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  • Публікація
    Аналіз використання штучного інтелекту для генерації розкладу занять і харчування дітей в закладах дошкільної освіти
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Бондаренко, А. А.; Нестеренко, В. В.; Смєйко, Б. М.
    This research examines a software tool designed for preschools to manage children's daily schedule and nutrition. Through artificial intelligence, specifically GPT which is a generative AI technology, this system enables teachers to create schedules adjusted to the needs of preschool groups and eating patterns, ensuring they get the right schedule and eating habits. Parents can easily see their children’s daily activities and meals, making it easier to stay informed about their well-being. The main purpose is to use this AI software to make the management of daily activities and nutrition in preschools more efficient and tailored to physical needs, enhancing both educational and health outcomes.
  • Публікація
    Eventify: інноваційний підхід до організації та пошуку заходів з використанням ШІ
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Сафошин, В. В.; Хамінов, І. О.; Дегтяр, В. Е.
    In an era of rapid cultural evolution, the challenge of effectively organizing and selecting events that cater to individual preferences has become paramount. "Eventify" revolutionizes event organization in the digital age by leveraging artificial intelligence to tailor cultural event recommendations to individual preferences. This platform not only makes finding events effortless but also signifies a new chapter in personalized cultural experiences, ensuring users are matched with events that resonate with their interests.
  • Публікація
    Дослідження використання платформи штучного інтелекту для аналізу радіосигналів безпілотних систем та засобів їх придушення
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Маковецький, С. О.; Лещинський, В. О.
    This work proposes an architectural model of a system for analyzing radio signals of unmanned systems (UAS) and means of their suppression, which uses an artificial intelligence (AI) platform. The system consists of four parts: a cloud server, a web client, a mobile client and a special device for data capturing and sending to the cloud platform. The system collects specific data (time, positioning and amplitude of the radio signal in the specific frequency range). It uses external factors, which are entered through a mobile application and a web interface, to fix the peculiarities of the operation of the UAS.
  • Публікація
    Методи аналізу даних у системах банківського фінансового менеджменту
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Новосельцев, І. І.
    The thesis is devoted to the research of the practical use of data analysis methods which are currently involved in scope of banks financial management systems. This article is aimed to consider the actuality of the topic in the world, see how the methods can be used by everyone from financial companies or corporations up to usual person. The thesis takes a closer look to the potential problems that can be solved by the program system using one of the data analysis methods and get us acquainted with suggested software solution for the described questions.
  • Публікація
    Дослідження методів відстеження телефонів за допомогою GPS та через відправку пакетів даних за назвою мережі
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Запара, О. С.
    The object of research is methods of tracking phones using GPS and sending data packets by network name. The purpose of the work is to study methods for tracking phones using GPS and by sending data packets by network name to study comparative performance characteristics and implementation of similar methods. Methods and methods of tracking smartphones, ways of their implementation and final results for comparative characteristics are considered in the work. As a result of the work, the methods of tracking phones using GPS and sending data packets by network name were investigated, their implementation and methods of reproduction in the program for their use, a comparative characteristic of similar methods and their implementation was developed.
  • Публікація
    Кордонні обчислення в якості основи розумного міста
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Моруга, Д. І.
    As smart cities strive for efficiency and sustainability, centralized cloud computing struggles to handle the deluge of real-time data generated by sensors and devices. Edge computing emerges as a game-changer, processing data at the network's edge for faster insights and reduced latency. This article explores the transformative potential of edge computing in smart city development, analyzing its applications, challenges, and future directions. By addressing these challenges and fostering innovation, edge computing can become the engine powering smarter, more efficient, and resilient cities of tomorrow.
  • Публікація
    Програмна система управління та контролю якості праці IT-компаній
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Бочаров, В. О.
    The aim of this research is to develop a software system that manages and controls the quality of work in IT companies. The system will include functionality for tracking project progress and management, as well as statistical data to effectively monitor project development. The system will provide functionality for managing budget projects, controlling expenses and income, and employee salary accounting, among other financial aspects. The emphasis is on increasing the efficiency of IT companies and ensuring control over the quality of project implementation.
