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Публікація A Program for Analyzing the Structure of a Web site Development Using the Parsing Method Based on the Python(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Ahmad AlkhalailehThis article discusses the development of a program in Python to analyze the structure of a website using the parsing method. The work presents the developed algorithm for the program, describes the software and conducts experiments on web site parsing. The program's algorithm includes sending a GET request to a website, receiving and analyzing the HTML code of the page using the BeautifulSoup library. The find_all('a') method was used to analyze the website structure and extract link information. The obtained data was processed and displayed in a convenient format. It allows you to automate the process of analyzing the structure of a website, which can be useful for web developers, SEO specialists and web resource owners.Публікація Analysis of Systems for Coordination of Enterprise Subsystems Control(2024) Chala, O.; Maksymova, S.; Ahmad AlkhalailehAny automated production, at the current stage, must have systems or control modules that serve to coordinate the subsystems of the entire enterprise. Control in this case occurs through the use of separate modules responsible for monitoring each individual subprocess. Software modules are being developed for such processes, which combine monitoring and operational regulation under the processes, which allows to one degree or another to reduce the risk of damage or failure of all production links. Thus, the creation of a computer-integrated management system for coordinating the functioning of the subsystems of the enterprise is an urgent and timely task. This paper analyzes the basics of building a production subsystem control system. Algorithms for the operation of such systems are also considered.Публікація CAMShift Algorithm for Human Tracking in the Collaborative Robot Working Area(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Gurin, D.; Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Ahmad AlkhalailehThis article considers the complex implementation of the CAMShift algorithm for human tracking in the collaborative robot working area. he study covers both the algorithmic and mathematical underpinnings of CAMShift, detailing the underlying principles and mathematical models used to improve tracking accuracy. A Python program was developed in the PyCharm environment to effectively implement this algorithm, taking into account aspects such as real-time processing and integration with robotic systems. The research conducted a comprehensive assessment of the tracking speed, studied how effectively the algorithm works in different condition s and how it affects the overall sensitivity of the system. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAMShift algorithm in providing accurate and timely tracking, highlighting its suitability for dynamic and interactive environments. This work helps to optimize the performance of collaborative robots by improving tracking capabilities, enabling better interaction and safety in shared work areas.Публікація Development of a program for processing 3d models of objects in a collaborative robot workspace using an HD camera(2025) Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Ahmad Alkhalaileh; Gurin, D.This article presents the research of methods for program development for processing 3D models of objects in a collaborative robot workspace using an HD camera. The features of creating and processing a point cloud in real time under different lighting conditions and image refresh rates are considered, and the influence of these factors on the accuracy of object recognition is also assessed. The presented experimental results show the optimal settings to ensure stable operation of the system in various production conditions. The proposed method ology allows to increase the accuracy and speed of the manipulator operation due to improved visual processing of images and 3D models.Публікація Improvement of SUSAN Image Filtering Method for PCB Quality Inspection(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Ahmad AlkhalailehThis paper presents an improvement to the SUSAN image filtering method to improve the quality inspection accuracy of printed circuit boards (PCBs). The problems of traditional filtering methods are considered and improvements are proposed aimed at more effectively removing noise and increasing the reliability of defect detection. The experiments confirm that the modernized SUSAN method provides higher image quality, which is critical for computer vision systems in Industry 4.0. Application of the proposed approach helps reduce defect rates and optimize production processes, improving the overall productivity and reliability of PCB quality control.Публікація Lighting Control Module Development(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2023) Vizir, Y.; Chala, O.; Maksymova, S.; Ahmad AlkhalailehLighting control is an extremely pressing task in the modern world. On the one hand, poor lighting leads to reduced safety, including injuries and deaths. On the other hand, excessive lighting leads to excess energy waste, which should be avoided. This article describes the development of a lighting control module based on Arduino Mega. The article provides a selection of the necessary equipment, and a block diagram of the proposed device is also created. A 3D model of the device case was developed, and the case was also printed on a 3D printer. The assembly of the developed lighting control module is proposed.