Кафедра економічної кібернетики та управління економічною безпекою (ЕК)
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Публікація Публікація Постановка задачи синтеза оптимальных робастных прогнозных оценок в модели экспоненциального сглаживания(Національний аерокосмічний університет ім. М. Є. Жуковського, 2014) Зейниев, Т. Г.; Романенков, Ю. О.Публікація Формалізація задачі статистичної перевірки гіпотези ретроспективного аналізу прогнозної моделі Брауна(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Романенков, Ю. О.; Пусан, А. М.; Здорик, Н. В.The meaning of retrospective analysis is based on the hypothesis that the quality of retrospective forecast estimates obtained for previous time series values tends to be maintained at subsequent instants. However, the validity and correctness of this hypothesis must be proved. The problem of statistical testing of the hypothesis: to estimate the degree of correlation between the quality indicators of successive forecast estimates obtained using the Brown's model, which was parametrically synthesized using the technology of retrospective analysis.Публікація Parametric setting of the modified Wade forecast model(2020) Romanenkov, Yu.; Pronchakov, Yu.; Zieiniiev, T.The problem of parametric setting of the modified Wade forecast model is considered. The similarity of the predictive models of Brown and Wade is analytically evaluated. Critical regions are determined on the extended admissible set of the smoothing parameter, within which the quality of the Brown and Wade models is significantly different. Recommendations are given regarding the parametric tuning of the Wade predictive model based on retrospective analysis by criterion. The necessity of independent parametric tuning of Brown and Wade models is shown. An example of the practical use of the proposed recommendations is given. The results allow the user to intelligently select and tune the specified predictive models.Публікація Теоретичні аспекти моніторингу економічної безпеки підприємства(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Шапошник, Б. В.The concepts of «enterprise economic security» and «enterprise economic security monitoring» are defined. The factors determining the importance of economic security monitoring for the enterprise are given. The main aspects of monitoring the economic security of the enterprise are defined: financial analysis, market analysis, risk assessment, control systemПублікація Методи оцінки ризиків інноваційно-інвестиційних проєктів(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Худяков, Д. Л.The concept of project risk assessment is defined. Features of quantitative and qualitative methods of risk assessment of innovative investment projects are determined. Groups of risk assessment methods of innovation and investment projects are systematizedПублікація Напрями забезпечення фінансової стійкості підприємства в умовах економічної нестабільності(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Полозова, О. О.The article defines the concept of financial stability of the enterprise. The influence of economic instability on the financial stability of the enterprise is analyzed. The external and internal aspects of ensuring the financial stability of the enterprise are considered. The main areas of ensuring the financial stability of the enterprise are proposedПублікація Вплив організаційних та управлінських методів на фінансово-економічну безпеку підприємства(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Кодрул, Р. Е.This work is devoted to the influence of management and organization methods, a systemic approach on ensuring the financial and economic security of the enterprise, including analysis and identification of threats, development of strategies, and implementation of measures to ensure stability and development. It emphasizes the importance of organizational structure and management methods in shaping the financial and economic security of the enterprise. The paper discusses how the management system should be adapted to the external and internal environment, how it can be improved, including through feedback loops for continuous control and support of management effectiveness.Публікація Аналіз теоретичних підходів до забезпечення економічної безпеки в організації(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Сукнов, О. М.Economic security: the key to success. This article explores a range of issues related to the economic security of an organization. The authors provide a thorough understanding of both the theoretical aspects and practical measures necessary to ensure the sustainability and successful functioning of an organization. The article defines the concept of «economic security», identifies the main principles and directions of its provision, and describes the elements of the economic security systemПублікація Adaptation of the enterprise to the digital environment in the context of financial and economic security(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Hurieieva, K. A.The article defined the concept of financial and economic security of the enterprise. The list of information systems and technologies to ensure information and, in particular, financial and economic security of the enterprise is classified. The impact of digitalization on all aspects of enterprise security is analyzedПублікація Використання методів машинного навчання в аналізі фінансових ринків(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Полозов, М. О.The significance of the use of machine learning methods in the analysis of financial markets has been studied. A review of previous studies on the use of machine learning in the analysis of financial markets was conducted. Features of the practical use of machine learning methods are determined. The main stages of using machine learning methods are considered. Machine learning methods allow investors to minimize risks and increase the profitability of their investments.