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Публікація Active Contours Method Implementation for Objects Selection in the Mobile Robot’s Workspace(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Starodubtsev, N.; Amer Abu-JassarThis article is a study on the implementation of the active contours method using mathematical descriptions to identify objects in the work area of a mobile robot. The program, developed in Python in the PyCharm 2022.2.3 (Professional Edition) environment, is based on the principles of the active contour method, ensuring accurate selection of objects in images. Experiments conducted on matchbox contour extraction with the help of ESP32-Cam module confirm the effectiveness of the method in real-world conditions, demonstrating its potential for application in various fields of mobile robotics and computer vision.Публікація Building a traffic route taking into account obstacles based on the A-star algorithm using the python language(2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Amer Abu-Jassar; Maksymova, S.This paper explores the use of the A-Star algorithm to construct an optimal route for a mobile robot, taking into account obstacles using Python. The developed program allows you to generate a map with an arbitrary location of obstacles and automatically find the optimal path from the start to the end point, taking into account the complexity of the route. The paper presents the results of implementing the algorithm under various scenarios for the location of obstacles, which allows us to evaluate the effectiveness and reliability of the algorithm in various conditions. Experiments have shown that the A-Star algorithm provides fast and accurate route generation even in complex environments with many obstacles. The results of the study can be used to improve the autonomous navigation of mobile robots in real working conditions.Публікація Development of a model for recognizing various objects and tools in a collaborative robot workspace(2025) Yevsieiev, V.; Amer Abu-Jassar; Maksymova, S.; Demska, N.The article discusses the development of a model for recognizing objects and tools in the robot's workspace, which is based on computer vision and machine learning methods to ensure safe interaction within the framework of Industry 5.0. The model allows increasing the accuracy and reliability of object recognition in complex conditions, adapting robots to changing tasks. The results can be used for integration into robotic platforms operating in flexible manufacturing environments, ensuring flexible automation and a human-centric approach.Публікація Gripping Device Development: Some Aspects(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Maksymova, S.; Yevsieiev, V.; Amer Abu-JassarGrippers give robots flexibility and functionality, allowing them to effectively perform a variety of tasks depending on the application context. Among other things, they allow robots to solve the following tasks: capturing objects; moving objects; assembl y and installation; work in hazardous environments; maintenance and repair; medical surgery; research in science and engineering, etc. In this article, the authors propose the gripper kinematic diagram development, calculation of the compression force, as well as modeling of the gripping device.Публікація Object Recognition and Tracking Method in the Mobile Robot’s Workspace in Real Time(Technical science research in Uzbekistan, 2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Amer Abu-Jassar; Maksymova, S.This article presents an object recognition and tracking method in the mobile robot’s workspace in real time. The main approach is to use a color mask, for which a mathematical description of the algorithm is proposed. The method is implemented in the Python programming language using t he PyCharm development environment. During the research, experiments were carried out, on the basis of which important performance indicators were obtained. The processing time indicator, which measures the processing time of each frame of a video stream, demonstrated high efficiency, ranging from 0.0010 to 0.0020 seconds. Detection speed, which determines the speed of object detection in FPS, also presented good results, ranging from 501.47 to 1037.42 FPS.Публікація Robot Manipulator Control Systems Comparison within the concepts Industry 5.0 and Industry 4.0(SYNAPSES: Insights Across the Disciplines, 2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Amer Abu-Jassar; Maksymova, S.; Demska, N.The article explores the differences in approaches to control systems for manipulator robots within the concepts Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0. The main requirements for classical control systems focused on automation and autonomy and collaborative systems that take into account interactivity and adaptability for close interaction with a person are analyzed. The comparative analysis highlights the advantages and challenges of each approach, suggesting directions for further developments in the field of adaptive and safe robotics systems.Публікація Route constructing for a mobile robot based on the D-star algorithm(Technical science research in Uzbekistan, 2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Amer Abu-Jassar; Maksymova, S.; Ahmad AlkhalailehThis paper discusses the use of the D-star algorithm to construct an optimal route for a mobile robot in a space with obstacles. We present a mathematical description of the D-star algorithm operating principle, which is based on the idea of dynamic programming and step-by-step path cost updating. Based on this description, a Python program was developed that is capable of building a route for the robot, taking into account the situation around it. To test the efficiency and accuracy of the algorithm, a number of experiments were carried out on various test maps with different obstacle configurations. The results showed that the D-star algorithm demonstrates high efficiency and reliability in constructing the optimal route for a mobile robot under various conditions.Публікація Route planning for a mobile robot in 3d space based on an algorithm probabilistic roadmap(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Amer Abu-JassarThis article discusses route planning for a mobile robot in three-dimensional space using the Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) algorithm. The mathematical apparatus of PRM allows you to build a state graph for the robot’s movement space, taking into account obstacles and environmental features. The developed Python program includes an implementation of the PRM algorithm to find the optimal path in 3D space. Experiments on route generation in various environments were conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed approach. The results obtained confirm the applicability of the PRM algorithm for route planning of mobile robots in complex 3D environments.Публікація The Bipedal Robot a Kinematic Diagram Development(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Maksymova, S.; Yevsieiev, V.; Amer Abu-JassarDue to the fact that in order to ensure the movement of a walking robot it is necessary to solve the problem of maintaining balance, there is a need to develop a kinematic diagram of the robot, and also to decide how the resulting tilts, rotations and vibrations will be compensated. This article presents the development of a kinematic diagram of a bipedal walking robot. In this robot, arm movements will compensate for unbalancing leg movements.Публікація The Canny Algorithm Implementation for Obtaining the Object Contour in a Mobile Robot’s Workspace in Real Time(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Amer Abu-JassarThe article is devoted to the Canny algorithm implementation for obtaining the objects contours in mobile robots’ workspace in real time. The paper presents the mathematical foundations of the algorithm, including all key stages: from image pre -processing up to the Canny operator application. The article main focus is the algorithm integration into the mobile robot system and its adaptation to the dynamic conditions of the workspace. The developed program in the Python programming language using the PyCharm development environment demonstrat es the high performance of the algorithm in real time. A series of experiments has confirmed that the average video stream processing speed fluctuates in a narrow range from 1000.07 to 1002.70 frames per second.Публікація The Optical Flow Method and Graham’s Algorithm Implementation Features for Searching for the Object Contour in the Mobile Robot’s Workspace(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Amer Abu-Jassar; Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.This article examines the optical flow method and graham algorithm implementation features for searching for the object contour in the mobile robot’s workspace. The mathematical models of both methods were discussed in detail and then implemented in a Python program using the PyCharm development environment. As part of the study, a number of experiments were carried out, the purpose of which was to evaluate the performance of the optical flow method and the Graham algorithm for extracting the contour of an object. The research results presented in the article highlight the effectiveness of the optical flow method and the Graham algorithm in real-time conditions.