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Публікація A Model of the Impact of Digital Transformation on the Country’s Economic Growth(2024) Revenko, D.; Romanenkov, Yu.; Lebedchenko, V.The transformation of the economy through digitalisation has become one of the biggest challenges of our time. Modern digital technologies are fundamentally changing all aspects of economic activity and social life. These technologies not only change the way we do business and interact socially but also transform approaches to education, communication, and entertainment, opening up new opportunities and creating new challengesПублікація A systematic approach to learning needs analysis(BoScience Publisher, 2022) Latynin, M. A.; Melnykov, A. F.; Kobzev, I. V.; Kosenko, A. V.; Kosеnko, V. V.The article defines the features of professional training of civil servants in the context of the formation of a new paradigm of state management of labor resources, which provides for ensuring its dependence on factors of the external socioeconomic environment, the orientation of civil servants towards the development of public-private partnerships, the relationship of training with active self-educationПублікація Activation of innovative development of industrial enterprises of Ukraine: an actual requirement of the time(Іnternational Science Group. Boston, 2020) Соколова, Л. В.; Іванова, В. Б.; Верясова, Г. М.; Курденко, О. В.Публікація Adaptation of the enterprise to the digital environment in the context of financial and economic security(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Hurieieva, K. A.The article defined the concept of financial and economic security of the enterprise. The list of information systems and technologies to ensure information and, in particular, financial and economic security of the enterprise is classified. The impact of digitalization on all aspects of enterprise security is analyzedПублікація Analysis of foreign direct investments and investment attractiveness of Ukraine(ХНУРЕ, 2021) Sheiko, I. А.; Kurdenko, O. V.Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a significant part of international business and of the global economy. Companies that engage in FDI can expand to new marketplaces; shift their production facilities across national boundaries; and secure more advanced technologies, products, skills, and financing.Публікація Analysis of it sector development in Ukraine(ХНУРЕ, 2021) Sheiko, I. А.; Storozhenko, O. V.The Ukrainian IT sphere is called the most promising sector for the development of the domestic economy. According to the Cabinet of Ministers, in 2019, information technologies accounted for 3.9% of GDP - UAH 138 billionПублікація Analysis of multi-criteria project selection techniques(ХНУРЕ, 2021) Sheiko, I. А.; Nassuf HamidouThe multi-criteria problem consists of multiple criteria/objectives that need to be optimized simultaneously. A lot of economic problem should be solved by multi criteria methods. And one of such problems is investment selectionПублікація Analysis of the cost-price of the enterprise's production(Baltija Publishing, 2016) Колісник, О. В.Публікація Analysis of the resource potential of the subjects of agrarian business of Ukraine: the state and efficiency of use(ХНУРЕ, 2023) Степаненко, С. В.Agriculture is the primary sector of Ukraine's national economy, the state of development of which largely determines the potential of the country's competitiveness, export potential, and opportunities to ensure the nation's food security. To accomplish these tasks from a strategic perspective, modern processes of managing the reproduction of resources in the agricultural sector are critical, which, in the context of transformational changes in the direction of sustainable development, acquire new priorities. Sustainable development involves meeting the interests and needs of present and future generations based on the conservation and reproduction of natural and biological resources while solving the problems of improving the quality of life of the population of rural areas and the country.Публікація Assessment of risks in conditions of provision of security of economic activities of organizations(Military Academy of Lithuania, 2019) Полозова, Т. В.; Черкашина, М. В.; Шаповал, О. А.; Романчик, Т. В.; Алзубі Лайт Абдел Карім МохаммадThe study of the evolution of the economic security of the business entity has shown that at the present stage of economic development it is important to consider the factors of influence on economic security, in particular: the effectiveness of management, personnel and financial safety, a strategic approach to the functioning of the communication system of protection, taking into account the evolution of security and active search for innovative modern domains of development of industrial organizations and increase of the responsibility of performers for the consequences of their work. This allows to reduce the risk of loss of economic safety of the business entity. It was argued that innovative conceptualization of risk as a probable threat of losses lies within the scope of activity of managers of various units and has features of probable economic and objective-subjective nature, as well as a wide range of variability of the impact on the issues of economic safety and is conditioned by the dynamic development of important societal significant economic processes at the global and national levels, which ultimately contributes to enhancement of the organization’s competitive advantages.