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  • Публікація
    Аналіз розвитку та еволюції дизайну
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Ракітін, О. В.
    Design in all its diversity is not only an aesthetic aspect, but also an essential element of functionality and user perception. In a world of constant change and technological advancement, the evolution of design is not only obvious, but necessary. Design evolution is an ongoing process that reflects needs, technological changes, and market demands. From a minimalist interface to sophisticated graphic design, design affects our daily lives and perception of the world around us. Understanding key trends, psychological aspects, the use of materials, the importance of user experience and the impact on marketing is essential to creating successful innovative products and brands.
  • Публікація
    Викорстання сучасних програмних засобів для створення фільмів з 3d елементами
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Леонов, Л. О.
    Today, technology is developing at an incredible speed, spilling over into all areas of our lives. One of these areas is cinematography, which is constantly using new technologies to create more realistic and sizzling films. Particularly appreciated is the use of 3D elements in films, which allows viewers to be more deeply immersed in the atmosphere on the screen. Thus, experiments with visual effects and advanced 3D technologies in cinema play a key role in gaining the respect of viewers and ensuring the success of films in the current entertainment market
  • Публікація
    Безпека мереж 5G
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Михайловський, Р. А.
    The report discusses the current threats to information security for 5G networks and the basics for ensuring their protection.
  • Публікація
    Аналіз розробки концепт арт персонажів у стилі Darkest Dungeon
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Чернюк, М. А.
    Working on characters in the style of Darkest Dungeon requires the artist to combine technical drawing skills with creativity and attention to detail. It is important to create characters that will be remembered by players and deeply fit into the atmosphere of the game. In general, working as a concept artist on a Darkest Dungeon-style game requires a talent for drawing and a flair for creating atmospheric artwork, as well as the ability to work in a team and interact with other members of the development team. This paper examines the steps to be taken in order to start working on the characters in such a project.
  • Публікація
    Аналіз створення музичного супроводу для комп'ютерної гри у стилі Darkest Dungeon
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Безчетніков, Р. А.
    The dark fantasy genre should have a combination of darkness, mystery, tension and epicness. Given the specifics of the genre, dark fantasy uses choirs, orchestral instruments, synthesizers, and special sound effects that convey the atmosphere of the game world very well. In addition to musical compositions, it is necessary to create atmospheric soundscapes that help enhance the mood of the game. It can be the noise of the forest, the creak of the gate, the whisper of spirits or any other sounds that create the impression of the real world. Also a plus is the voice accompaniment, which adds atmosphere and context to the events in the game.
  • Публікація
    Використання моушн дизайну в сучасному медіапросторі
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Масляк, І. В.
    The publication examines the importance of graphic design in today's world, where visual communication is a key element. Emphasis is placed on the role of motion design, which is becoming increasingly popular and important in various fields, from advertising to web design. Technical aspects, the creative process and the impact of motion design on the audience are explored. The practical part includes creating promotional video content using various motion design techniques. Analyzing the effectiveness and perception of the audience helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the created material. Thanks to the work done, a promo video with motion graphics was developed, which demonstrates the successful completion of the task and emphasizes the importance of motion design in the modern media environment.
  • Публікація
    Оптимізація 3d ассетів для підвищення продуктивності ігрових систем
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Науменко, Д. В.
    In the world of 3D gaming, optimizing 3D models is crucial to creating an immersive gaming experience. This involves balancing visual quality with game performance to ensure detailed environments and an enjoyable gameplay experience. Poor optimization can lead to slower gameplay and poor performance. The optimization process involves converting high-poly models into low-poly versions without losing important details. One method is retopology, where the location of vertices, edges, and faces of a high-poly model are mapped to a low poly model to preserve defining features while reducing the number of polygons. Baking is another technique that mimics the complex details of a high poly model into a low-poly model by using a normal map for surface details.
  • Публікація
    Методи ідентифікаціі БПЛА за акустичним випромінюванням
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Литвин, Д. М.
    In recent years, attention has been paid to the problem of detecting small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Due to their small size and low speed, they are often difficult to detect visually or using radar sensors. Therefore, detection and identification of UAVs by their acoustic emissions is relevant. Algorithms for identifying UAVs by acoustic radiation are considered. To minimize the shortcomings of the considered methods, it was proposed to use machine learning algorithms to create UAV detection and identification systems.
  • Публікація
    Галузі у яких використовуються 3d
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Удовиченко, К. О.
    3D-tekhnologії are widely used in the modern world in various fields, in cluding cinema, games, medicine, industry, education and advertising. They change the perception of reality and expand opportunities in many industries. In cinema, they are used to create impressive visual effects, in games - to create realistic immersive worlds. In medicine, they help create detailed organ models for training and surgery planning. In industry, they are used for rapid prototyping and optimization of production processes. In the field of education, they con tribute to the creation of interactive educational materials. For these purposes, various software products are used, such as AutoCAD, Blender, SolidWorks and many others.
  • Публікація
    Роль кольору та типографії в комунікації з читачем журналів
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Дорошенко, В. А.
