the Monte-Carlo method is shown.Публікація Measurement uncertainty evaluation by kurtosis method at micrometer calibration("Софттрейд", 2020) Zakharov, I. P.; Botsiura, O. A.; Tsybina, I.; Zakharov, O.The procedure for measurement uncertainty evaluation at micrometer calibration by the kurtosis method is considered. The measurement model as the deviation of the micrometer readings from the length of the reference gage block is recorded. The measurement model takes into account the corrections for the micrometer resolution to be calibrated, lack of flatness and departure from parallelism of its measuring faces, as well as for the temperature difference between the gage block and the calibrated micrometer. The input values and their standard uncertainties are estimated. The calculation of the combined standard uncertainty and expanded uncertainty is carried out taking into account the kurtosis of the input quantities. The report presents an uncertainty budget, which can serve as a basis for creating a software tool that facilitates calculations. The proposed procedure was validated by the Monte Carlo method, which showed that it is are adequate for an intended use.