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Публікація Microwave Heating of Low-Temperature Plasma and Its Application(2021) Frolova, T. I.; Buts, V. A.; Churyumov, G. I.; Odarenko, E. N.; Gerasimov, V. P.n this chapter, the results of theoretical and experimental studies of the interaction of an electromagnetic field with a plasma (fundamental interaction of the wave-particle type) both in the regime of standing waves (in the case of a resonator) and in the case of traveling waves in a waveguide are presented. The results of computer modeling the distribution of a regular electromagnetic field for various designs of electrodynamic structures are considered. The most attractive designs of electrodynamic structures for practical application are determined. A brief review and analysis of some mechanisms of stochastic plasma heating are given as well as the conditions for the formation of dynamic chaos in such structures are determined. Comparison analysis of microwave plasma heating in a regular electromagnetic field (in a regime with dynamical chaos) with plasma heating by random fields is considered. It is shown, that stochastic heating of plasma is much more efficient in comparison with other mechanisms of plasma heating (including fundamental interaction of the wave-wave type). The results obtained in this work can be used to increase the efficiency of plasma heating as well as to develop promising new sources of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave and optical ranges.Публікація Dispersion properties of artificial topological insulators based on an infinite double-periodic array of elliptical quartz elements(ІРЕ НАН України, 2021) Ivzhenko, L. I.; Polevoy, S. Yu.; Odarenko, E. N.; Tarapov, S. I.Subject and Purpose. Special features of all-dielectric electromagnetic analogues of topological insulators in the microwave range are considered, aiming at studying the influence of geometrical and constitutive parameters of topological insulator elements on the dispersion properties of topological insulators based on a two-dimensional double-periodic array of dielectric elements. Methods and Methodology. Th e evaluation of dispersion properties and electromagnetic field spatial distribution patterns for topological insulators is performed using numerical simulation programs. Results. The electromagnetic analogue of a topological insulator based on a double-periodic array of elliptical quartz cylinders has been considered. By numerical simulation, it has been demonstrated that the electromagnetic properties of the structure are control-lable by changing the quartz uniaxial anisotropy direction without any changes in other parameters. A combined topological insulator made up of two adjoining ones differing in shapes of their unit cells has been considered with the numerical demonstration that frequencies of surface states are controllable by choosing the quartz uniaxial anisotropy direction. It has been shown that it is at the interface of two different in shape unit cells that the electromagnetic field concentration at a surfacestate frequency takes place. Conclusion. A possibility has been demonstrated of controlling microwave electromagnetic properties of topological insulators by changing their geometric parameters and permittivity of the constituents. From a practical point of view, topological insulators can be used as components of microwave transmission lines and devices featuring very small propagation loss.Публікація Dispersion characteristics of the photonic crystal waveguides(Science and Education LTD, 2020) Bukreieva, V. I.; Odarenko, E. N.Two schemes of photonic crystal waveguides are considered in this work. Photonic crystal is formed by a system of hollow cylindrical holes in the dielectric medium. Package MIT Photonic Bands is used for numerical calculation of the dispersion characteristics of photonic crystal waveguides. Single-mode and multimode regimes of the waveguide systems are investigated.Публікація Метод та нанофотонний сенсорний пристрій для реєстрації біогенних амінів(ХНУРЭ, 2009) Білаш, О. М.; Галайченко, О. М.In this work electrochemiluminescent (ECL) assay method and new nanophotonical sensor instrument for detection of biological amines with the purpose of early diagnostics are considered. For realization of mentioned goals there were conducted a set of researches: a) biomedical one; b) preliminary technological and experimental ones. The prototype of nanotechnological sensor’s instrument with semiconductor quantum dots as detector’s elements was developed and its electrochemical and spectroscopy investigations were conducted.