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Публікація 3D моделювання місцевості з вкиористанням дронів(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Прядка, Д. О.The given work presents description of process of using 3D reconstruction technique based on 2D pictures of a building taken by a quadcopter . The latter is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) being used to survey buildings of various heights without interfering with public transport. Moreover, the quadcopter can reach any position required to take the necessary angle for a favourable photos that should be connected together in 3D model. 3D technology is often used in different spheres of life because creating 3D model of real object allow to research and analyze information about real object easily with help of software.Публікація 3D печать в процессе производства ювелирных изделий(ХНУРЭ, 2016) Вовк, А. В.; Кузнецова, В. С.Использование технологии 3D печати в процессе производства ювелирных изделий приводит к улучшению качества изготавливаемых мастер-моделей, исчезают проблемы неточности изготавливаемых форм, уменьшается количество брака. Целью работы является исследование современных технологий 3D печати, применяемых в технологических процессах изготовления ювелирных изделий.Публікація 3D-сканирование бюста человека(ХНУРЭ, 2016) Силич, М. В.; Кулишова, Н. Е.Рассмотрен и описан процесс 3D-сканирования с помощью подручных средств на примере бюста человека. Изучены и решены проблемы, возникшие при получении данной трехмерной модели.Публікація A Few Ways to Solve Animation Problem with the Help of SVG and CSS(ХНУРЭ, 2016) Nepochatov, V. Y.; Chebotarоva, I. В.A Few Ways to Solve Animation Problem with the Help of SVG and CSSПублікація A generalized algebraic approach to finding rough set approximations and generating logic rules(WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, 2007) Sitnikov, D.; Ryabov, O.; Titova, O.; Romanenko, O.The rough set concept is a relatively new mathematical approach to vagueness and uncertainty in data. The rough set theory is a well-understood formal framework for building data mining models in the form of logic rules, on the basis of which it is possible to issue predictions that allow the classification of new cases. The indiscernibility relation and approximations based on this relation form the mathematical basis of the rough set theory. The classical topological definitions of rough approximations are based on this relation. Unlike the classical approaches it is possible to define rough approximations in an algebraic way. This paper represents a generalization of the algebraic approach suggested by the authors earlier. We use a set of discrete characteristic functions taking on values from finite sets (not necessarily Boolean values) and operations on them including comparison and Boolean operations, which we call the approximation language. We use the terms \“exact upper approximation” and \“exact lower approximation” to stress the fact that there can exist a variety of approximations but it is always possible to select the approximations that cannot be improved in the terms of the approximation language. We consider the process of generating logic rules based on the exact approximations in the case of arbitrary discrete characteristic functions taking on values from finite sets. Logic rules are naturally obtained from predicate formulae for the exact approximations. The introduced approach allows the generation of logic rules quickly and efficiently since only comparison operations with discrete values and Boolean operations with binary values are used to produce logic formulae.Публікація A method for association rule quality evaluation based on information theory(WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, 2006) Sitnikov, D.; Titova, O.; Ryabov, O.The concept of patterns representing functional, logical and other dependencies in data lies in the basis of the Data Mining technology. One of the wide spread forms for representing discovered knowledge patterns is association rules. A method for evaluating an association rule from the viewpoint of information theory has been suggested, which allows us to calculate a generalized characteristic of associations (based on mutual information) with the help of the well known association rule parameters: Support, Confidence and Improvement. Using such a characteristic of associations complements the traditional association parameters and allows setting a linear order on the set of associations, which is useful for evaluating and filtering obtained dependencies. Besides we have carried out analysis of the dependence of the association rule self-descriptiveness on the standard parameters.