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Публікація A New Technology of Bactericidal Processing of Koch’s Bacillus on the Basis of Pulsed Electromagnetic Radiation(2018) Chumakov, V. I.; Taranchuk, A.; Stetsiuk, V.; Stetsiuk, V.Публікація Analysis of models and optimization of information collection in wireless sensor networks(Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 2014) Галкін, П. В.У статті проаналізовані різні моделі збору інформації з бездротової сенсорної мережі, що існують на даний час. Аналіз показав, що вибір моделі встановлює обмеження застосування мережі. Пропонуються різні підходи, по яким можливо оптимізувати такий збір інформації. Встановлено, що гібридна модель збору інформації дозволяє об'єднати декілька моделей для рішення конкретної задачі роботи мережіПублікація Analysis of possibilities to use neural network for remote control of electronic devices(Technology audit and production reserves, 2018) Галкін, П. В.; Голіков, М. О.The object of research in the work is the systems of remote control of electronic devices. There are wired and wireless means of implementing a remote communication channel between the slave and control devices. Analysis of existing means of creating a communication channel, found a low value of the ratio of system flexibility and data transfer rate within the created network. One of the reasons for the low ratio is the use of modules as part of a system with a high minimum operating time. Such modules are modules for filtering and decoding the received signal at the receiver side, encoding and modulation at the transmitter side. Replacing these modules with one with a significantly lower time spent will significantly improve the value of the ratio of system flexibility and data transfer rate. The ability to create a module that will have the necessary properties of time spent on work, provides a neural network. The model of a remote control system obtained during the study has several advantages, in particular, the presence of a neural network, makes it possible to reduce the time spent and to improve the accuracy of the system during the entire system operation time. This is achieved thanks to the ability of the neural network to self-learning without human intervention and its ability to analyze any input signals with different background noise values. These properties allow the replacement of elements that do not allow to increase the rate of exchange for elements of the neural network that will perform the same functions with greater speed, reliability and accuracy. The data obtained during the work proves the expediency of integrating the elements of the neural network into the remote control systems of electronic devices. Also, possible places for the integration of a neural network into the remote control system of electronic equipment have been proposed, which will improve the stability, accuracy, speed of the system.Публікація Approaches to Designing a Wireless Sensor Network Node(2019) Buhrym, I.; Galkin, P.; Vynokurov, O.The object of the research is the hardware component for building a test platform for wireless sensor networks. The aim of the work is to develop a software and hardware test platform for wireless sensor networks. As a result of the analysis, the node structures, wireless sensor network modules, CC2530 peripherals were analyzed. A module based on the CC2530 PA was chosen as the hardware. Given to optimize the structure of the node for as one of approach to designing a wireless sensor network node. Also given report about difference in approach to designing nodes and uses areas.Публікація Approaches to Designing a Wireless Sensor Network Node for IoT Solution(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Sukov, A. ; Zayanchukovsky, A. ; Olizarenko, V. ; Galkin, P.The object of the research is the hardware component for building a test platform for wireless sensor networks. The aim of the work is to develop a software and hardware test platform for wireless sensor networks. As a result of the analysis, the node structures, wireless sensor network modules, CC2530 peripherals were analyzed. A module based on the CC2530 PA was chosen as the hardware. Given to optimize the structure of the node for as one of approach to designing a wireless sensor network node. Also given report about difference in approach to designing nodes and uses areas. All developments will receive life in the educational process of the department. Sample production is already underway.Публікація Calculation of the induction magnetometric transduser as pulse current meter and experimental measurement of pulse current and voltage in an acceleration system(International Scientific Unity, 2025) Романчук, В. С.; Чумаков, В. І.; Меняйло, О. Д.These scientific materials contains information on the basic theoretical provisions of the induction magnetometric transducer (IMT, Rogowski coil), namely its presentation, operating principle, calculation formulas for its main parameters, analysis of the IMT circuit with an integrator [1 – 4]. Also, it contains information on the combined voltage divider, its types, purpose, composition, basic calculation formulas. Also, it contains the stages of obtaining formulas for calculating the elements of the following circuits: voltage, impedance, division ratio.