A method for determining the parameters of an optical system during the spatial scanning of a biological solution

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Видання журналу


In research, control of biological processes for determining the motility of microorganisms, (estimation of the impact of chemical compounds, electrophoretic mobility, evaluation of severity of pathology, etc.) using a scanning optoelectronic system as the most effective means of solving applied problems, it is necessary to determine the objects number in the optical system field of vision since the measurement accuracy of the solution concentration and the objects motion speed in the solution depend on their number. In the article a probabilistic method for estimation the number of objects and the number of frames during frame-by-frame filming for providing a given accuracy with a given probability is presented.


Ключові слова

biological object, optoelectronic system, measurement, motility

Бібліографічний опис

A method for determining the parameters of an optical system during the spatial scanning of a biological solution / A. Rybalka, Y. E. Megel, I. I. Kalimanova, V. V. Shlyakhov, S. I. Kovalenko, S. N. Kovalenko // XXVIII Inter. Scien. Symp.: book of reports of MMA - 2018, 10-14 September, 2018. - P. 275-279.