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  • Публікація
    Комп’ютерне моделювання як один із сучасних методів дослідження геокосмосу
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Беда, С. І.; Уколов, Д. В.
    The study of geospace occupies a prominent place among the development of modem science nowadays. The Earth's electromagnetism is responsible for the emergence and preservation of geophysical laws, climatic and biospheric transformations, and geospace actually describes a special mechanism of interaction of the Earth's own magnetic field with the external cosmic electromagnetic environment, with the help of which the gas-plasma shells of the Earth were formed. The work describes some methods of geospace research, in particular, the usage of robotic devices and the samples from the surfaces of other planets.
  • Публікація
    Мультифрактальний аналіз модельних фрактальних і мультифрактальних сигналів
    (ХНУРЕ, 2022) Лазоренко, О. В.; Онищенко, А. А.; Чорногор, Л. Ф.
    Одним із актуальних напрямків сучасної фрактальної радіофізики є мультифрактальний аналіз сигналів і процесів різного походження. Запропоновано набір детермінованих і стохастичних моделей монофрактальних і мультифрактальних сигналів і процесів у часовій області. Введено нові мультифрактальні характеристики сигналів, а саме – коефіцієнт асиметрії функції мультифрактального спектру, показник відносної ширини мультифрактального спектру та розмірність носія мультифракталу, на прикладах продемонстровано необхідність їх використання. Із використанням методів Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima та Multi-Fractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis проведено докладний мультифрактальний аналіз модельних сигналів. Встановлено особливості мультифрактального аналізу монофрактальних, мультифрактальних і нефрактальних сигналів, сформульовано відповідні рекомендації для практиків. Розроблено зручні формати представлення результатів аналізу. Встановлено, що під час переходу мультифрактального сигналу до монофрактального режиму функція мультифрактального спектру фізичного фрактала не колапсує у точку, як це має відбуватися у теорії для математичного фрактала. Запропоновано порогові значення мультифрактальних характеристик, що є індикаторами появи монофрактального режиму. Продемонстровано, що мультифрактальний аналіз нефрактальних сигналів призводить до появи мультифрактальних спектрів із аномальними значеннями мультифрактальних характеристик. Метод коригуючої функції модифіковано для методів мультифрактального аналізу сигналів і процесів. Доведено, що його застосування дозволило знизити відхилення отримуваної оцінки узагальненого показника Херста від істинної відомої величини показника Гьольдера аналізованого сигналу з 5 – 90 % до 3 – 8 %.
  • Публікація
    Соціальні інновації та їх розвиток у провідних країнах світу, зокрема у країнах ЄС
    (ХНУРЭ, 2015) Черненко, С. М.; Стороженко, О. В.
    Are summarized in the article EU’ modern approaches to encourage social innovation and accelerate economic convergence of the participating countries.
  • Публікація
    Оптичний запис та обробка інформації: технології та використання
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Дрогіна, О. Л.
    This work is devoted to the investigation of the physical foundations of optical recording and information processing. The history of the creation of optical recording and information processing technology is presented. The foundation of the optical recording of information is studied. The most important parameters of the optical recording medium are highlighted. A number of environments of different classes that allow performing reversible optical recording are given. The functional scheme of recording and processing optical information in the most general form is given. Modem technologies of optical recording are studied.
  • Публікація
    Технологія APC в супутниках Starlink
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Артюх, B. C.
    The Adaptive Phase Correction (APC) technology used in the Starlink satellite internet system is shown. How APC uses artificial intelligence algorithms to automatically adjust the phase synchronization between the satellite and the terminal is considered. The importance of a fast and reliable Internet connection and how APC helps to achieve this are presented.
  • Публікація
    Застосування фрактального аналізу в медичній фізиці: вивчення структури тканин, діагностика хвороб та аналіз сигналів
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Косовцов, Д. І.
    This science work delves into the applications of fractal analysis in medical physics, with an emphasis on tissue structure analysis, disease diagnosis, and signal analysis. This work aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of fractal analysis in understanding the complex nature of biological systems and its potential to revolutionize the field of medical diagnostics and patient monitoring. The study examines tissue samples and explores the identification of pathological changes by analyzing their fractal dimensions; fractal analysis techniques to medical signals, such as electrocardiograms. This approach aids in detecting irregular patterns and anomalies, providing a deeper understanding of the physiological processes associated with various medical conditions
  • Публікація
    Плазмонний нанолазер: фізичні принципи роботи та галузі використання
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Логінова, А. О.
