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Публікація A method for determining the parameters of an optical system during the spatial scanning of a biological solution(2018) Rybalka, A. V.; Megel, Y. E.; Kalimanova, I. I.; Shlyakhov, V. V.; Kovalenko, S. I.; Kovalenko, S. N.In research, control of biological processes for determining the motility of microorganisms, (estimation of the impact of chemical compounds, electrophoretic mobility, evaluation of severity of pathology, etc.) using a scanning optoelectronic system as the most effective means of solving applied problems, it is necessary to determine the objects number in the optical system field of vision since the measurement accuracy of the solution concentration and the objects motion speed in the solution depend on their number. In the article a probabilistic method for estimation the number of objects and the number of frames during frame-by-frame filming for providing a given accuracy with a given probability is presented.Публікація Absorption Spectra of Thin Films Compounds in the PbCl-CuCl System(Eskisehir Technical University, 2021) Kovalenko, E. N.; Yunakova, O. N.; Yunakov, N. N.Публікація Absorption Spectrum of KPb2Br5 Thin Films.(Eskisehir Technical University, 2021) Kovalenko, E. N.; Yunakova, O. N.; Yunakov, N. N.Публікація Application of Thermography to Detect Areas of Water Infiltration in the Dam Concrete Foundation(2024) Miahkyi, O.; Meshkov, S.; Orel, R.; Storozhenko, V.This paper introduces a methodology devised for thermographic inspection of concrete technical condition inside concrete dams. Water infiltration into a dam accelerates the processes of concrete degradation, so temperature fields provide important information about the dynamics of these processes. As a result of the thermal imaging survey of the observation gallery at a historic hydraulic structure, a formalized pattern of the temperature field inside the dam was acquired and the locations of temperature anomalies associated with infiltration were identified. At the leakage points, the water temperature differed from the concrete temperature by 1.0–2.9 °C, indicating different rates of water flow through the water wall and the gallery ceiling. The temperature of the gallery areas with increased infiltration was 1–2 °C higher than the 12.7 °C selected as the reference temperature. When recording the temperature fields, the optical axis of the thermal imager was directed along the gallery, and not perpendicular to the surfaces under study, as in construction thermography. To this end, a methodological approach was devised to eliminate distortions of the resulting thermograms caused by the curvature of the gallery and other factors. To remove images of extraneous thermal radiation sources from the thermograms and accurately identify the area under study, a method of shielding a part of the image using special masks was used. The comparative thermography method made it possible to eliminate difficulties in determining the emissivity of the gallery concrete surface. The proposed method of comparative thermography made it possible to compare the intensity of filtration processes in the dam body and to link the current state of the hydraulic structure with the history of its restoration. In general, the thermographic method makes it possible to supplement existing primary natural control with a formalized pattern of temperature field inside the dam.Публікація Assessment of the effectiveness of laser-acoustic transformation(Technical University of Sofia, 2019) Rybalka, A. I.; Megel, Y. E.; Kalimanova, I.For some biotechnological technologies, there is a problem of separating living cells or destroying their membranes in order to obtain individual elements of the inner structure of the cell. This is usually done using microsurgical operations. In practice, the method of obtaining individual cell fragments without surgery using an acoustic wave is of interest. In this paper, a mathematical model and the results of modeling the process of the formation of an acoustic pressure wave in a liquid biological solution for the destruction of the membrane of a biological object is considered.Публікація Atomic Functions in Choi-Williams Analysis of the Ultrawideband Signals(2008) Lazorenko, O. V.Atomic functions (AF) and Kravchenko-Rvachev’s window functions based on them are proposed to be applied for the Choi-Williams analysis of the ultrawideband (UWB) signals. New class of the non-linear Choi-Williams-Rvachev transforms (ChWRT) is considered. The advantages and disadvantages of such transforms are discussed. The abilities of the ChWRT at the sample of the UWB signal model analysis are demonstrated.