Публікація Пути улучшения характеристик магнетронных генераторов для систем радиолокации и связи(ХНУРЭ, 2009) Чурюмов, Г. И.; Одаренко, Е. Н.; Фролова, Т. И.; Старчевский, Ю. Л.; Васянович, A. B.; Иванцов, В. П.; Экезли, А. И.; Сивоконь, К. В.The results of an experimental investigation of the factors cause of frequency instability in the magnetrons are described. Introduce a phenomenological description of frequency fluctuation concept in magnetrons. The investigation results of the anode block temperature effect on the frequency and a power supply disturbances on the magnetron stability.Публікація Лазерне зміцнення деталей паливної апаратури(ФОП Бровін О.В., 2024) Афанасьєва, О. В.; Лалазарова, Н. О.; Мачан, І. С.Публікація Підвищення зносостійкості захисної втулки відцентрованого насосу із сірого чавуну хіміко-термічною обробкою(ХНАДУ, 2022) Афанасьєва, О. В.; Лалазарова, Н. О.; Реброва, О. М.; Вознюк, О. І.Слабкою ланкою, що знижує строк експлуатації відцентрових насосів, є вузол, який включає ущільнення і захисні втулки. Для підвищення зносостійкості поверхневого шару тонкостінних втулок із сірого чавуну запропоновано використовувати низькотемпературний метод хіміко-термічної обробки-сульфоціанування. Сульфоціанування забезпечує утворення багатошарового покриття і підвищення зносостійкості чавуну.Публікація Исследование анизотропии диэлектрической проницаемости нематических жидких кристаллов в миллиметровой области длин волн(ХНУРЭ, 2009) Кочержин, А. И.; Кухтин, М. П.; Черняков, Э. И.The presented work accesses electrophysical properties of nematic liquid crystals based on cyanobiphenyl and azoxy LC under the frequency of 20-40 GHz with applied electric and magnetic static fields. The obtained results are interpreted in terms of molecular models. Possibilities of LC implementation into various electronic devises are also discussed in this thesis.Публікація Исследование анизотропии диэлектрической проницаемости нематических жидких кристаллов в миллиметровой области длин волн(2009) Кочержин, А. И.; Кухтин, М. П.; Черняков, Э. И.The presented work accesses electrophysical properties of nematic liquid crystals based on cyanobiphenyl and azoxy LC under the frequency of 20-40 GHz with applied electric and magnetic static fields. The obtained results are interpreted in terms of molecular models. Possibilities of LC implementation into various electronic devises are also discussed in this thesis.Публікація LaserCAD III - новая образовательная САПР для изучения полупроводниковых лазеров с квантоворазмерными слоями(УАДО, 2004) Сафонов, И. М.; Петров, С. И.; Овезгельдыев, А. А.; Грищенко , С. В.Results of development and application in education of educational CAD system in the area of physical foundations of semiconductor quantum well lasers are presented. Network version and personal version of the CAD system are considered. The ways for modernization and improvement of the software are discussed.Публікація Особливості сучасних систем передачі даних відкритими оптичними трасами(2024) Кухтін, С.; Федоренко, Є.Розвиток телекомунікаційних систем і технологій демонструє поступовий перехід в область більших несучих частот, що продиктовано обсягом даних, що можуть бути передані. Досягнення у сфері ВОЛЗ, а також широкі переваги використання оптичного діапазону, сприяють значному інтересу щодо дослідження можливостей впровадження систем передавання даних відкритими оптичними трасами на противагу класичним системам радіопередачі. Серед них підвищена безпека передавання даних, можливість передавання пакетів оптичних сигналів на великі відстані, впровадження механізмів квантової криптографії та ін. До сфер застосування таких систем, насамперед, можна віднести міські і локальні телекомунікаційні мережі, допоміжні канали передавання даних для наявної телекомунікаційної інфраструктури, швидке впровадження широкосмугового зв’язку у разі надзвичайних подій, телемедицину, широкосмуговий супутниковий зв’язок, тощо.Публікація Влияние мощных импульсных электромагнитных полей на электронные бытовые приборы(Вебер, 2005) Борисов, А. А.; Григорьев, Е. В.; Мазинов, А. С.; Чурюмов, Г. И.; Унжаков, Д. А.; Зуев, С. А.; Старостенко, В. В.В работе приводятся и анализируются результаты экспериментальных исследований по воздействию импульсных электромагнитных полей на такие бытовые электронные приборы, как-то: электронные часы, калькуляторы, мобильные телефоны. Сбои в работе приборов данного класса и их вход из строя при воздействии полей обусловлен сбоями в работе и катастрофическим отказом управляющих микросхемПублікація Аналитическая теория волн Флоке-Блоха в гиротропных магнитофотонных кристаллах(ХНУ імені Каразіна, 2019) Шматько, А. А.; Мизерник, В. Н.; Одаренко, Е. Н.The relevance of the problem considered in the work is determined by the widespread use of magnetophotonic crystals in various devices of the terahertz microwave and optical ranges. The key is the analytical solution of the third boundary value problem for the Hill equation with mixed Cauchy boundary conditions. This approach made it possible to explicitly find new solutions for electromagnetic fields