Публікація Трансформація економіки під впливом мережевих технологій(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Мороз, М. Ю.This paper explores the profound transformation of the economy catalyzed by the pervasive influence of network technologies. Through an interdisciplinary lens, it investigates the multifaceted impact of network technologies such as the internet, blockchain, and artificial intelligence on economic structures, business models, and societal dynamics. Additionally, it examines the challenges and opportunities posed by the integration of network technologies, including issues related to cybersecurity, digital inclusion, and regulatory frameworks. Ultimately, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of how network technologies are reshaping the economic landscape and shaping the future of global commerceПублікація Поняття економічного зростання та розвитку(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Качановський, Є. М.This work is devoted to the study and analysis of the concepts of economic growth and development as key categories in economic science. The essence of these concepts and their interrelation in the context of economic processes are considered. The author examines in detail economic growth as a quantitative measure of the increase in production, income and other key parameters of the economy. At the same time, attention is drawn to the concept of economic development, defining it as a complex process of deep transformation and modernization of economic and social systems. The concept of sustainable development of the United Nations is also mentionedПублікація Роль міжнародних організацій у глобалізаційних процесах(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Дзівінська, А. О.The role of international organizations in globalization processes is significant. They contribute to the convergence of countries through common norms, standards, and rules that regulate international relations. This promotes the growth of international trade, investment, and cultural exchange. International organizations also contribute to addressing global problems such as climate change, combating weapons of mass destruction, poverty, and unemployment. They serve as a platform for countries to cooperate in achieving common goals and developing international cooperation.Публікація Поняття інвестиційного потенціалу підприємства в контексті економічної безпеки(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Вешкін, Є. П.The main components of the enterprise's investment potential include: financial resources, human resources, technical and technological resources. The relationship between the use of the enterprise's investment potential and the state of its economic security is determined.Публікація Напрями інноваційного розвитку промислових підприємств(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Ткаченко, А. Г.The main aspects of the innovative development of the enterprise are defined: creation of an innovative culture, consideration of customer opinions and market research, investment in research and development, cooperation and partnership, monitoring and evaluation of results. The main directions of innovative development of industrial enterprises are proposed: introduction of digital technologies, development of green technologies, development of new materials and production technologies, development of flexible production systemsПублікація Євроінтеграція України: цифрові кроки до нового майбутнього(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Пивоваров, М. О.Ukraine and the European Union cooperate in the field of digital innovation to support economic growth, increase competitiveness and modernization. Digital technologies such as IT, artificial intelligence, IoT and blockchain play a key role in this process, improving productivity, reducing costs and enabling new areas of business. Cooperation with the EU promotes the exchange of experience and technologies, which increases competitiveness and contributes to stability. Efforts in digital transformation contribute to improving the quality of life of citizens and the efficiency of public administration. Continuation of cooperation in the digital sphere is important for the further development of Ukraine and its position in the international contextПублікація Розробка маркетингових стратегій підприємства(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Москальова, М. С.In a competitive business environment, the development of an enterprise is inextricably linked to the marketing strategy that determines its success in the market. This thesis discusses the key aspects of marketing strategy, including target market selection, customer value creation, and product promotion. The author describes the stages of strategy development, including the analysis of consumer and competitor needs, as well as the choice of product and pricing policies. Focusing on marketing objectives, two main groups of strategies are considered - product and market strategies, providing examples of each approach. Differentiation, specialization, and cost-cutting strategies are also coveredПублікація Бренд-менеджмент як один зі способів підтримки стабільного фінансового розвитку бізнесу(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Мороз, М. Ю.This work explores the fundamental role of brand management in driving sustainable financial development within businesses. By shaping consumer perceptions and fostering loyalty, effective brand management establishes a foundation for long-term success. It highlights the significant impact of brand equity on revenue growth, profitability, and market share. Ultimately, the findings underscore the strategic imperative for businesses to prioritize brand management as a key driver for enduring financial stability and growth in today's competitive marketplace.Публікація Прогнозування економічного ризику як складова фінансово-економічної безпеки бізнесу(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Мороз, М. Ю.This work examines the significance of precise economic risk evaluation in fortifying the financial and economic security of businesses. Through a comprehensive analysis, we explore methodologies for enhancing the accuracy of risk assessment and its impact on organizational resilience. Our study underscores the pivotal role of precise risk management in guiding strategic decisions and resource allocation amidst market volatility. Additionally, we discuss the potential integration of advanced technologies to further refine economic risk forecasting and mitigation strategies. Overall, our findings contribute to understanding how precision in economic risk assessment is essential for ensuring business stability and sustainable growth in dynamic economic landscapes