Публікація Challengers of Digitalization of Ukrainian Industrial Enterprises(ХНУ, 2019) Шейко, І. А.; Стороженко, О. В.The development of the digital economy and society of Ukraine is a crucial factor for the success of not only all reforms, but also Ukrainian business on the world stage. Ukraine is an important player in the global digital market, but unfortunately, solely as an exporter of IT services and brains. High developed traditional sectors can be a good basis for providing elements of digitalization. For Ukraine, machine building is one of the most priority and export-oriented industries, where it already has world recognition.Публікація Challenges and prospects of digitization of ukraine's economy in terms of global transformation(2022) Kolupaieva, I. V.; Babak, O. V.The development of the modern world necessitates the transition to an information society based on the use of digital technologies in all spheres of human life and activity, or digitalizationПублікація Classification of economic information systems(ХНУРЕ, 2021) Kolupaieva, I. V.; Polozova, O. O.Modern conditions of the development of the economy expects the active use of information technologies that meet the information needs of management, production, supply, trade, sales and other functional divisions of enterprises. Information technology allows to manage effectively all types of resources in the enterpriseПублікація Cognitive-Discourse Approach as a Methodology for the Analysis of Intercultural communication(ХНУ ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2018) Sereda, A.Публікація Comparison of dataset oversampling algorithms and their applicability to the categorization problem(ХНУРЕ, 2023) Teslenko, D.; Sorokina, A.; Khovrat, A.; Huliiev, N.; Kyriy, V.The subject of research in the article is the problem of classification in machine learning in the presence of imbalanced classes in datasets. The purpose of the work is to analyze existing solutions and algorithms for solving the problem of dataset imbalance of different types and different industries and to conduct an experimental comparison of algorithms. The article solves the following tasks: to analyze approaches to solving the problem – preprocessing methods, learning methods, hybrid methods and algorithmic approaches; to define and describe the oversampling algorithms most often used to balance datasets; to select classification algorithms that will serve as a tool for establishing the quality of balancing by checking the applicability of the datasets obtained after oversampling; to determine metrics for assessing the quality of classification for comparison; to conduct experiments according to the proposed methodology. For clarity, we considered datasets with varying degrees of imbalance (the number of instances of the minority class was equal to 15, 30, 45, and 60% of the number of samples of the majority class). The following methods are used: analytical and inductive methods for determining the necessary set of experiments and building hypotheses regarding their results, experimental and graphic methods for obtaining a visual comparative characteristic of the selected algorithms. The following results were obtained: with the help of quality metrics, an experiment was conducted for all algorithms on two different datasets – the Titanic passenger dataset and the dataset for detecting fraudulent transactions in bank accounts. The obtained results indicated the best applicability of SMOTE and SVM SMOTE algorithms, the worst performance of Borderline SMOTE and k-means SMOTE, and at the same time described the results of each algorithm and the potential of their usage. Conclusions: the application of the analytical and experimental ethod provided a comprehensive comparative description of the existing balancing algorithms. The superiority of oversampling algorithms over undersampling algorithms was proven. The selected algorithms were compared using different classification algorithms. The results were presented using graphs and tables, as well as demonstrated in general using heat maps. Conclusions that were made can be used when choosing the optimal balancing algorithm in the field of machine learning.