in the crystal layers and dispersion characteristics for TE and TM waves, which is important for the development of new multifunction devices in the terahertz range. The purpose of the work is to develop an analytical theory of Floquet-Bloch waves for gyrotropic magnetophotonic crystals with a transverse magnetic field. Materials and methods. Magnetophotonic crystals consist of gyrotropic (gyroelectric or gyromagnetic materials) two-layer structures over a period, the parameters of which vary from the magnitude of the applied magnetic field. Analytical methods for solving the Hill equation through fundamental solutions of the third boundary value problem. Results. The fundamental solutions of the Hill equation are determined in an analytical form. Analytical expressions for the dispersion characteristics of TE and TM Floquet-Bloch waves are found. The existence of bulk and surface waves in the transmission zones of a magnetophotonic crystal is established. The existence of an extraordinary surface wave with an atypical field distribution in the crystal layers for positive effective electric or magnetic permeability is shown. Conclusions. The proposed new approach for determining the solutions of the Hill equation based on the fundamental solutions of the third boundary-value problem made it possible to obtain in an analytical form the dispersion characteristics and fields of controlled gyromagnetic magnetophotonic crystals for TE and TM Floquet-Bloch waves. This will make it relatively easy to calculate various devices based on controlled Bragg structures.Публікація Fibre-Optic Temperature Sensor Using Bragg Structure(2023) Kukhtin, S. М.; Hnatenko, O. S.Fiber-optic sensing has established itself as an innovative and versatile measurement technology for various physical parameters, such as temperature. Moreover, particular properties of optical fibers, in some cases, make fiber-optic sensing only suitable choice due to operation conditions, precision and accuracy, possibility of remote operation. In this paper we present the simple fiber optic temperature sensor system that utilizes reflective Bragg element as a sensing head. The main advantage of the proposed approach relies on the use of widely available low-cost telecommunication devices, such as a DFB laser as a light source and commonly used fiber optics components. Another advantage of the sensor is measurement technique that doesn’t require optical spectrometer or other precise optical measurements such as interferometry. It is shown that by implementing various Bragg structures for the sensing element it is possible to alter optical response thus achieving required characteristics of the sensor. Calculations for Bragg structures are presented for both narrow range sensor suitable for medical use and wide range temperature sensor with ΔT 200 °C. In addition, this paper provides brief review of commonly used fiberoptic temperature sensing techniques, their advantages and application.Публікація Sectional Circular Gradient Grating with Improved Focusing Characteristics in THz Frequency Range(IEEE, 2020) Dzubenko, M. I.; Radionov, V. P.; Maslov, V. A.; Odarenko, E. N.A method for increasing the focusing properties of annular gradient gratings is presented in this work. The interaction of the coherent radiation of the terahertz range with gradient gratings consisting of concentric metal rings is investigated. The thickness and width of the metal rings is much less than the radiation wavelength. The distance between the rings varies in the radial direction, but does not exceed half the wavelength. It was previously found that such planar structures have focusing properties. Moreover, they can simultaneously serve as a concave mirror and a focusing lens. The combination of these properties is promising for laser output mirrors. This makes it possible to reduce diffraction losses in the laser cavity and improve the spatial and angular characteristics of the laser beam. In addition, laser radiation acquires azimuthal polarization, which has certain advantages. In some cases, an increase in the focusing properties of gradient gratings is required. A significant increase in focusing properties can be achieved by sectioning according to the principle of Fresnel lenses. However, phase inhomogeneities arise at the boundaries of the sections. This disrupts focus and introduces additional loss. In the work, a method for increasing the focusing properties of sectioned circular gradient gratings by giving them a stepped shape is considered. The results of modeling such gratings are presented.