Кафедра медіаінженерії та інформаційних радіоелектронних систем (МІРЕС)
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Публікація 2D-відстеження об’єктів у відеопослідовності(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Кошель, В. О.; Омельницкий, А. А.Visual tracking of objects is a complex task that the most modern algorithms strive for. Reliable results have only been achieved in simple settings or controlled conditions. There are many challenges that must be overcome to ensure the reliability, accuracy and stability of the results.Публікація 3D графіка та моделювання у розважальній індустрії(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Рябовол, А. О.The work is aimed at studying the impact and development of 3D graphics and modeling on the entertainment industry. Nowadays, almost every movie, TV series, game, and other types of entertainment contain many elements: sound design, production, special effects, and, of course, 3D graphics. 3D graphics has allowed the modern industry to create a universe of truly impressive images that become bestsellers in movie theaters, digital stores, etc. In this paper, we'll look at the development of this trend, where it is used now, besides entertainment engineering, and how it is done on the example of creating a character for a 2D project.Публікація BIM-проектування з використанням засобів ARCHICAD(ХНУРЕ, 2023) Рижкова, Є. М.; Козловець, С. О.; Боюка, М. Є.The application of the BIM concept consists in the creation of an information model of the building, therefore the main thing is the information itself. The main point in working with large volumes of information (or data) is their arrangement to ensure the possibility of machine processing. For example, the possibility of selection by any criterion for making changes or summarizing data to automatic tables. During the work, an architectural project was created according to the drawings. All stages of the design of the interior design of the residential premises were worked out, the necessary documentation was created using BIM technology for construction and design work. This project can be used as a design project for implementationПублікація Comparative analysis of pseudorandom number generation in the up‐to‐date wireless data communication(Институт радиофизики и электроники им. А. Я. Усикова, 2011) Tsekhmistro, R. I.; Kirichenko, L. O.; Krug, O. Y.; Storozhenko, A. W.The paper considers generation of pseudorandom number sequences derived by applyingrecurrent algorithm and chaotic reflections. The results of an operative implementation of these algorithms at the up‐to‐date microprocessor devices are presented. The generated sequenceshave been compared in terms of their compliance with the independence and evenness criteria.Публікація Enhanced drone detection algorithm with interpulseand intrapulse data analysis(ХНУРЕ, 2021) Pershyn, I. V.One of the urgent scientific and technical problems of our time is the development of methods and means of protecting various objects from the impact of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) which carry a significant potential threat to various areas of human activity. Significant technical capabilities, a wide range and relatively low cost of UAVs, in combination with the difficulties of their observation and control, are the main features of this problem.Публікація Motion capture – інший погляд на створення анімації(ХНУРЕ, 2023) Довбенко, А. Д.This work is devoted to motion capture technology and the history of its creation. This technology is used both in the field of cinema and in the world of games. Motion capture appeared at the end of the 20th century as a rotoscope and was used in the creation of Disney cartoons. Motion capture is a method of animating virtual characters and three-dimensional objects using orientation and position data provided by special measuring devices or systems. The main types of motion capture systems, disadvantages and advantages in comparison with blue and green screen are consideredПублікація Showreel як форма портфоліо моушн дизайнера(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Бутко, О. М.This paper focuses on the creation of a showreel as an effective representation of a portfolio, as well as the process and technology of creating a showreel, and the specifics of a showreel specifically for a fashion designer's portfolio. There are many ways to demonstrate your skills to employers and cli ents, and for the most part it depends on your profession. In the case of various designers, the showreel is considered one of the most professional and effective ways of presenting a portfolio. In this work I will demonstrate the whole technology of creating a showreel for motion designer in Adobe After Effects.