Публікація Conceptual principles of formation marketing strategy of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of wartime(2023) Полозова, Т. В.; Мурзабулатова, О. В.; Красноруцький, О. О.; Маренич, Т. Г.; Марченко, В. А.The article is devoted to the characteristics and justification of improving the mechanism of formation of the marketing strategy of agrarian enterprises in wartime conditions. It was determined that the marketing strategy acquires the status of a priority in the system of enterprise strategies and should be organically combined with the overall corporate strategy. It was found that there are different approaches to revealing the essence of the terms "marketing", "marketing management", and "marketing strategy", which require their author's definition. In the article, marketing is understood as a complex of the enterprise's current organizational and management actions, aimed at using the exchange to meet the real needs, requirements, and wishes of consumers and achieve the goals of the manufacturer (seller) with an orientation to social ethics. It has been proven that marketing strategy is a separate concept with its own goals and tools for achievement, which is focused on creating an appropriate system of relationships with consumers. At the same time, the marketing strategy of an enterprise is defined in a broad sense as a set of ideas regarding general, non-detailed ways of creating or changing consumer perceptions of a product over a specified period using available marketing tools and available resources in certain competitive conditions, which allows the enterprise to achieve commercial success and general goals. It is advisable to form the marketing strategy of an agricultural enterprise based on the basic concept of its development and consider resources and opportunities, the state and features of competition, demand trends, external environmental conditions, and internal factors in the relationship. It was concluded that when developing a clear and understandable marketing strategy, it is crucial to set achievable and measurable development goals, use only verified data when analyzing the current state of the market and one's own capabilities, find alternatives, and approach solving problems creatively and creatively. Each aspect of the agribusiness marketing strategy is suggested to be viewed digitally. It was determined that the primary goal of the marketing strategy in a "peaceful" time is to obtain the maximum profit to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage due to the understanding of consumer needs and market realities. In wartime - continuity, and profitability of production, preservation of jobs, payment of wages, provision of logistics, and building relationships of trust, support, and care with buyers and customers. It is well-founded that marketing underwent significant transformations during the war, and accordingly, the principles of developing its strategy also changed. The principles of marketing strategy formation in agricultural enterprises in wartime conditions include the following: social orientation; justified riskiness; flexibility and maneuverability (adaptability); concentration of efforts on current areas of marketing activity; focus on obtaining results in the short term; relationship and interdependence of strategy and tactics. Стаття присвячена характеристиці та обґрунтуванню вдосконалення механізму формування маркетингової стратегії аграрних підприємств в умовах воєнного часу. Визначено, що маркетингова стратегія набуває статусу пріоритетної в системі стратегій підприємства та має органічно поєднуватися із загально корпоративною стратегією. З’ясовано, що існують різні підходи до розкриття сутності термінів «маркетинг», «маркетинговий менеджмент», «маркетингова стратегія», що вимагало авторського їх визначення. Під маркетингом в статті розуміється комплекс актуальних організаційно-управлінських дій підприємства, спрямованих на використання обміну для задоволення реальних потреб, вимог, побажань споживачів і досягнення цілей виробника (продавця) з орієнтацією на соціальну етичність. Доведено, що маркетингова стратегія є окремим поняттям із власними цілями та інструментами їх досягнення, що сфокусоване на створенні відповідної системи взаємовідносин із споживачами. При цьому маркетингову стратегію підприємства у широкому сенсі визначено як сукупність ідей щодо загальних недеталізованих способів створення чи зміни уявлень споживачів про продукт за визначений проміжок часу за допомогою доступних маркетингових інструментів та наявних ресурсів у певних конкурентних умовах, що дозволяє підприємству досягнути комерційного успіху та загальних цілей. Маркетингову стратегію аграрного підприємства доцільно формувати на основі базової концепції його розвитку та враховувати при цьому ресурси та можливості, стан і особливості конкуренції, тенденції попиту, умови зовнішнього середовища та внутрішні фактори у взаємозв’язку. Зроблено висновок, що розробляючи чітку та зрозумілу маркетингову стратегію, важливо ставити досяжні та вимірні цілі розвитку, при