Публікація Coaxial Laser Resonator with Smooth Adjustment of Radiation Output(Begell House, 2020) Dzubenko, M. I.; Maslov, V. A.; Odarenko, E. N.; Radionov, V. P.A new design of a laser resonator with smooth adjustment of radiation output is presented. Adjustment can be performed over a wide range and directly during laser operation. This provides optimal feedback under various laser operating conditions. The active element has an annular sectional shape. The pumping and cooling elements can be placed on the outer and inner sides of the active element. This ensures a uniform distribution of pump energy and good heat dissipation from the active substance. Gaseous, liquid and solid substances can be used as an active medium. The possibility of obtaining optimal feedback and homogeneity of the active substance make it possible to increase the efficiency of laser generation. Coaxially arranged conical mirrors provide a rational change in the radiation path in the cavity. The radiation makes a complete passage through the cavity in four different ways. This allows to minimize the effect of inhomogeneities of the active substance on the radiation, which improves the spatial-angular and energy characteristics of the output laser radiation. Conical 90° mirrors that are used in the laser cavity do not require careful alignment and provide increased laser stability. Such a resonator scheme is suitable for use in a wide frequency range, including the terahertz range.Публікація Tunable Angular Spatial Filter Based on 1D Magnetophotonic Crystal(IEEE, 2020) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Odarenko, E. N.; Mizernik, V. N.; Shevchenko, N. G.One dimensional magnetophotonic crystal with gyrotropic plasma layers is considered. Theoretical investigation is performed within the framework of Floquet theory for 1D periodical structures. Dispersion equation, transmission coefficient and reflection one are obtained in explicit form. Scattering of the point source field on the bounded magnetophotonic crystal is investigated for TE waves. Field spatial distributions for different signs of plasma-like medium effective permittivity are calculated. Possibility of angular spatial filtering control is shown both inside magnetophotonic crystal and outside one.Публікація Sensor-Polarimeter Based on Anisotropic Photonic Crystal for Solids and Liquids(IEEE, 2020) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Odarenko, E. N.; Vertiy, A. A.We solved the problem of determining the angle of polarization plane rotation for wave transmitted through anisotropic one-dimensional photonic crystal. Transfer matrix method is used to obtain analytical expressions for reflection and transmission coefficients of a plane wave of orthogonal polarizations for a limited number of photonic crystal periods. Crystalline quartz layers are used as anisotropic elements of photonic crystal. Effect of the gasoline permittivity varying that refers to octane number changing on the angle of polarization plane rotation is investigated.Публікація Floquet-Bloch Theory for Semiconductor Bragg Structure(2020) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Mizernik, V. N.; Odarenko, E. N.; Krivets, A. S.; Yushchenko ,O. V.The problem of Floquet-Bloch waves propagation in a semiconductor magnetophotonic crystal with a transverse magnetic field was solved. The fundamental solutions of the Hill equation in layers that based on the Floquet theory were obtained in an analytical form. The dispersion equation and its roots are found explicitly. The analysis of the dispersion properties of the structures depending on the material parameters of the layers was carried out. The parameters of gyrotropic layers for the full transmission and reflection of a plane wave for different frequencies through a limited magnetophotonic crystal in modes of surface and bulk waves are determined.Публікація Scattering of ElectromagneticWave By Bragg Reflector with Gyrotropic Layers(Springer, 2020) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Mizernik, V. N.; Odarenko, E. N.We solved the problem of scattering of plane wave on a ferrite 1D magnetophotonic crystal controlled by a dc transverse magnetic field. Fundamental solutions of the Hill equation with mixed boundary conditions based on the Floquet-Bloch theory are obtained in an analytical form. The dispersion equation and its roots are found explicitly. The analysis of the dispersion properties of the structures is carried out depending on the material parameters of the ferrite layers. The transmission and reflection coefficients are determined for the gyrotropic crystal with finite number of periods. Two characteristic cases are considered: positive and negative values of the effective permeability of gyrotropic layer. The expressions for spatial distribution of electromagnetic field components are determined at crystal period. The results provide a deeper understanding of the electromagnetic waves propagation behavior in multilayer media with controlled gyrotropic elements. In addition, the obtained analytical expressions simplify the analysis of wave processes in such complex media.