Публікація: BIM-проектування з використанням засобів ARCHICAD
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The application of the BIM concept consists in the creation of an information model of the building, therefore the main thing is the information itself. The main point in working with large volumes of information (or data) is their arrangement to ensure the possibility of machine processing. For example, the possibility of selection by any criterion for making changes or summarizing data to automatic tables. During the work, an architectural project was created according to the drawings. All stages of the design of the interior design of the residential premises were worked out, the necessary documentation was created using BIM technology for construction and design work. This project can be used as a design project for implementation
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Рижкова Є. М. BIM-проектування з використанням засобів ARCHICAD / Є. М. Рижкова, С. О. Козловець, М. Є. Боюка // Радіоелектроніка та молодь у XXI столітті : тези доповідей 27-го Міжнародного молодіжного форуму, 10–12 травня 2023 р. – Харків : ХНУРЕ, 2023. – Т. 3. – С. 98–99.