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Публікація Implementation practices of the Rugby-5 into the physical education of schoolchildren 12-13 years old using information technology(Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2018) Tserkovna, O.; Ashanin, V.; Filenko, L.; Pasko, V.; Filenko, I.Purpose: to study the influence of rugby-5 sessions on the functional and physical capabilities of the body of pupils of 12-13 years taking into account the information technologies of instruction. Research materials: study involved schoolchildren 12-13 years old (n=62). Results: Rugby-5 was introduced in lessons of physical training; computer training program was used for theoretical training in Rugby-5, the development is designed to improve the level of the functional state of the body of school children. Conclusions: proved the effectiveness of introducing Rugby-5; the level of physical development and physical readiness in pupils of 12-13 years did not have significant differences (p>0,05), the functional state of the organism had positive changes (p<0,01); factor analysis identified two groups of factors that contributed to improving the performance of the cardiovascular system of the organism.Публікація Informatization on the physical culture of students using the «physical education» computer program(2017) Tserkovna, O.; Ashanin, V.; Filenko, L.; Pasko, V.Purpose: To analyze the possibilities of using computer programs for informatization of physical culture of students 8-16 years old. Research materials: physical education lessons for students 8-16 years old (girls n = 78, boys n = 82); individual models of physical activity planning taking into account indicators of physical development and students' health status. Results: computer program that allows recording and analyzing individual indicators of the physical development and state of health of students has been developed. The computer program performs the distribution of physical loads on the basis of individual regression models. Conclusions: Experiment showed significant differences in the students participating in the study, in terms of strength development (p<0,05), speed (p<0,01), speed-strength qualities (p<0,05), agility (p<0,05) unlike other students who did not use the computer program "Physical Education".Публікація Introduction Of The Physical Game Rugby-5 Into The Physical Education Of Students By Means Of Information Technology(2018) Tserkovna, O.; Ashanin, V.; Filenko, L.; Pasko, V.; Filenko, I.Purpose: To analyze the possibilities of using computer programs for informatization of physical culture of students 8-16 years old. Research materials: physical education lessons for students 8-16 years old (girls n = 78, boys n = 82); individual models of physical activity planning taking into account indicators of physical development and students' health status. Results: computer program that allows recording and analyzing individual indicators of the physical development and state of health of students has been developed. The computer program performs the distribution of physical loads on the basis of individual regression models. Conclusions: Experiment showed significant differences in the students participating in the study, in terms of strength development (p<0,05), speed (p<0,01), speed-strength qualities (p<0,05), agility (p<0,05) unlike other students who did not use the computer program "Physical Education".