Публікація: Calculation of the induction magnetometric transduser as pulse current meter and experimental measurement of pulse current and voltage in an acceleration system
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ISSN журналу
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International Scientific Unity
These scientific materials contains information on the basic theoretical provisions of the induction magnetometric transducer (IMT, Rogowski coil), namely its presentation, operating principle, calculation formulas for its main parameters, analysis of the IMT circuit with an integrator [1 – 4]. Also, it contains information on the combined voltage divider, its types, purpose, composition, basic calculation formulas. Also, it contains the stages of obtaining formulas for calculating the elements of the following circuits: voltage, impedance, division ratio.
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Бібліографічний опис
Romanchuk V. Calculation of the induction magnetometric transduser as pulse current meter and experimental measurement of pulse current and voltage in an acceleration system / V. Romanchuk, V. Chumakov, O. Meniailo // Research in Science, Technology and Economics : 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference - 2025. - Issue №9. - pp 243-248. - DOI : https://doi.org/10.70286/isu-05.03.2025