  • Публікація
    Застосування штучного інтелекту для виявлення фейкової інформації
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Ботуз, В. В.
    The article describes a software system designed to recognize fake or false information based on neural network analysis, thereby eliminating the possible threat of any misinformation. The system is universal as it is accessible to any potential user. The system has a web interface designed for the user, an artificial intelligence module designed to verify information, and a server that ensures the interaction of system components and the storage of all data. In summary, the system, designed to identify fake information and accessible to any potential user has great potential and a wide range of applications, especially against the backdrop of the rapid growth in popularity of AI and the lack of intelligent tools with which to validate any data.
  • Публікація
    Оптимізація алгоритму плиткового рендерінгу і тіньових карт
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Донець, Д. С.
    This work is devoted to improving on existing methods of generating shadows performance-vise and enhancing visual quality of the output image created by real time 3D graphics engines (such as game engines). In this example the implementation is based on one of the most robust and powerful game engines, Unreal Engine 5. This example will illustrate minor benefits which are done by the algorithm tailored for specific project’s needs, which are useful in case of not very high total polygon amount per scene. The visual output might not be the desired result in all cases, but it might be applied in many scenarios.
  • Публікація
    Дослідження методів обробки розподілених транзакцій в мікросервісній архітектурі
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Кузнецов, Р. О.
    Distributed systems more often become a robust architecture choice for a plenty of use cases in different domains. Despite of their advantages in improving scalability, reliability and maintainability of software systems, they provide additional level of complexity of handling business transactions in atomic and consistent way. This paper describes research that is aimed to analyze different practices in implementing distributed transactions handling patterns in microservices-based systems and provide recommendations what to use in specific situation.
  • Публікація
    Методи та алгоритми балансування штучного інтелекту для ігор жанру FPS
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Кісельгова, М. Є.
    This research focuses on optimizing artificial intelligence (AI) for enemy behavior in FPS (First-Person Shooter) games to enhance the gaming experience. AI plays a pivotal role in creating realistic and engaging enemy characters, directly influencing game difficulty and player immersion. This study conducts a comparative analysis of existing AI balancing algorithms and methods used for enemy behavior, proposing an optimized approach based on the analysis of player preferences. By selecting the most relevant balancing parameters, this research aims to develop a more adaptive and challenging AI, contributing to a deeper and more captivating gameplay.
  • Публікація
    Дослідження рекомендаційних систем у сфері освіти
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Агатін, Є. Л.
    This work is dedicated to investigating recommendation systems within the realm of education, with a focus on enhancing personalized learning experiences. It delves into the algorithms and methodologies employed in recommendation systems to customize educational content according to individual preferences and requirements. The study evaluates the efficacy of these systems in augmenting user engagement, academic performance, and overall learning achievements. Moreover, it scrutinizes the potential hurdles and constraints in deploying recommendation systems in educational contexts.
  • Публікація
    Балансування часу щодо складності ігрової ситуації в multiplayer party games, ключові аспекти для створення захопливого ігрового процесу
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Мірошніков, Є. В.
    This research paper explores complexity and time management in multiplayer party games and examines their impact on player experience and overall game dynamics. It analyzes various aspects of game design, such as timers and unique gameplay structures, in order to identify general principles for achieving balance. Ensuring a balanced distribution of time between different aspects of gameplay is a key element of game design. The research aims to identify how to optimally manage time in games, providing a sense of challenge that maintains player interest and preserves the integrity of the gameplay.
  • Публікація
    Порівняльний аналіз Django, Flask та Fastapi
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Солохін, А. Є.