    In recent years, a lot of research has focused on the development of new ultra-small lasers. The greatest progress has been made in the development of semiconductor lasers. A fundamentally new approach in miniaturization of lasers is the use of plasmonic fields instead of photonic fields. In contrast to photonic fields, plasmonic fields allow localization of light in sizes smaller than the diffraction limit of radiation, which in turn allows overcoming the diffraction limitation of reducing the laser dimensions down to several nanometers. The work discusses the basic physical principles of laser radiation generation using plasmonic fields, discusses the structure and characteristics of several types of plasmonic nanolasers, as well as their possible applications
  • Публікація
    The role of artificial intelligence in the production processes of radio electronic devices
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Виноградська, В. Г.
    The production of radio electronic devices is a complex process that involves several physical processes that must be optimized to ensure efficient and reliable device performance. In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool in optimizing these processes. By utilizing AI algorithms, designers and manufacturers can simulate, analyze, and optimize different aspects of device design and production, including electromagnetic simulations, quantum mechanics, statistical analysis, thermal management, and material selection. This article will explore the role of AI in the production processes of radio electronic devices and its impact on the industry
  • Публікація
    Фізичні основи квантового комп’ютера
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Книш, А. О.
    This work will describe such physical foundations of a quantum computer as: superposition principle, quantum entanglement, quantum téléportation, interference; describes the advantages and differences of a quantum computer over a classical one, its prospects and areas of application, phenomena that complicate the process of its development and reduce its productivity, as well as ways to overcome them.
  • Публікація
    Квантовий комп’ютер
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Дорофеєв, Д. О.
    The work is devoted to the presentation of the principles of operation of quantum computers and their elements. Proposals for the implementation of quantum computers and their impact on the modem world are considered. The state of development of the device and related technologies at this stage is evaluated. At the same time, information is provided about some features of the process of data transmission, storage and processing between quantum units of the amount of information.
  • Публікація
    Оптичний пінцет : фізичні принципи його роботи та галузі використання
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Михайленко, Я. Р.
    This work is devoted to the study of the physical operation principles of the optical instrument called optical tweezers, which allows to manipulate microscopic objects by means of laser light. The paper discusses the background to the emergence of optical tweezers, the physical principles on which their operation is based and the main types of optical traps used in such instruments. In addition, the main fields of application of optical tweezers are shown, as well as the prospects for their development.
  • Публікація
    Розвиток принципів побудови тримірних динамічних голограм
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Кащеєв, В. А.
    Advances in the principles of constructing three-dimensional dynamic holograms is shown. Development of techniques for building 3D dynamic holograms and progress in the principles of creating dynamic 3D holograms are presented. Evolving principles for the construction of 3D dynamic holograms is reviewed.
  • Публікація
    Фізичні основи обробки та фільтрації сигналів
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Котенко, К. О.
    Signal processing and filtering techniques are essential components of radio electronics and instrumentation systems. Signal processing involves the manipulation of signals to extract useful information or improve their quality, while filtering is used to remove unwanted noise from signals and improve their quality. Sampling, quantization, and digital signal processing are the basic principles of signal processing. Frequency domain analysis, transfer functions, and filter design are the basic principles of filtering. Signal processing and filtering techniques are used in various applications, including wireless communication systems, audio and video processing, medical imaging systems, and control systems.
  • Публікація
    Застосування волоконної оптики у техніці
    (ХНУРЕ, 2022) Іванько, І. К.
    One of the main values nowadays is an information. The next values are transmission speed and quality. And optical fiber fits to all this criterias. The purpose of this article is to summarize human knowledge, skills and discoveries in the field in fiber optics. This will show its distribution and the human need of optical fiber. You can also learn about the device and principle of operation of a modern laser. Go through its history and discover a new ways of using laser in everyday activity and in high technology.
  • Публікація
    Аналіз пневматичної потужності при диханні людини
    (ХНУРЕ, 2022) Аврунін, О. О.
