Кафедра мікроелектроніки, електронних приладів та пристроїв (МЕЕПП)

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  • Публікація
    Optimizing data organization: a journey into sorted String tables
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Vashchenko, M.
    This article delves into the adoption of Sorted String Tables (SSTables) as a solution for efficient and organized data storage in modern information systems. It addresses the challenges posed by disorderly data arrangement and presents SSTables as a remedy, with a focus on key aspects such as key uniqueness and the compaction process. The advantages of SSTables, including streamlined data merging and two-level indexing, are underscored alongside strategies for risk minimization. Moreover, the article highlights the widespread adoption of SSTables in various data stores and distributed systems, advocating for further research to optimize performance and enhance data recovery mechanisms.
  • Публікація
    Сучасні підходи до тестування та якості програмного забезпечення
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Дем’яненко, М. С.
    In the contemporary tech environment, the critical role of software testing cannot be overstated. Its core purpose is to evaluate and enhance software quality, ensuring functionality, security, and ultimately user satisfaction, which in turn builds customer trust. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in software development heralds a new era, significantly boosting the efficiency and effectiveness of these processes. The integration of AI innovates the various phases of software testing, markedly improving the testing methodology and leading to the creation of superior software products.
  • Публікація
    Виведення алгоритма Ніколсона-Роса-Вейра
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Гапон, Н. Я.
    This work is devoted to analysis of Nicolson Ross Weir algorithm and derivation of expression for reflection coefficient through elements of scattering matrix. This derivation was important, because during the creation of an analytical model of a defect from signal flow graphs, we will try to use a similar derivation for the synthesis of formulas, otherwise we will take into account the uncertainty and make corrections to the calculations.
  • Публікація
    Детектори для промислової мультиенергетичної інтроскопії
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Гуржій, Є. В.
    Scanning cargo for security threats and contraband is paramount in modern transportation and border control systems. Among the array of detection technologies, introscopy stands out for its penetrating capability, offering insights into the composition of materials within cargo shipments. These technologies allow for detailed analysis of cargo contents, facilitating the differentiation between benign materials and potential risks. Yet, similar to the challenges faced achieving optimal performance requires addressing issues such as contact quality and trap-free junctions for accurate detection. In this paper, we address these challenges by proposing a novel approach: shadow image processing and analysis, identification of substances by effective atomic number, detector noise reduction.
  • Публікація
    Дослідження механічних впливів на мікроструктуровані оптичні волокна
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Туз, В. П.
    Today, there are a large number of fiber optic cables research methods and their elements for resistance to mechanical influences. But these methods have a number of disadvantages for their application in the microstructured optical fibers control. First of all, this is related to the complex geometric structure of microstructured optical fibers, as well as their specific optical characteristics.This work is devoted to the study of mechanical effects on the optical-geometric parameters of microstructured optical fibers.
  • Публікація
    Нанотехнології як основа ідей в stem-освіті
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Пятайкіна, М. І.
    The theses show the positive influx of the use of nanotechnology within the framework of STEM education into the formation of highly qualified and competitive faculties
  • Публікація
    Трансформація автомобільної архітектури
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Семенченко, Г. Е.
    Electric vehicle (EV) charging connectors are standardized and continue to change. On the one hand, connectors for charging electric vehicles are standardized based on the limitations of modern technologies, there are standards in the main regional markets. But current charging technologies have limited capacity, prompting a request to change the status of connector standardization for electric vehicle chargers, and liquid-cooled connectors are being considered for higher-capacity, faster-charging technologies
  • Публікація
    Мультимедійне забезпечення задач проектування систем дистанційного навчання
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Щербина, О. А.
    The work is devoted to study software tools that allow create multimedia educational systems, the most attractive of which is Camtasia Recorder and Sony Vegas Pro. The paper is concerned with functionality and capabilities of them. In detail describes the methodology example for creating multimedia educational systems and analyzes problems associated with this
  • Публікація
    Збереження ланцюга поставок компонентів
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Даценко, І. Р.
    For end manufacturers of electronic systems, the ability to control supply chains is very sensitive. With this in mind, many are considering the use of ASICs (special integrated circuits). One of the obvious advantages of ASICs is that they allow combining several existing blocks into one crystal and, taking into account the system architecture, reduce the number of passive components needed to complete the system.
  • Публікація
    Прогрес мініатюризації за допомогою HDI TECH
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Головко, В. Д.
    High Density Interconnection (HDI) PCB technology has been a major driver of progress in the electronics industry, providing the dense interconnections and complex circuitry required to push the limits of miniaturization and functionality. From consumer wearables to industrial, military, and aerospace systems, HDI PCB technology has enabled advanced heterogeneous 2.5D and 3D component packages that drive many of the smaller, faster, and more functional devices we use today.
  • Публікація
    Стандартизація роз’ємів зарядки електромобілів
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Борозняк, Д. С.