Публікація A method for building desktop software automated update systems(WIT Transactions on information and communication technologies, 2013) Sitnikov, D.; Sitnikov, A.; Ryabov, O.One of the problems in modern software development is the problem of introducing changes and fixes to the deployed software products in an automated fashion thus not requiring the end user to download the redundant product modules that had not been changed and performing manually the uninstall/install/check sequence. In this paper a method for building an automated update system has been suggested. The automated update system guarantees that the end user receives the latest changes and fixes to the product thus maintaining smooth experience from the software product. In this paper one of the methods for implementation of an automatic software update system for desktop applications is considered.Публікація A method for finding minimal sets of features adequately describing discrete information objects(WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, 2009) Sitnikov, D.; Titova, O.; Romanenko, O.; Ryabov, O.One of the classical Data Mining problems is the problem of classifying new objects on the basis of available information when the information associated with these objects does not allow identifying them unambiguously as elements of some set. In such cases using rough sets theory is often an effective solution. This theory operates with such concepts as \“indiscernible” elements and relations. A rough set is characterized by lower and upper approximations for finding which the authors earlier suggested an original algebraic method. The given method uses only logic operations, which makes the process of searching logic rules very quick and efficient. The upper and lower approximations of a rough set allow describing elements of this set as completely as it is possible from the viewpoint of available information. In this connection it seems interesting and important to find irreducible sets of features describing a rough set with the same \“precision” as with the help of a full set of features (so called reducts). This problem is quite difficult and complicated and at present it does not have good solutions. Our paper continues research carried out by the authors earlier and we suggest a method for finding reducts based on eliminating non-salient features in the reverse order of their importance. The suggested procedure allows us to avoid exhaustive searching by extracting a predefined number of most significant reducts. In this paper we consider arbitrary features taking on their values from finite sets. Keywords: rough set, low approximation, upper approximation, boundary region, reduct.Публікація A method for knowledge representation and discovery based on composing and manipulating logical equations(Management Information Systems, 2002) Sitnikov, D. E.; D'Cruz, B.; Sitnikova, P. E.The logical correlation in knowledge bases and development of a method for knowledge representation and discovery of dependencies between selected data features is discussed. It is pointed out that a knowledge base containing links between information features is represented in the form of logical equations. It is stated that extensible mark-up language (XML) is suitable for the writing of knowledge base in a text file. A subset of XML is developed which allows the data storage in a text file and help in discovering hidden patterns in the data by manipulating XML nodes.Публікація A multicriteria model for solving a real cutting layout problem in publishing industry(ProjMAN, 2015) Grebennik, I. V.; Grytsay, D. V.; Mishcheriakov, I. V.; Basto-Fernandes, V.; Yevseyeva, I. V.A cutting layout problem is analyzed taking into account the need to use standard-sized sheets of material for printing patterns with different size, type and print run. In this paper a multicriteria model is proposed for cutting layout problem and for printing an additional print run in particular. The multicriteria formulation of the cutting layout problem is considered, where the material waste, the number of the nesting patterns and the cutting layout cost are minimized simultaneously. The paper provides an approach to solve the problem using the additive multicriteria estimation. The efficiency of the proposed multicriteria model is tested for a series of computational experiments. Аналізується завдання розкладки макета з урахуванням необхідності використання аркушів стандартного розміру для друку шаблонів із різними розмірами, типом і тиражом. У цій статті запропонована багатокритеріальна модель для вирішення проблеми розкладки макета і для друку, зокрема, додаткового тиражу. Розглянуте багатокритеріальне формулювання проблеми розкрою, де матеріальні відходи, кількість вкладених шаблонів і вартість розкладки макета одночасно зводяться до мінімуму. У статті представлений підхід до вирішення проблеми з використанням адитивної багатокритеріальної оцінки. Ефективність запропонованої багатокритеріальної моделі перевірена на низці обчислювальних експериментів.