Публікація Coaxial aperture sensor for assessing the state of biologica objects(2018) Panchenko, A. Yu.; Slipchenko, N. I.; Zaichenko, O. B.; Bondarenko, I. N.Water is the main substance that makes living organisms. The state of any bioobject is characterized by the total amount of water in it and its distribution. In biological matter, water can be in two states, in the form of free water and water, associated with its macromolecules. The distribution of free water and water associated with molecules of biological matter determines its state. Therefore, the task of rapid assessment of water distribution is topical. The water molecule has a low mass and in the free state the molecules have a high relaxation frequency, which lies in the microwave range. The dipole moment of water has a high value. Therefore, at frequencies below the relaxation frequency, water has a high value of the dielectric constant. In the bound state, its electrophysical properties of water depend on the properties of the macromolecule in which it is embedded. Therefore, microwave methods and electrodynamic measurement sensors are effective means of operative measurements. They have a high speed, simple measurement procedure, do not require special preparation of samples, they allow performing non-destructive testing. Therefore, under certain conditions, they have advantages over other methods. However, the problems of using electrodynamic methods are caused by the indirect nature of the data obtained and the rather complicated process of determining the transfer function of the microwave sensor. The report presents a scheme of the microwave sensor, in which the generatrix coincides with the coordinate surfaces. For such a scheme, you can create a rigorous analytical model. Solving the task of describing fields in the working area of such a sensor allows determining the transfer function of the sensor. The presented scheme allows a principled possibility of further development. For example, in the presence of a mathematical model of changes in the properties of a bioobject under external influence. This will allow a numerical evaluation of the sensor parameters at the theoretical preparation stage. Such an approach will significantly reduce time costs and reduce the cost of design, prototyping and experimental development of specific designs.Публікація Degradations of semicondactor devices under pulsed heat overloading(2000) Chumakov, V. I.The linear heat model of degradations of semiconductor devices under pulsed electric overloading has been constructed. Expressions for temporal depende ncies of the temperature under different forms of pulse of current are obtained.Публікація Development of a Telegram Bot for Receiving Data from OPC Servers(2021) Galkin, P.; Khmelik, O.It is important to develop programming of the embedded control system which allows the real-time system to change and actually program the built-in control system based on the PLC. Chatbot is a computer program developed on the basis of neural networks and machine learning technologies, which can be used to communicate in audio or text format , but chatbot can also be used to program embedded systems without changing the PLC program itself. The purpose of the work is to develop a chatbot in the Telegram service, which can be used to obtain information from embedded systems based on the OPC server and send the necessary information at the request of the user.Публікація Development of Testbenches Base on STM32 and CC253X Microcontrollers(2022) Galkin, P.The purpose of the development is to create a test layout on the STM32 microcontroller and СС253Х expansion module. Performing this work had to consider the following steps: analysis of similar devices and expansion modules; develop the spatial structure of the device and its layout; develop the design of the printing module; conduct testing; integrate the test layout and expansion module.Публікація Development of the Testbench Base on STM32 Microcontroller and Expansion Module(2021) Galkin, P.; Kuznetsov, M.; Litvinenko, T.The purpose of the development is to create a test layout on the STM32 microcontroller F103C8 series and expansion module. Performing this work had to consider the following steps: analysis of similar devices and expansion modules; develop the spatial structure of the device and its layout; develop the design of the printing module; conduct testing; integrate the test layout and expansion module.Публікація Dielectric parameters measurement with the aid of microwave multimeter(2017) Miroshnyk, A. M.; Zaichenko, O. B.; Rozhnova, T. G.Multiprobe microwave multimeters allow to measure dielectric permittivity of materials along with power, complex reflection coefficient and wavelenght, being universal devices. A method proposed for determining the permittivity of materials on the basis of the mode in the form of an integral equation that is distinguished by the use of the dyadic Green's function as the kernel of the integral equation, with the simplification by variational principles to obtain engineering formulas for calculation measurement uncertainty.