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  • Публікація
    Фізичні та психофізичні особливості відчуття кольору людиною
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Бедрата, Р. Р.; Трубчанінова, С. В.
    The purpose of our work is to study the physical properties of light. We will define the terminology and modern understanding of the nature of photons. The work will present historical facts and hypotheses, the interaction of light with environments, and what physical effect it has on objects in its path. We will analyze in detail the receivers of optical radiation, which include the human eye– the natural optical system, photoreceptors and photoreceptors with charge coupling, and also study some artificial light sources, such as incandescent lamps, gas discharge lamps, LEDs and lasers.
  • Публікація
    Використання екситонних спектрів для визначення ширини забороненої зони напівпровідника
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Ткаченко, А. М.
    In this work, we study the effect of excitons on the absorption spectra of solids. The study of exciton absorption spectra makes it possible to investigate the optical and structural properties of solids by a non-destructive method. The spectrum of the semiconductor Cs3Cu2I5 is studied in this work. Several exciton bands are observed in the absorption spectrum. The study of the spectral series of exciton bands allowed us to determine the width of the band gap of the compound, the exciton binding energy and its radius.
  • Публікація
    Near field communication(nfc) technology
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Tokhtamysh, M. S.
    Human communication has changed throughout history. Most methods of communication now use electromagnetic waves to carry information. One invention that revolutionized communication between devices was Near Field Communication (NFC), which uses a type of short-range radio wave. The work given offers a fundamental comprehension of the functioning of NFS technology. It also describes the differences in active and passive devices that participate in the data transfer process.
  • Публікація
    Гаус-гармата. Перспективи використання у мирних цілях
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Черних, В. Д.
    The operating principle of a Gaussian gun is considered. A list of serious disadvantages of this technology when used for military purposes is given. The possibilities of using Gaussian gun technology in astronautics, medicine, transport and scientific research are shown.
  • Публікація
    Фізичні основи процесів самовідновлення конденсаторів
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Черних, В. Д.
    The principle of operation of self-healing capacitors is shown. Examples of situations in which this ability can be realized are given. The advantages and disadvantages of self-healing capacitors are named. The characteristics and features of the capacitors self-healing process are considered.
  • Публікація
    Балістичні та крилаті ракети: способи наведення
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Стеблін, Є. О.
    The work examines existing navigation systems for ballistic and cruise missiles. The physical principles of operation of the inertial navigation system and the features of its use are described. Strategies to improve the accuracy of an inertial navigation system through integration with systems such as GPS or radar systems are shown.
  • Публікація
    Комп’ютерне моделювання та візуалізація плазмових коливань при генерації плазмонів в моделі холодної плазми методом particle-in-cell
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Тертишний, К. А.
    In the work it has been shown, that the most appropriate physical model to describe plasma oscillations at plasmon generation is the cold plasma model, where to obtain an expression for the plasma oscillation we use the standard fluid equations. Special attention in work paid to the use of the Particle-In-Cell method, with the help of which, simulation and visualization of plasma oscillations were carried out, using the software code MathCad.
  • Публікація
    Спектроскопічні методи дослідження твердих тіл
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Павленко, Ю. В.
    In this work, we have considered various optical methods for studying the properties of substances. We paid the most attention to transmission spectroscopy. This research method provides information about the structure of a substance, its composition, optical, electronic and molecular properties and is used in various fields of science and technology. The object of study is the compound CdI2. The transmission spectrum of a thin film of the substance was obtained and the dependence of the refractive index n of the selected compound on the wavelength was studied by the interference method.
  • Публікація
    Переваги використання перетворення фур’є для оптичної обробки інформації
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Славгородський, В. А.
    This report provides an in-depth exploration of the fundamental principles underlying optical recording and information processing, emphasizing the pivotal role of optical technologies in these domains. It delves into the various advantages offered by optical technologies and highlights the Fourier transform as a key method of implementation. The report elucidates the operational principles of the Fourier transform, providing a comprehensive understanding of its mathematical foundations. Additionally, practical applications of these technologies are delineated, schematic representation illustrating the conversion of optical signals through a positive lens is given.
  • Публікація
    Лазерний освітлювач для наукових оптичних приладів
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Смехов, І. В.
    The use of artificial lighting in modern scientific instruments to obtain photos or clips that can best demonstrate states or processes in any real conditions requires the use of powerful universal light sources. The paper proposes one method of using lasers as the main illuminator element for a microscope in complex conditions when the light power of standard devices is insufficient. The use of an additional device capable of bypassing the complexities associated with the coherence of laser beams is considered. The experience gained in experiments is presented.
  • Публікація
    Вплив шуму на стан здоров’я людини
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Крещук, М. О.
    The text discusses the topic of noise and its impact on human health. It explains that noise is a component of the environment and has different sources. Different noise frequencies have their own special impact on human health, both positive and negative. The article reviews the research of scientists in this area and provides recommendations for minimizing the negative impact of noise on human health.