Публікація Lighting Control Module Software Development(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Vizir, Y.; Chala, O.; Maksymova, S.; Ahmad AlkhalailehThis article describes the development software for a lighting control module based on Arduino Mega. At first main requirements for such software development are considered. These requirements include the following : lighting monitoring ; determination of the normative level of illumination ; deviation warning ; lighting control. A client-server model was used. The client part is implemented in the form of a web interface, and the server part provides data storage and processing.Публікація Route constructing for a mobile robot based on the D-star algorithm(Technical science research in Uzbekistan, 2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Amer Abu-Jassar; Maksymova, S.; Ahmad AlkhalailehThis paper discusses the use of the D-star algorithm to construct an optimal route for a mobile robot in a space with obstacles. We present a mathematical description of the D-star algorithm operating principle, which is based on the idea of dynamic programming and step-by-step path cost updating. Based on this description, a Python program was developed that is capable of building a route for the robot, taking into account the situation around it. To test the efficiency and accuracy of the algorithm, a number of experiments were carried out on various test maps with different obstacle configurations. The results showed that the D-star algorithm demonstrates high efficiency and reliability in constructing the optimal route for a mobile robot under various conditions.Публікація The Lucas-Kanade method implementation for estimating the objects movement in the mobile robot’s workspace(2024) Maksymova, S.; Yevsieiev, V.; Ahmad AlkhalailehThis article presents the Lucas-Kanade method implementation for estimating the objects movement in the mobile robot’s workspace using the Python programming language. The Lucas-Kanade method is used to calculate optical flow from sequential images and allows the motion of objects to be estimated. The necessary mathematical expressions are considered. As part of the study, experiments were conducted with different lighting levels to evaluate the robotic ability of the method under changing lighting conditions.Публікація The Monitoring System Architecture Development(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Maksymova, S.; Yevsieiev, V.; Ahmad AlkhalailehTo implement the principles of the IoT concept, many production facilities must be re-equipped. Some of them must completely replace all existing equipment with new ones. This leads to significant costs. However, it is possible to develop external monitoring systems that, when connected to existing equipment, greatly expand the capabilities of the equipment. This allows you to modernize existing equipment and introduce IoT principles into production. In this article, the authors present the development of such a monitoring system for production.Публікація The Sobel algorithm implementation for detection an object contour in the mobile robot’s workspace in real time(Technical science research in Uzbekistan, 2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Ahmad AlkhalailehThis article is devoted to the Sobel algorithm implementation for detection an object contour in the mobile robot’s workspace in real time. Mathematical models of the algorithm functioning were examined in detail, and the developed program in Python in the PyCharm environment was subjected to a series of experiments. The experimental results indicate the outstanding performance of the algorithm, reaching 30.00 frames per second when processing a video stream. However, the contouring speed of 1.19 frames per second indicates potential performa nce challenges when working in dark conditions using artificial side lighting. The research results presented in the article highlight the effectiveness of the algorithm in real -time conditions and highlight the importance of taking into account lighting features when using it in mobile robots.Публікація The Triangulation Method Using for the Distance to the Object Measurement in a Collaborative Robot Workspace(SYNAPSES: Insights Across the Disciplines, 2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Gurin, D.; Ahmad AlkhalailehThe article examines the triangulation method for accurately measuring the distance to objects in a Collaborative Robot Workspace. The effectiveness of using HC SR04 ultrasonic sensors is analyzed, one of which has a blocked TRIG pin, which allows you to focus on receiving reflected signals to calculate the distance. The results of the experiments demonstrate the high accuracy of the measurements, as well as the speed of the system's response to changes in the position of the object. The importance of this approach for improving robotic systems within the concept of Industry 5.0 is highlighted.Публікація Web site reliability analysis using the python parsing method(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Gurin, D.; Maksymova, S.; Yevsieiev, V.; Ahmad AlkhalailehThis article discusses methods for analyzing the reliability of a Web site using the parsing method based on the Python language. A generalized reliability analysis algorithm is presented that allows you to assess the quality and stability of the functioning of a website. The algorithm is based on parsing structural elements of the page, such as HTML tags, links , text blocks, and analysis of their state and contents. To implement the algorithm, a Python program was developed that is capable of automatically analyzing a selected website and identifying potential problems. The experiment showed the effectiveness and accuracy of the developed approach, which allows it to be used for systematic monitoring and increasing the reliability of websites.