Публікація Automation of measurement of objects geometrical parameters(Технический университет - София - Технологии, 2017) Rybalka, A.; Megel, Y.; Kalimanova, I.; Kovalenko, S.; Kovalenko, S.The issues of automation of measurement of the basic physical and geometrical parameters of biological object and possibility to obtain quantitative characteristics by optical methods are considered in the article. The prospects of the method of pattern recognition to distinguish the contour of the object in order to increase descriptiveness and precision measurement are shown.Публікація Catalase-like hydrogen peroxide decomposition by GdVO4 :Eu3+ nanocrystals(2024) Maksimchuk, P.; Hubenko, K.; Onishchenko, A.; Seminko, V.; Yefimova, S.Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a member of the reactive oxygen species family and plays a critical role in numerous redox metabolism reactions and cellular processes. It is considered a key component in the homeostatic metabolism of cells, mediating various physiological processes. However, the Fenton reaction between H2 O2 and Fe2+ ions is a major cause of biomolecule oxidation reactions, leading to the formation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (•OH). Therefore, there is significant interest in preventive antioxidants that can react with H2O2 without generating free radicals like •OHПублікація Cattle breed identification and live weight evaluation the basis of machine learning and computer vision(Національний університет "Запорізька політехніка", 2020) Megel, Y. E.; Rudenko, O. G.; Bezsonov, O. O.; Rybalka, A. I.The problem of the cow’s live weight estimation is considered. A convolutional neural network based method for animal recognition and its breed identification in combination with epipolar geometry approach for object’s size measurement is proposed. Information regarding animal’s size and its breed is further used for LW estimation by multilayer perceptron based predictive model. This approach can be used to replace traditional methods of direct observation and measurement. The proposed system can be widely used in the management of a modern farm. Accuracy and performance of the proposed method has been tested with the participation of the experts.Публікація Choi-Williams Analysis of the Non-linear Ultrawideband Signals(2008) Chernogor, L. F.; Lazorenko, O. V.; Vishnivetskiy, O. V.Choi-Williams analysis application for the non-linear ultrawideband signal describing was proposed. The advantages and the peculiarities of Choi-Wiliiams transform were discussed. The non-linear ultrawideband signal models in time domain were given. The Choi-Williams analysis for the analysis of the non-linear ultrawideband signals was performed.Публікація Comparative analysis of models for short-term forecasting of electricity consumption(2024) Korablyov, M.; Kobzev, I.; Chubukin, O.; Antonov, D.; Polous, V.; Tkachuk, O.Forecasting electricity consumption is an urgent task, and the solution significantly affects the efficiency of the use of energy resources. The paper considers short-term forecasting of electricity consumption, which predicts the amount of energy that will be used in a short period, from several hours to several days in advance. There are various short-term forecasting models, so it is important to reasonably choose a model that provides analysis and effective forecasting of electricity consumption to optimize the use of energy resources. The purpose of the work is to analyze the main forecasting models, such as statistical models (autoregressive model, moving average, exponential smoothing, moving average with autoregression and integration) and deep learning models (artificial neural network, recurrent neural network, long short-term memory, transformer), indicating their advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the best of them. The experimental results of a comparative analysis of power consumption forecasting models are presented, which showed that the transformer model was 1.5% - 2% more effective in power consumption forecasting according to various metrics. Its higher level of accuracy, reflected in low error values and high coefficient of determination, indicates its high adaptability to the dynamics of electricity consumption.