аналізі поточного стану ринку та власних можливостей використовувати тільки перевірені дані, знаходити альтернативи, підходити до розв’язання проблем творчо та креативно. Кожен аспект маркетингової стратегії агробізнесу пропонується розглядати через цифрову призму. Визначено, що головна мета маркетингової стратегії в «мирний» час – отримання максимального прибутку, досягнення стійкої конкурентної переваги за рахунок розуміння потреб споживачів і реалій ринку; у воєнний час – безперервність і беззбитковість виробництва, збереженість робочих місць, виплата заробітної плати, забезпечення логістики, вибудовування з покупцями і замовниками відносин довіри, підтримки та турботи. Обґрунтовано, що маркетинг у період воєнних дій зазнав суттєвих трансформацій, відповідно і принципи розробки його стратегії теж змінилися. До принципів формування маркетингової стратегії в аграрних підприємствах в умовах воєнного часу віднесено такі: соціальна спрямованість; виправдана ризикованість; гнучкість та маневреність (адаптивність); концентрація зусиль на поточних напрямах маркетингової діяльності; спрямованість на отримання результату в короткостроковій перспективі; взаємозв’язок та взаємообумовленість стратегії та тактики.Публікація Corporate Governance as an Anti-corruption Instrument of Corporate Enterprise(Хмельницький національний університет, 2018) Тімофєєв, В. О.; Жорж Аль ЖаммальДосліджено сучасний стан корупції в українських корпоративних підприємствах та вплив корупції на розвиток бізнесу. Розглянуто різні сфери діяльності, на які впливає корупція. Визначено важливу роль корпоративного управління та його елементів, що полегшують запобігання та протидію корупції в корпоративних підприємствах. Досліджено міжнародний досвід та найкращі практики у сфері запобігання та протидії корупції в корпоративних підприємствах. Розроблено пропозиції щодо удосконалення корпоративного управління компаній щодо запобігання та протидії корупції.Публікація Current Issues of Market Forecasting(ХНУРЕ, 2021) Sokolova, L. V.; Terfas Anas Abdulhakim M.Публікація Current state and directions of further circular agricultural economy development in Ukraine(2023) Степаненко, С. В.; Кузьома, В. В.; Тимошенко, К. В.The subject of the study is the analysis and development of the circular agricultural economy of Ukraine. Methodology. The study uses general scientific methods, in particular: theoretical generalisation; methods of positive-normative analysis and statistical analysis. The purpose is to assess current trends in the circular economy in the agricultural sector of Ukraine and to substantiate the directions of its further development. Research conclusion. Achieving the global sustainable development goals, to which Ukraine has joined, requires the search for and implementation of new business models aimed at ensuring the interests of current and future generations. The agricultural sector is of utmost importance in addressing these challenges, as it contributes to solving the problem of hunger, ensuring food security and improving the quality of life of the world's population. The article provides an overview of the current problems of development of the agro-circular economy, which is proposed to be considered as one of the tools for achieving the goals of sustainable development. The main problematic aspects that impede the intensification of agro-circular transformations in Ukrainian agriculture are identified. The article compares certain indicators of the level of agro-circularity in the EU and Ukraine. An analysis of the current state of development of the circular economy in Ukrainian agriculture is carried out. On the basis of economic and statistical models, the level of dependence of agricultural production on the use of new material resources is studied. The obtained results show low rates of development of circular processes in the agricultural sector of Ukraine and a high level of consumption of input resources. The study of the methodological basis for assessing the state of development of the closed-type agro-economy has allowed to propose the authors' vision of systematisation of indicators of the level of development of circular processes in agriculture. This systematisation was based on the identification of five main dimensions: consumption of new materials, waste volumes, agricultural waste management, economic efficiency, and state financial support. The study identified key priority areas for further development of the agro-circular economy in Ukrainian agriculture.Публікація Deficit in it staff in European Union and Ukraine(ХНУРЕ, 2022) Sheiko, I. A.; Murzabulatova, O. V.; Vozylovskyi, D. M.Enormous rise of the software industry for the last two decades resulting in an ever growing demand of IT skills. Despite the 5.5 million developers in Europe, EU 28 countries are still estimated to suffer a shortage of 500.000 software engineers by 2020. This shortage will not be distributed evenly