Публікація Solving of sat – problems of artificial intelligence with the help of local elimination algorithms(Институт радиофизики и электроники им. А. Я. Усикова - научно-исследовательский институт Национальной академии наук Украины,, 2016) Miroshnik, M. A.; Tsekhmistro, R. I.; Demichev, А. IUsing elimination algorithms are promising for solving of the problem of propositional calculus testing. These problems are widely used in the practical checking of digital electron circuits of modern telecommunications. Based on the fuzzy logic, acyclic graph these algorithms provides a way for typical presentations of SAT-problems.Публікація Study of the method for assessing atmospheric turbulence by the envelope of sodar signals(2018) Sheiko, S.The method for measuring the intensity of atmospheric turbulence based on assessment of statistical characteristics of the sodar signal envelope was investigated. This method requires no changes to the sodar hardware, but rather gives the possibility to make fuller use of echo-signals in order to obtain meteorological information. Through theoretical analysis, it was shown that the echo-signal envelope is distributed by the Rice law. The parameter of the law of envelope distribution is unambiguously associated with intensity of atmospheric turbulence. Assuming standard stratification of the atmosphere, the values of the parameter of the law of envelope distribution for four classes of atmospheric turbulence according to the ICAO classification were calculated: weak, moderate, strong and storm. Convergence of the experimental law of distribution of the envelope of acoustic echo-signals to the theoretical law at different measurement time was studied. It was experimentally determined that the theoretical and experimental laws of distribution of the sodar signal envelope mismatch with probability of less than 5 % at measurement time from 10 to 30 minutes. The results of measurement using this method converge to a stationary value at measurement time of more than 10 min. The use of the examined method for assessment of atmospheric turbulence in addition to already used methods will make it possible to increase accuracy and time resolution of sodars. Досліджено метод оцінки атмосферної турбулентності за статистичними характеристиками обвідної сигналів содара. Показано, що обвідна ехо-сигналів розподілена по закону Райса, параметр закону розподілу пов'язаний з інтенсивністю турбулентності. Отримані значення параметра закону розподілу ехосигналів для турбулентності певних класів. Використання дослідженого методу додатково до вже застосованих дозволить збільшити точність і часове розрізнення содарів.Публікація The problem of simulation of microwave travelling wave process plant for drying timber(Институт радиофизики и электроники им. А. Я. Усикова - научно-исследовательский институт Национальной академии наук Украины,, 2011) Tsekhmistro, R. I.; Omarov, М. А.; Orekhova, S. D.Physical aspects of modeling of the electromagnetic field capacity distribution in the microwave chamber for wood drying submitted to the passage of the running wave are presented. Refinements of the available electromagnetic models which make it possible to remove existing shortages are given. The numerical analysis of the electromagnetic field capacity distribution in equidistant array of Hertz radiators is carried out. The analysis of the Hertz electric dipole electromagnetic phase characteristics is given for the conducting medium equivalent to the timber pile.Публікація Use of modern multimedia visualization technologies for the presentation of material in intellectual training systems(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Ovsiuchenko, D. Y.In this work, is investigated the definition of the concepts of "multimedia", "multimedia technology", "hypermedia". There are considered additional features that these technologies provide in the context of the issue under study. There are also given requirements and restrictions for the use of the technologies under consideration.Публікація Web-дизайн, як поєднання психології та мультимедіа(ХНУРЕ, 2022) Гречко, А. В.; Колендовська, М. М.This article discusses several basic concepts of psychology used in interface design and web resources. Brief examples of the use of these concepts are given. Visual cues, Gestalt principles, short-term memory, the concept of motivation, and the concept of examples are just a few examples of how psychology influences web resource design. Psychology helps in choosing fonts, color palette and creating a website framework. Drawing up a portrait of the user and testing the prototype also do not do without the basics of psychology. Describes why a skilled web designer and designer should learn today.