    Colors and typography in magazine design influence the perception of information, evoke emotions, and define style, attracting and holding the reader's attention. Consistent use of colors enhances brand awareness, meets the diverse needs of the audience, and makes the magazine visually appealing and fashionable. Fonts influence the style, tone, and mood of a message, and their functional purpose and compositional fit are crucial. The correct use of typography increases the readability, attractiveness and effectiveness of the text. Therefore, color and typography are vital elements in magazine design.
  • Публікація
    Створення edit у after effects
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Шутєєв, Н. В.
    In this work we will work in the After Effects program. The program pro vides a wide range of tools for creating high-quality visual effects, animation and video editing. Suitable for both small projects and large film productions. It allows you to work with different video and audio formats, as well as integrate third-party plugins. After Effects is widely used in the industry and is considered the standard for creating visual effects and animation. Many employers value knowledge of this program among their employees.
  • Публікація
    Використання оптимального графічного програмного забезпечення при створенні відеоігор
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Пронін, О. О.
    This talk describes the importance of 3D modeling in our time and describes the sequence of creating a model in the gamedev pipeline. In today's world permeated by digital technology and visualization, 3D modeling is central to the tools that can transform and expand human creativity and engineering thought. With the development of computer graphics and computer technology, as well as with the expansion of the use of 3D technologies in various industries, from the gaming industry to medical modeling, issues related to the creation of three-dimensional models are becoming more and more relevant and in demand.
  • Публікація
    Відстеження камери у тривимірному просторі
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Шендрік, К. С.
    This work is devoted to video tracking, which is the implementation of computer 2D and 3D graphics into real footage to create a harmonious combination of virtual objects and live video. The technique is essential in the production of television commercials and visual effects, based on point tracking of objects and calculation of camera movement.
  • Публікація
    Аналіз методів використання 3d-анімації в кіноіндустрії
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Пабат, Д. Д.; Халезев, М. С.; Греков, Д. Ю.
    Mysterious, funny and tragic stories always captivate the viewer, but it is especially important what kind of tool this story is presented: exclusively text or audio, film or internet quest, visual novel and more. Underappreciated is the genre of interactive video and games with a variety of story choices and their consequences, most modern games concentrate on a linear method of presenting stories, sometimes neglecting the variety of wrong choices.
  • Публікація
    Техніки режисури музичних кліпів
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Бєлякова, Є. В.
    This work emphasizes on the importance of developing directing skills when creating video clips and explains the main stages of their creation. Each of these stages will proceed more efficiently when all work is clearly planned and approved. By following this plan, you can create high-quality content that will reach all your goals and bring the desired results.
  • Публікація
    Showreel як форма портфоліо моушн дизайнера
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Бутко, О. М.
    This paper focuses on the creation of a showreel as an effective representation of a portfolio, as well as the process and technology of creating a showreel, and the specifics of a showreel specifically for a fashion designer's portfolio. There are many ways to demonstrate your skills to employers and cli ents, and for the most part it depends on your profession. In the case of various designers, the showreel is considered one of the most professional and effective ways of presenting a portfolio. In this work I will demonstrate the whole technology of creating a showreel for motion designer in Adobe After Effects.
  • Публікація
    Музика як засіб самовираження сучасної молоді
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Ніколенко, А. В.
    In today's world, music plays an integral role in shaping the identity and expression of young people. It is not only a means of entertainment and developing cultural tastes, but also a powerful tool that allows young people to express their feelings, thoughts and experiences. Music becomes a channel through which they can express their uniqueness, express their feelings and share their views on the world.
  • Публікація
    Створення концепту гри «садао – храм гармонії»
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Базарна, П. А.
    In today's world, everyone wants to find their own island of peace and harmony. This game is about harmony, its search and where it is. The name of the game to be developed is "Sadao - Temple of Harmony". The target audience for this game is 14+. Let's consider how the game will be built.
  • Публікація
    Комунікація та зв'язок рою мобільних роботів
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Єременко, С. С.
    In the modern world, there is rapid advancement in technology, which stimulates innovation in the field of robotics. One of the main trends in the development of collective robotics is the continuous improvement of algorithms for coordinating the actions of robots in a group. This allows for increased efficiency in collaborative robot work and achieves more precise and faster results. Mobile robots are finding increasingly diverse applications: in performing tasks underwater, in aerial spaces, in terrestrial and underground conditions, in military purposes, and in everyday life. Communication and connectivity in a swarm of mobile robots are important aspects in the field of robotics and autonomous systems.
  • Публікація
    Проектування інтерфейсу веб-додатка у сфері FinTech
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Левченко, А. Д.
    This work focuses on the process and outcome of designing a FinTech web application. A well-designed interface can significantly enhance user experience, leading to increased adoption rates, customer satisfaction, and loyalty. For people keen on web development, UI/UX design, or financial technology, studying how to design interfaces for FinTech web apps provides useful knowledge and skills applicable in different work settings. Knowing the specific challenges and factors in this field helps individuals gain the expertise necessary to make significant contributions to the constantly changing FinTech sector, whether as designers, developers, or influential figures shaping the digital fi nance landscape.