Кафедра фізичного виховання та спорту (ФВС)
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Перегляд Кафедра фізичного виховання та спорту (ФВС) за автором "Grokhova, G."
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Публікація Current state of students’ health and its improvement in the process of physical education(Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2020) Grokhova, G.; Griban, G.; Lyakhova, N. G.; Tymoshenko, O.; Domina, Zh.; Dovgan, N.; Kruk, M.; Mychka, I.The study of state of health was conducted at Polissia National University and Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University in 2008-2019. The results of a medical examination of 3737 students of different faculties between the ages of 17 and 22 were examined. Medical examinations were conducted by the doctors of the medical centers of universities. Totally 1208 pupils (male and female) of the schools of Zhytomyr region were involved in the questionnaire, which was conducted to analyze the attendance of physical education classes by pupils while studying at school. 648 students of Polissia National University participated in the study of the self-assessment of their own health, causes, and structure of disease incidence, the dynamics of the loss of labor capacityПублікація Dynamics of the students’ physical fitness while studying at higher educational institutions(2020) Grokhova, G.The article presents an analysis of the dynamics of the students’ physical fitness while studying at Ukrainian higher educational institutions. The level of physical fitness was assessed by the results in exercises that characterize the development of basic physical qualities: speed qualities (100 m run), speed and power qualities (long standing jump), power qualities (pull-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups for males; flexed arm hang, push-ups, and sit-ups for females), endurance (3000 m run for males and 2000 m run for females), flexibility (bending forward from a sitting position), agility (4 x 9 m shuttle run). The study was conducted in Polissia National University in 2013-2019. 16 groups of the students from the faculties of economics, agronomy, ecology, technology, agricultural management, and agriculture mechanization took part in the study; in total, the research involved 369 students, including 195 males and 174 females. The research methods included the analysis and generalization of scientific, educational and methodical literature on physical education, the methods of conceptual and comparative, system and structural analysis, pedagogical observation, testing, the methods of statistical data processing.