    This comprehensive comparative analysis delves into the intricate features and functionalities of Django, Flask, and FastAPI. By meticulously scrutinizing their attributes, this analysis aims to offer a nuanced understanding of their capabilities, strengths, and limitations across various parameters. The evaluation encompasses crucial aspects such as scalability, ease of use, and performance, providing invaluable insights to developers navigating the labyrinth of framework selection. With a keen focus on deciphering how these frameworks measure up against each other, this analysis serves as a guiding beacon, empowering developers to make well-informed decisions tailored to the unique requisites of their projects.
  • Публікація
    Оптимізація освітлення в Unreal Engine 5
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Борисенко, А. Е.
    This work explores the application of Virtual Shadow Maps (VSM) and Lumen Global Illumination and Reflections (Lumen GI) to improve the visual quality and realism of virtual environments in Unreal Engine 5. The work describes how to improve the level of detail and lighting in a game environment in Unreal Engine 5. It also provides a visual comparison of Virtual Shadow Maps (VSM) and Shadow Mapping in Unreal Engine 5. The reproduction of clear, realistic shadows using Virtual Shadow Maps (VSM) and Lumen Global Illumination and Reflections (Lumen GI) is demonstrated.
  • Публікація
    Дослідження методів створення штучного інтелекту для різних сценаріїв гри
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Пилявський, Д. І.
    The work considers the relevance of using advanced algorithms of artificial intelligence, such as State Machine, Behavior Tree and Finite State Automaton, for modeling the behavior of game characters in modern games. It considers the problems related to the choice of the optimal algorithm and its impact on the realism and efficiency of the gameplay. In addition, the article provides a brief overview of each of the algorithms and their features in the context of creating artificial intelligence for game characters.
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    Дослідження методів генерації 3D зображень на основі 2D зображень
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Паршикова, Л. В.
    The aim of this research is to investigate methods for generating 3D images based on 2D images. The generation of realistic 3D images has numerous applications in fields such as computer graphics, virtual reality, and medical imaging. Traditional methods for creating 3D images often involve complex and time-consuming processes such as 3D modelling or 3D scanning. This research explores alternative approaches that leverage existing 2D images to generate 3D representations. The study delves into various techniques, including image-based rendering, depth estimation, and machine learning algorithms. The goal is to develop efficient and accurate methods for transforming 2D images into 3D representations, providing a valuable contribution to the field of computer vision and 3D graphics.
  • Публікація
    Дослідження методів оптимізації та проектувальних рішень для створення складних ігрових програмних систем
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Косенко, Б. А.
    This research is dedicated to the exploration of optimization methods and design solutions in the development of complex gaming software systems. The research aims to investigate contemporary trends in the field of game system development and identify optimal optimization strategies to ensure high performance and gameplay quality. The Unity development environment will be utilized for this research, given its extensive built-in tools for project exploration and analysis. The robust customization capabilities of Unity also allow for the development of new tools. Additionally, the research plans to examine how various design solutions impact the development speed and fault tolerance of the gaming system.
  • Публікація
    Технології реінжинірингу баз даних
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Горішня, К. О.
    In today's information society, where data is a key resource, effective database management becomes a critical task for enterprises. The database structure is one of the main factors affecting the speed of query processing. Database reengineering is the process of modifying and rebuilding existing databases in order to improve their efficiency, productivity and ensure compliance with user needs. That is why the analysis and improvement of existing methods is relevant today. This paper considers three methods of database reengineering: business process modeling; analysis of user requirements; the method of materialized representations. An analysis of three main methods has been carried out, which allows us to conclude about the feasibility of using the method of materialized representations.
  • Публікація
    Оптимізація графічного ресурсу в ігровому рушії Unreal Engine 5
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Гречка, А. О.
    This work is devoted to the graphical resource optimization in Unreal Engine 5. It describes some methods that help to achieve better performance and visual fidelity in games. It covers techniques, ranging from measuring shader performance to implementing shader optimization methodologies. In addition, the work includes information about Nanite virtualized geometry system, providing an examination of its functionality and benefits. The work also shows how you can enable Nanite, what you should avoid when using it, and gives a simple explanation of how it works.