    The possibilities of estimating the pneumatic power during breathing are considered. The comparison of energy characteristics during nasal and oral breathing is described. Own research - rhinomanometry and spirometry was carried out using a device for testing nasal breathing. The rationale for the use of nasal dilators for cardio loads is being carried out.
  • Публікація
    Spectral Features of a Multi-Periodical Metamaterials
    (2019) Girich, A.; Kharchenko, A.; Tarapov, S.
    We numerically investigate the spectral properties of multi-periodic metamaterials of various configurations (the planar double-periodic photonic crystal and the bulk double-periodic magnetophotonic crystal) in the frequency range 15-45 GHz. In the first part of this paper we describe investigation of structure of the planar double periodic photonic crystal (PDPPC) which consists of two planar photonic crystals with large and small periods. A PDPPC unit cell consists of a series-connected narrow and wide segments of a microstrip transmission line. In the second part of this paper we will discuss results of investigation of a double-periodic magnetophotonic crystal (DPMPC) which consists of 3 unit cells. Each cell consists of periodically located 9 dielectric layers of quartz and teflon. On the border of the cell there is one layer of ferrite. We showed that both for a PDPPC and for a DPMPC in the transmission spectrum of these structures under study, a number of features arise: namely, narrow transmission peaks caused by the superposition of two spectra (with large and small periods) are observed in the stop bands of the spectrum. Such features may further allow the creation of a narrow-band filter for several frequencies for both planar structures and bulk ones.
  • Публікація
    Точечная коррекция рассеянного светового поля плоской решетки диэктрических резонансных наносфер
    (ХНУРЭ, 2012) Гвинджилия, Г. Г.
    Solutions of the problem on electromagnetic waves scattering on a flat grate of resonant spheres were considered
  • Публікація
    Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of titanium oxide nanocrystals
    (2022) Maksimchuk, P.; Hubenko, K.; Seminko, V.; Onishchenko, A.; Bespalova, I.; Onishchenko, A.; Prokopiuk, V.; Tkachenko, A.; Yefimova, S.
  • Публікація
    Reactive Oxygen Species Scavenging by Small Gadolinium-Yttrium Orthovanadate Nanocrystals
    (2022) Maksimchuk, P.; Hubenko, K.; Seminko, V.; Onishchenko, A.; Aslanov, A.; Klochkov, V.
    Oxidative stress induced by reactive oxygen species (hydrogen peroxide, superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical etc.) is the key factor in developing a variety of pathological conditions including diabetes, asthma, atherosclerosis, hypertension mellitus and cancer. To prevent or reduce the cell damages caused by reactive oxygen species, natural or synthetic molecules named antioxidants are commonly used. Recently, various inorganic nanomaterials, such as CeO2, Mn3O4, Co3O4 and Fe3O4 nanocrystals, have attracted growing interest as nano-antioxidants with reactive oxygen species regulating ability. Here, we report on high antioxidant behavior of small gadolinium-yttrium orthovanadate nanocrystals revealed by spectroscopic methods using various reactive oxygen species sensors, and propose the mechanism describing their reactive oxygen species scavenging action. It has been found that in 2 nm gadolinium-yttrium orthovanadate nanocrystals more than 60% vanadium ions are presented in lower V4+ and V3+ oxidation states. Switching between V3+↔V4+ and V4+↔V5+ oxidation states allow gadolinium-yttrium orthovanadate nanocrystals to react with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and superoxide anion (O2 •-) in enzyme-like manner and neutralize hydroxyl radical (•OH), and peroxyl radicals (ROO•), as well. The obtained data and proposed mechanism of gadoliniumyttrium orthovanadate nanocrystals antioxidant action can explain the non-trivial anti-aging and radioprotective effects of gadolinium-yttrium orthovanadate nanocrystals observed earlier in vivo.
  • Публікація
    Hydroxyl radicals scavenging by small oxide | nanocrystals with variable valence ions
    (Nanocomposites and Nanomaterials, 2022) Maksimchuk, P.; Hubenko, K.; Seminko, V.; Onishchenko, A.; Bespalova, I.; Klochkov, V.; Yefimova, S.