Публікація A Robo-hand prototype design gripping device within the framework of sustainable development(Discovery Scientific Society, 2023) Al-Sharo Yasser; Abu-Jassar Amer; Lyashenko, V.; Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.In the modern world, the rate of science development is far ahead of the rate of latest research results implementation. For research results implementation, it is necessary to develop more and more new engineering solutions. Without them, all scientific developments will remain "on paper". At the first stage of making such solutions, it seems advisable to create prototypes for the systems that are under development. Such prototypes allow you to quickly make a working system with little effort and to test it for its performance, and to identify errors that need to be corrected. In the paper, the authors propose a robo-hand prototype design development. There was selected a necessary equipment and there were developed all the schemes required. In this work, an assembly of a gripping device prototype is presented.Публікація A survey of methods of text-to-image translation(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Pydorenko, D. O.The given work is devoted to the text-to-image translation. This translation can be realized in two steps. First, a large text should be transformed into a small set of captions. Second, these captions should be used to generate images. There are different methods that can help to implement both steps.Публікація Access Control to Robotic Systems Based on Biometric: The Generalized Model and its Practical Implementation(INASS, 2023) Abu-Jassar Amer Tahseen; Attar Hani; Lyashenko, V.; Amer Ayman; Sotnik, S.; Solyman AhmedThe paper presents a generalized system's structural scheme and components for monitoring and controlling access to robotic systems based on biometric data for decision-making. Mathematical decision-making models for choosing the best alternative based on fuzzy sets are proposed. The fuzzy analytical hierarchy process determined weights of 6 criteria (for k1 criterion weighting factor is equal to 2.2; for k2 criterion – 1.8; for k3 criterion – 0.6; for k4 criterion – 0.6; for k5 criterion – 0.6; for k6 criterion – 0.2, that is, most weighty would be k1 – recognition accuracy) against which the best option was evaluated. Thus, during evaluation of alternative on six criteria it was obtained that t alternative X1 (face recognition in full-face), will have the key value of embership function of resulting fuzzy set alternatives with ideal value of integral criterion, equal to 0.53, and as result, implemented rational choice, taking into account given criteria. The difference is that we have introduced such criteria as anti-spoofing. The access control system for robotic systems works in real-time. It is implemented based on an algorithmic decision -making complex, which includes two-factor authentication to increase security: registration involves entering emp loyee data from the keyboard (password, login, surname, first name, position) and physiological uthentication (identification by face). Face detection is proposed to be implemented on several images: face, profile, face, and profile in the mask. A distinctive feature of our development is that often, a main requirement for "access control systems with facial identification" is the frontal location of the face relative to the camera; in our case, the image of the face at an angle was added.Публікація Achieving data security in the bonus sharing system “bonusharing”(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Dolhanenko, O. D.The implementation of data security is arguably one of the most important aspects when developing a modern system. All application functions that somehow manipulate, store or view personalized or sensitive data should be brought to standard so that they guarantee confidentiality, integrity and availability. Since man-in-the-middle attacks could try to insert/remove data in a dataflow, it is important to follow such principles in all system data-related functions, communication and data storage. Building a safe and reliable system is not an easy task, but can be simplified by following basic methodologies and concepts created by professionals. It is recommended to implement well-known methods of security, as achieved in the “BonuSharing” systemПублікація Adaptive Decision-making for Robotic tasks(2019) Tsymbal, O.; Bronnikov, A.; Yerokhin, A.There is proposed the analysis of decisionmaking problem in its application for flexible integrated robotic systems. The intelligent systems in form of problemsolving components are considered as key component of automated control systems. There is observed the proposed concept of adaptive decision-maling for flexible robotic systems, based on a set of models and methods of adaptive decision-making, data science methods.Публікація Agent-Based Model as a Research Tool(International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research, 2022) Kuzomin, O.; Lyashenko, V.The issues of analysis and research of applied issues based on multi-agent modeling are considered. The results of a literature review on the research topic are presented. The main features of existing solutions using multi -agent modeling are shown. An agent-based model for modeling and analyzing the dynamics of the infectious process is presented.