Кафедра фізичного виховання та спорту (ФВС)
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Перегляд Кафедра фізичного виховання та спорту (ФВС) за автором "Malynskyi, I."
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Публікація Dynamics of psycho-emotional state and individual psychological characteristics of students in the process of physical education classes(2019) Griban, G.; Kuznietsova, O.; Dzenzeliuk, D.; Malynskyi, I.; Dikhtiarenko, Z.; Yeromenko, E.; Otravenko, O.; Lytvynenko, A.; Okhrimenko, I.; Prontenko, K.; Lyhun, N.The article presents results of the investigation of dynamics of psycho-emotional state and individual psychological characteristics of students during physical education. 60 students were part in the research. The level of extraversion, emotional stability, and type of temperament were determined according to the methodology of H. Eysenck. The assessment of well-being, activity, and mood was carried out using the WAM test. The differentiation of physical education classes, applying physical exercises according to the students’ temperaments, is determined to influence their emotional state and individual-psychological characteristics positively. The students of experimental groups are defined to have better indicators of well-being, activity, mood, extraversion and introversion, neuroticism than those of control groups at the end of the experiment.