    Electric vehicle (EV) charging connectors are standardized and continue to change. On the one hand, connectors for charging electric vehicles are standardized based on the limitations of modern technologies, there are standards in the main regional markets. But current charging technologies have limited capacity, prompting a request to change the status of connector standardization for electric vehicle chargers, and liquid-cooled connectors are being considered for higher-capacity, faster-charging technologies.
  • Публікація
    Забезпечення стабільності кольору світлодіодів протягом терміну використання
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Лашко, Е. І.
    Analyzing the methods of ensuring the color stability of LEDs during their service life is an important topic, since LEDs are used in most indicators, such as displays, various indicating devices and LED lamps, replacing outdated incandescent lamps and other analogues. With time their color changes, resulting in incorrect color rendering. A change in the color of the light can also lead to a decrease in energy efficiency due to defects in the structure of the diode or its degradation. The work aims to identify the main factors leading to changes in the emission spectrum of modern light-emitting diodes, to study ways to solve the problem of LED degradation, to analyze existing methods for increasing the service life of such devices and to select the most optimal ones.
  • Публікація
    Нова версія аналогового симулятора SPICE
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Ришко, С. А.
    SPICE (Simulation Program with an Emphasis on Integrated Circuits) has long been the primary tool for engineers used to simulate analog circuits. However, with the increasing availability of simulation tools, many of which are open source or free to use, questions have arisen such as their ability to support the latest broadband devices. One notable limitation is that existing SPICE programs may not have the device equations required to correctly model SiC and GaN devices.
  • Публікація
    Вибір технології мережі IoT
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Пермякова, Д. О.
    The IoT network is a network of interconnected physical objects, embedded sensors, smart devices that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems Deploying a network, you should pay attention to the main factors related to the choice of the type of wireless network and IoT protocol technology based on the main criteria without human intervention.
  • Публікація
    Контролери заряду сонячних батарей
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Олексієнко, К. Р.
    Solar charge controllers can be of various types, including PWM and MPPT (Maximum Power Point). PWM controllers are used for simple systems and provide charge regulation by minimizing the voltage on the panel. MPPT controllers, on the other hand, make more efficient use of solar energy by finding the optimal point on the panel's power-voltage curve, which allows more energy to be obtained under variable lighting conditions.
  • Публікація
    Використання графену у фотодетекторах
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Кондрат, В. В.
    This report discusses the prospects of using graphene, a two-dimensional material with a hexagonal structure, in photodetectors. The main optical properties of graphene, types of photodetectors based on it, their operating principle and results of their experimental tests are described. The areas of practical application of graphene photodetectors and the prospects for the development of this technology are outlined.
  • Публікація
    Особливості будови автономних безперебійних джерел живлення по типу ecoflow
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Гарькавенко, П. О.
    This paper describes the construction of an autonomous uninterrupted power supply with pulse voltage conversion to improve efficiency. A fundamental block diagram for constructing the autonomous uninterrupted power supply is obtained through the utilization of modern component base. It is demonstrated that employing a few voltage converters at the input and output expands the ways of interaction with the uninterrupted power supply source.
  • Публікація
    Теорія та практичне використання концепції еквівалентних мереж
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Грабіщенко, Я. О.
    The paper considers the importance of early testing for electromagnetic interference in the development of electronic products with an emphasis on EU standards. It is proposed to use a flexible system of devices for testing conductive interferences in the early stages of development, reducing the risk of further partial modernization of the product. The work considers the use of a digital oscilloscope with the function of fast Fourier transformation for detecting obstacles. This method is presented as an efficient and standards-compliant solution for early electromagnetic interference analysis in product development.
  • Публікація
    Алгоритм голосового керування розумним будинком
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Cкиданенко, Я. С.
    This research investigates the development of voice control algorithms specifically designed for smart homes. The primary goal is to significantly improve both the user experience and security of these systems. By prioritizing local data processing, the research addresses the well-known drawbacks associated with relying on cloud-based solutions. This shift towards local processing not only enhances user privacy but also offers a customizable and transparent solution that can be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of each user
  • Публікація
    Визначення рекомбінаційних параметрів напівпровідників за допомогою неруйнівних методів
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Бабиченко, С. В.
    There are a large number of different methods aimed at ensuring control of various parameters of semiconductor structures. All of them are not universal and each has its limitations. At the same time, semiconductor materials and structures can be quite completely and qualitatively studied using non-destructive contactless resonator and waveguide microwave methods. Universal methods and equipment for microwave monitoring have been developed, which allow multi parameter monitoring. The creation of universal methods and tools for microwave diagnostics of semiconductor structures is an important area of research. These methods enhance the understanding of material properties, optimize manufacturing processes and improve the efficiency of semiconductor applications in various fields such as electronics, photonics and sensors