Публікація Agricultural Robotic Platforms(IJEAIS, 2022) Sotnik, S.; Lyashenko, V.This overview article discusses latest advances in robotics using example of 2, 4 and 6 finite walking robots applied in various fields. The document provides an overview of main types of walking robots structures, body shapes and types of movers . Thus, on basis of review, classification of main types of walking robots structures, body shapes and types of walking robots movers is given; main parameters and areas of application of walking robots are determined. The paper considers novelties in robotics: bipedal robot, which is most realistic of Ameca's humanoid robots; bipedal robot Kaleid Friends, as well as an innovative robot with 4 limbs Bex (Kawasaki) and 6 – Robotics Six-legged Spider.Публікація An algebraic approach to defining rough set approximations and generating logic rules(WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, 2004) Sitnikov, D.; Ryabov, O.The rough set concept is a relatively new mathematical approach to vagueness and uncertainty in data. The rough set theory is a well-understood formal framework for building data mining models in the form of logic rules, on the basis of which it is possible to issue predictions that allow classifying new cases. The indiscernibility relation and approximations based on this relation form the mathematical basis of the rough set theory. The classical topological definitions of rough approximations are based on the indiscernibility relation. Unlike the classical approaches, in this paper we define rough approximations in an algebraic way. We use a set of predicates and predicate operations, which we call the approximation language. We introduce the terms "exact upper approximation" and "exact lower approximation" to stress the fact that there can exist a variety of approximations but it is always possible to select the approximations that cannot be improved in the terms of the approximation language. These new definitions are compared to the classical ones (which use an equivalence relation) and are shown to be more general in the sense that the classical definitions can be deduced from them if we put some restrictions on our model. The process of generating logic rules based on the exact approximations has also been considered. Logic rules are naturally obtained from predicate formulae for the exact approximations. The introduced approach allows generating logic rules quickly and efficiently since only Boolean operations with binary strings are used to produce logic formulae.Публікація An algorithm for building a project team considering interpersonal relations of employees(2016) Imanhulova, Z.; Kolesnyk, L.; Імангулова, З. А.; Колесник, Л. В.The setting of the problem of building a project team considering interpersonal relations between the employees was formulated. To assess the optimality of the team, a criterion is proposed that characterizes the contribution of employees to group interaction. The algorithm of solution of the problem of building a project team by the criterion of the maximum total contribution of employees to group interaction was developed. Сформульовано постановку задачі формування команди проекту з урахуванням міжособистісних взаємин співробітників. Для оцінки оптимальності складу команди проекту запропоновано критерій, що характеризує внесок співробітників у групову взаємодію. Розроблено алгоритм розв'язання задачі відбору кандидатів у команду проекту за критерієм сумарного внеску співробітників у групову взаємодію.Публікація An approach to finding reduced sets of information features describing discrete objects based on rough sets theory(WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, 2008) Sitnikov, D.; Titova, O.; Romanenko, O.; Ryabov, O.Modern Data Mining methods allow discovering non-trivial dependencies in large information arrays. Since these methods are used for processing and analysis of huge information volumes, reducing the number of features necessary for describing a discrete object is one of the most important problems. One of the classical problems in intelligent data analysis is the problem of classifying new objects based on some a-priori information. This information might not allow us to exactly classify an object as one belonging to a certain set. In such cases using rough sets theory may be an effective solution as this theory operates with the concept of \“indiscernible” elements and ambiguous information. In this paper we introduce a concept of a local reduct as a reduced set of features allowing us to describe a particular subset of the original set with the same precision as with the help of the full set of features. A method has been suggested which allows finding reduced sets of features adequately describing a rough set without losing necessary information (so-called reducts), and also assessing the importance of each feature. The suggested method is based on the algebraic approach to finding rough set approximations developed by the authors earlier. The main idea of the developed approach is as follows: if the algebraic approximations of a rough set do not change substantially in the process of excluding features the resulting reduced set of features can be used instead of the original full set. Also the greater changes eliminating a particular feature causes in the approximations, the more important this feature is. Keywords: data mining, rough sets, rough approximations, reduct.