Публікація Diy духовой midi контроллер(ХНУРЭ, 2019) Гусак, А. А.The purpose of this work is to develop a wind MIDI controller that could be connected to a PC via USB or using a wireless network.Публікація Electrical Exploding Wires as the Source of Nanoparticles(Sciencepublishinggroup, American Journal of Nanosciences, 2016) Chumakov, V. I.; Stolarchuk, O.; Ostrizhnoi, M.The results of experimental investigations of metal nanoparticles produce on the basis of the electric al exploding conductors effect for medical using are presented. Experimental equipment is designed. Analysis of copper nanoparticles biological activity was was carried out. Simplified model for calculating the current integral is showПублікація Estimation of characteristics of radiation of the powerful pulse broadband optical source(2008) Lonin, Yu. F.; Chumakov, V. I.; Ostrzhnoy, M. А.; Pososhenko, V. А.; Zarudniy, А. А.; Kоchina, М. L.; Volkolupov, Yu.Ya.; Sorokina, N. V.; Zvyagintsen, A. Yu.; Neezhmakov, К. Р.Results of investigation of character istics of the pulse power optical em itter based on magnetoplasmatic compressor are given. Dependence of an energy flux density of radiation on the energy put in the discharge, in approach a Planck radiation law is shown.Публікація Experimental investigation of pulse sterilization of viral infection(bioRxiv, 2020) Chumakov, V. I.; Ostryzhnyi, M.; Kharchenko, O.; Naumenko, K.; Zagorodnya, S.; Muraveinyk, V.; Tarasevich, A.The results of experimental investigations of the effect of high-intensity pulsed UV radiation on the influenza virus type A (H1N1) are presented. The research methodology is developed and the structure of the experiments is described. An end-face plasma accelerator was used as a radiation source, which provides a power pulsed discharge in an open atmosphere. The high efficiency of inactivation of the infectiousness of the virus was shown within a short period of time. The possibility of providing urgent 100% sterilization of a viral infection has been shown for the first time. A model for calculating the efficiency of pulse sterilization has been developed. The prospects for the application of pulse sterilization technology to combat coronavirus infection are considered.Публікація Explosion Magnetic Generator(2010) Chumakov, V. I.; Stoliarchuk, O. V.; Koniakhin, H. F.Комплексований вибухомагнітний генератор, що містить коаксіальний провідник із зовнішньою спіральною котушкою, вибухову речовину, детонатор, який встановлено на вибуховій речовині, зовнішнє джерело, навантаження й штир, який відрізняється тим, що він додатково оснащений другим співвісно встановленим коаксіальним провідником меншого діаметра, усередині якого розміщена спіральна котушка, причому вибухова речовина розташована в проміжку між коаксіально встановленими провідниками, зовнішня спіральна котушка виконана конічною зі зменшенням діаметра витків у бік тороїдального навантаження, а штирі закріплені у протилежних до навантаження торцях коаксіальних провідників.Публікація Flat-spiral Complex Magnetic Explosion Generator(2012) Chumakov, V. I.; Koniakhin, H. F.; Stoliarchuk, O. V.Пласкоспіральний комплексований вибухомагнітпий генератор, що містить лайнери, заповнені вибуховою речовиною, котушки, електродетонатори, установлені в зовнішніх кінцях вибухової речовини, який відрізняється тим, що пласкі котушки розташовані по обидві сторони U-подібних провідникових лайнерів, всі провідникові лайнери із парами прилежних з обох боків, пласких котушок з'єднані по черзі послідовно в електричний контур, до затисків якого підключається зовнішнє джерело живлення, і розміщені по радіусах окружності, причому провідниковій лайнер і пара прилежних пласких котушок утворюють окремий комплексований вибухомагнітний генератор, кількість яких становить парне число більше двох.Публікація Genertion UWB signal at energization of a helical antenna hige-current reb(2006) Chumakov, V. I.; Balakirev, V. A.; Gorban, A. M.; Egorov, A. M.; Kantemirov, A. V.; Lonin, Yu. F.In operation the possibility of generation of UWB signal was researched at excitement of a helical antenna by a high-current relativistic bundle of nanosecond duration. The experiments were conducted on a high-current relativistic accelerator REB "Темр-А" with parameters: Eb ~ 0,5 .1,0 МeV, Ib ~ 5 -10 кА, duration of a ~15nс., at the value of a leading edge ~ 1...2 nс. The calculation data of a helical antenna and parameters of a generated UWB signal are reducedПублікація Higher Order Propagation Modes Error and Its Compensation(2012) Zaichenko, O. B.; Klyuchnik, I. I.; Martynenko, L. G.The physical and mathematical and metrological model of higher order propagation modes in multiprobe microwave multimeter with three sensors was composed. The higher order propagation modes error estimation, which is proposed, minimizes error by shifting sensors from the middle of the waveguide broad wall to the periphery, without changing the distance between the sensors along the direction of energy propagation through the waveguide.