  • Публікація
    Сучасні методи дослідження геокосмосу в Україні
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Леонова, А. О.
    Ukraine belongs to the space nations of the planet - both in terms of the level of theoretical achievements in the field, and in terms of the results of practical tests of its developments. Geospace, which describes the relationship between the Earth and space, is also developing in Ukraine. Significant variations of the geomagnetic field, flows of energy particles cause not only powerful induction phenomena in industrial structures, but also lead to changes in the state of the vascular and central nervous systems of a person. That is why research, monitoring and forecasting of the occurrence and course of various processes in the geospace have important practical significance for many branches of society's life.
  • Публікація
    Physical principles of the computer mouse
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Melnyk, A. O.
    Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Department of Physics Kharkiv, Ukraine e-mail: anastasiia.melnyk@nure.ua. Now computers are used in a lot of types of human work. To make the interaction with computers user-friendly it was developed new type of user interface, called GUI (Graphical User Interface). However, they have to create new devices to interact with the new type of user interface. This work is devoted to the study of the physical operation principles of a ball-style computer mouse, (this type isn’t used nowadays), and an optical mouse (which we are using every day). Thanks to the mouse, we can control the cursor and execute some commands by using the buttons on the corpus.
  • Публікація
    Методи оцінювання фрактальних розмірностей
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Жезлова, А. С.
    This work is devoted to the study of various methods and approaches to the estimation of fractal dimensions, which play an important role in determining the complexity and structure of objects in physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, medicine, electronics, materials science, signal and image processing, computer networks, and many others. The report analyzes several methods of calculating these dimensions. A description and explanation of the principle of operation is provided for each of them.
  • Публікація
    Безпровідна передача електроенергії за допомою мікрохвильового випромінювання
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Карпович, Б. О.
    The advantages of wireless energy transmission compared to wired ones are given. The principles of operation of inductive and microwave methods of wireless energy transmission are shown. Existing implementations of wireless energy transfer technology and modern problems faced by this technology are considered. Perspective for development and directions for the use of wireless energy transmission technologies are reviewed.
  • Публікація
    Тепловий контроль з використанням методу теплової хвили об’єктів з регулярною структурою
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Вяліна, А. В.
    A theoretical basis is given for the possibility of stagnation using the thermal cooling method for thermal control. The advantages of using the method for objects with a periodic structure have been introduced. The results of computer modeling of the control procedure were compiled. We propose to use a universal relative parameter. It corresponds to the virtual heat transfer coefficient at a predeter-mined depth of the metal layer. It illustrates the possible use of this parameter for various methods of thermal control.
  • Публікація
    Перспективне джерело екологічної енергії
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Александров, І. О.
    Simultaneous decision of some problems of ecology and receipt of endless electric energy source conditioned by successes of humanity with a receipt, maintenance and use of the guided thermonuclear reaction. Separate and incorporated efforts of leading countries are examined in this direction. The brought comparisons over of achievements at the use of different types construction of reactors at the level of the last year. It is marked that the tasks of long duration maintenance of nuclear reaction are possible only by means of artificial intelligence.
  • Публікація
    Використання технологій оптичного запису в медицині та вивчені неврології
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Алпатов, Ф. В.
    This work examines the use of optical recording technologies in medicine. The use of optical recording technologies in neurobiology and neurophysiology, the basic principles and types of optical technologies used are considered. Advantages of optical technologies over other technologies used in the study of electrical activity in the central nervous system. Methods of studying prepared samples in neurology. The use of photoacoustic or optoacoustic imaging in the detection of medical diagnoses. The basic principle of operation of the photoacoustic image is considered.
  • Публікація
    Принцип роботи пристроїв з енергонезалежною електричною пам’яттю
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Бураковська, М. С.
    This scientific work is devoted to studying the principle of devices with non volatile memory, which is an important aspect of modern electronics.Various technologies, such as memory based on electric charges, magnetoresistive memory, and phase change memory, are considered in terms of their operation and applications principles. The evolution of creating each type of memory is described. The work reveals advantages such as energy efficiency and high reliability, as well as analyzes the technical and economic challenges associated with the production and implementation of these technologies.
  • Публікація
    Комп’ютерне моделювання як один із сучасних методів дослідження геокосмосу
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Беда, С. І.; Уколов, Д. В.
    The study of geospace occupies a prominent place among the development of modem science nowadays. The Earth's electromagnetism is responsible for the emergence and preservation of geophysical laws, climatic and biospheric transformations, and geospace actually describes a special mechanism of interaction of the Earth's own magnetic field with the external cosmic electromagnetic environment, with the help of which the gas-plasma shells of the Earth were formed. The work describes some methods of geospace research, in particular, the usage of robotic devices and the samples from the surfaces of other planets.