Публікація Автоматизація обробки зображень для визначення психоемоційного стану людини(2018) Серьожин, І. І.; Кравченко, М. М.Since ancient times, color was a strong, yet nevertheless, elusive force that determines human behavior. A large number of experiments have been carried out, many articles have been written and it is well known that the colors surrounding us are one of the most important factors in establishing a society. In a modern, fast-moving, urbanized world with a huge stream of information, the rate of suicide and depression is critical, there is a sharpening of social contradictions that are caused by individual psycho-emotional inconsistencies of people.Публікація Автоматизированный стенд для оцифровки данных о метеорных исследованиях(ХНУРЭ, 2012) Шандренко, Р. В.In paper presents an automated device for converting data of meteor radiolocation observations from the film into digital format. The device created by the author of this work. Impossibility to use serial devices is shown. Hard and soft parts of an automated device are presented. Is shown high speed and accuracy of the device work.Публікація Авторегрессионные фильтры подавления помех в системах акустического зондирования атмосферы(ХНУРЭ, 2019) Карташов, В. М.; Тихонов, В. А.; Воронин, В. В.; Селезнев, И. С.Построены модели авторегрессии и проанализированы параметрические спектры акустических помех, имеющих место при работе систем акустического зондирования в условиях функционирования аэропорта. Особое внимание уделено синтезу авторегрессионных фильтров предсказания для подавления помех. Получены значения коэффициентов подавления авторегрессионными фильтрами предсказания акустических помех, создаваемых самолетами. The models of autoregression are built and parametric spectra of acoustic noise, which take place during the operation of acoustic sounding systems in conditions of airport operation, are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the synthesis of autoregressive prediction filters for interference suppression. The values of the suppression coefficients are obtained by autoregressive filters for predicting acoustic noise generated by airplanes.Публікація Адаптивное подавление помех в системах акустического зондирования(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Чернов, К. А.; Воронин, В. В.The spectrums of acoustic noise are investigational of the system of the acoustic sounding of atmosphere. The estimations of frequency of spectrum peak are found at adaptive suppression noise.Публікація Адаптивное подавление помех в системах акустического зондирования атмосферы вблизи заснеженной дороги(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Ашихмин, В. О.; Воронин, В. В.The questions of suppression of acoustic noise are investigational during work of system of the acoustic atmospheric sounding. The estimations of frequency of spectrum peak are found at adaptive suppression of noise from a moving on a road car.Публікація Адаптивный алгоритм сжатия изображений для создания пиксель-арта(2018) Телюх, О. И.Introduction of a content-adaptive image downscaling method for pixelart usage. The key idea is to optimize the shape and locations of the downsampling kernels to better align with local image features. Contentadaptive kernels are formed as a bilateral combination of two Gaussian kernels defined over space and color, respectively. This yields a continuum ranging from smoothing to edge/detail preserving kernels driven by image content. This is technically realized as an iterative maximum-likelihood optimization using a constrained variation of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. The main task of this algorithm is creating pixel art images from raster or vector graphics inputs, due to its ability to keep linear features sharp and connected.Публікація Адаптивный метод повышения помехозащищенности систем зондирования атмосферы(2020) Рыбников, Н. В.; Капуста, А. И.; Нестеров, М. А.The report shows that when constructing signal processing algorithms in sodars equipped with phased antenna arrays, it is advisable not only to form the distribution of zeros of radiation patterns in the directions to the sources of interference, but also to choose the radiation angles of the useful signal in order to minimize the interference power at the output of the array. The procedure for generating the interference power function at the output of the acoustic antenna array consists in forming the correlation matrix of the interference, its subsequent circulation, and the formation of the spatial spectrum of external acoustic interference on this basis. The directions of sounding the atmosphere will correspond with the directions in which the minimum values of the interference power at the output of the antenna array are observed.Публікація Акустичний вимірювач параметрів вітрових потоків в атмосферному прикорданному шарі(2018) Шапошнікова, О. О.The ungency of development. The principles of acoustic sounding. Formulas for calculating the components of the total wind speed vector in a Cartesian coordinate system are given. The analysis of the total measurement error is given. Is a structural diagram of an acoustic meter.