Публікація Detection of "Wall Thinning" Type Defects in Pipelines by Thermal Method(Eskisehir Technical University, 2019) Orel, R. P.; Meshkov, S. M.; Storozhenko, V. O.; Myagkiy, O. V.A thermophysical model of a pipe with a local defect of the “wall thinning” type is developed. Calculations of thermal anomalies for pipelines with different parameters of hidden defects are performed, illustrating the possibility of using the thermal method of nondestructive testing. The conditions and methods of thermal control of individual sections of pipelines are specified. Thermal imaging examination of steam pipelines of the main condensate of the nuclear power plant was carried out. External factors that make it difficult to detect hidden defects (the influence of external lighting, cylindrical shape of controlled objects, powerful external heat sources) are analyzed. It was found that cavitation phenomena significantly increase the temperature drop in the locations of local defects. The possibility of using the thermal method of nondestructive testing for rapid detection of hidden defects such as “wall thinning” in the pipelines of the main condensate has been confirmed experimentally.Публікація Digital analysis of the non-linear ultrawideband processes(2007) Chernogor, L. F.; Lazorenko, O. V.; Lazorenko, S. V.; Vishnivetsky, O. V.The continuous wavelet transform, the analytical wavelet transform, the digital wavelet transform and the Wigner transform are proposed to apply for the digital analysis of the non-linear ultrawideband processes. The advantages and the disadvantages of each transform being significant during that application are discussed. As the convincing example, the results of the analysis of the Earth’s magnetic field disturbances caused by the rocket “Proton” launch taken place 12 February 2000 at cosmodrome Baikonur (Kazakhstan) are considered.Публікація Dispersion of refractive index of thin films CdI2 and ZnI2(НТК “Інститут монокристалів” Національної академії наук України, 2010) Kovalenko, E. N.; Miloslavsky, V. K.; Yunakova, O. N.A dispersion of refractive index in thin films CdI2 and ZnI2 are measured in the interval of lengths waves 300-1000 nanometers, its processing with the help monooscillator model is in the good agreement with data of experiment. The optical inductivity of two compounds is determined by retrieved parameters of this model, this optical inductivity are utilised for the further analysis of excitons states in CdI2 and ZnI2, and, in particular, for determination of 1s excitons radius. The retrieved values аех are close to parameters of a unit cell of two compounds, that indicates a fitting of excitons in two compounds to excitons of intermediate electron - hole connectionПублікація Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposition on Luminescence and Microstructure of GdVO4:Eu3+ Redox-Active Nanocrystals(Institute of Electronics and Computer Sciences, 2024) Hubenko, K.; Maksimchuk, P.; Klochkov, V.; Onishchenko, A.; Yefimova, S.Публікація Effect of iodine impurity on the absorption spectrum and phase transitions in CsPbCl3 thin films(НТК “Інститут монокристалів” Національної академії наук України, 2018) Kovalenko, E. N.; Yunakova, O. N.; Yunakov, N. N.The absorption spectra of thin films of solid solutions CsPb(Cl1-xIx)3 0Публікація Effect of scattering on the transmission spectra of crystalline p-terphenil(Eskisehir Technical University, 2024) Kovalenko, O.; Yunakova, O.; Makovetskyi, Y.; Yunakov, M.Interest in studying the transmission spectra of crystalline p-terphenyl is due to the possibility of creating effective scintillators based on it. The samples of large volume or large area are used for this purpose. The transmission spectra of crystalline p-terphenyl samples with a thickness of 2 and 4 mm and a diameter of 18 mm are studied in this work.Публікація Electromagnetic lattice "invisibility" of the resonance cubic crystal made of magnetodielectric spheres(O. S. Popov Odesa National Academy of Telecommunications, 2013) Kozar, A. I.A solution and analysis of a problem on phenomenon of electromagnetic lattice "invisibility" og the limited resonance cubic crystal made of spheres are presented. The obtained results may be used when developing the devices wherein stealth technologies are employed.Публікація Electromagnetic lattice "invisibility" of the photon crystal made of magnetodielectric spheres in the form of octahedron(Eskisehir technical university, 2019) Kozar, A. I.Solution and analysis of a problem on electromagnetic lattice “invisibility” of the photon crystal made of magnetodielectric spheres in the form of octahedron with a cubic crystal lattice are presented.Публікація Electromagnetic lattice «invisibility» of the resonance cubic crystal made of magnetodielectric spheres(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Kozar, A. I.Solution and analysis of a problem on electromagnetic lattice «invisibility» of the resonance cubic crystal made of magnetodielectric spheres with a cubic crystal lattice are presented