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Публікація A Security Model of Individual Cyberspace(EWDTS, 2011) Adamov, A.; Hahanov, V.Previous studies in the field of cyberspace security were mostly based on an analysis of a computer network state and identifying vulnerabilities in it [1], or using as security criterion multi-perspective parameters to assess and predict a security state of a network system [2]. In later studies, this approach has been recognized as untenable because it ignores the behaviour of a user when a system anomaly occurs. According to [3] cyberspace is defined as "a massive socio technical system of systems, with a significant component being the humans involved". Thus, the authors attribute the cyber attacks with social, political, economic and cultural phenomena. Today an individual virtual space expanded by the widespread expansion of social networking and Internet services that allow process and store data in the cloud. Thus, users are becoming less tied to their personal digital device, which is only used for access to online services to obtain the necessary data and perform operations. This approach allows us to abstract from hardware characteristics accessing the Internet and use any mobile hardware and software platform for a wide range of tasks in the "cloud" [4]. The examples of such services are cloud office (Google Documents, Microsoft Office Live), sharing of files and images, map services, interpreters, calendars, and, finally, social networks, where each member of a network can store personal information and gain access to multimedia content of other users. All these are evidence of humanity's transition to cloud technology everywhere. The protection of cloud services is hot topic today because these technologies are widely used by organizations to create a business service infrastructure. Accordingly, it is necessary to guarantee the security of corporate data in the cloud, which is an elusive task. Solving this task a company may sign Service Level Agreement (SLA) with a service provider, where all security issues are determined at different levels of representation [5]. For instance, Intel has developed a suite of solutions for secure access and data storage in the cloud. Intel's technologies are supported by leading antivirus companies Symantec and McAfee [6]. Taking in consideration the existing technologies in this area a new model of ICS protection is suggested, which implies the creation of a secure environment for data storage and processing with the help of a cloud computing technology.Публікація Discovering New Indicators for Botnet Traffic Detection(EWDTS, 2014) Adamov, A.; Hahanov, V.; Carlsson, A.Botnets became the powerful cyber weapon that involves tens of millions of infected computers – “cyber zombies” – all over the world. The security industry makes efforts to prevent spreading botnets and compromising an Individual Cyberspace (IC)[1] of users in such way. However, botnets continue existing despite numerous takedowns initiated by antivirus companies, Microsoft, FBI, Europol and others. In this paper we investigate existed methods of traffic detection represented mostly by IDS system and discover new indicators that can be utilized for improving botnet traffic detection. To do this we analyse the most prevalent backdoors communication protocols that stay behind of the popular botnets. As a result, we extracted new data that might be used in detection routines of IDS (Intrusion Detection System). An objective of the study is mining new indicators of compromise from botnet traffic and using them to identify cyber-attacks on IC. The analysis method assumes analysis of a communication protocol of the top botnet backdoors. The discovered results that can be used to improve detection of infected hosts in a local network are presented in this paper. A modern society sees an increase in cyber attacks that is attempted to be mitigated by antivirus and other security companies. Nowadays an Individual Cyberspace is highly vulnerable against identity and money theft on the Internet. The most spread and dangerous threat for every Internet user is botnets that conquer more and more user computers and turning them into “cyber zombies”. Despite numerous takedown attempts the botnets are still alive and continue successfully stealing users’ credentials. Detecting botnet is a complex task because of two major reasons: using encryption for transferred data, involving numerous infected bots as proxy layers to deliver data to C&C. Currently the botnets became an unbreakable despite of recent takedowns of Kelihos and Zeus botnets because of distributed nature of botnets and using several layers of proxy-bots. The latest Tovar Operation jointly run by FBI, NCA, Europol and antivirus companies in the beginning of June disconnected Zeus bots from mothership C&C(Command and Control) servers.Публікація Educating the Next Generation MSc in Cyber Security(2019) Carlsson, A.; Sokolianska, I.; Adamov, A.The degree project is conducted at the end of the education programs that lead to Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) degrees. The purpose of the project for a student is to practice the necessary skills used to independently define,plan, conduct, and present a project. The projects focus on research, on development,or contain a blend of both.Публікація Security Risks and Modern Cyber Security Technologies for Corporate Networks(ХНУРЭ, 2010) Adamov, A.; Hahanov, V.; Gharibi, W.The article aims to highlight current trends on he market of corporate antivirus solutions. Brief overview of modern security threats that can destroy IT environment is rovided as well as a typical structure and features of ntivirus suits for corporate users presented on the market. he general requirements for corporate products are etermined according to the last report from avomparatives.org [1]. The detailed analysis of new features is rovided based on an overview of products available on the market nowadays. At the end, an enumeration of modern trends in antivirus industry for corporate users completes this rticle. Finally, the main goal of this article is to stress an ttention about new trends suggested by AV vendors in their olutions in order to protect customers against newest security hreats.Публікація System Level Methodology for Functional Verification Soc(EWDTW, 2006) Adamov, A.; Zaychenko, S.; Myroshnychenko, Y.; Lukashenko, O.Building a verification environment and the associated tests is a highly time-consuming process. Most project reports indicate that between 40% and 70% of the entire effort of a project is spent on verification, with 70% being much closer to the normal level for successful projects. This high level of effort indicates that the potential gains to be made with successful re-use are significant. Most projects do not start with a complete set of hardware designs available for a functional verification. Usually a design comes together as smaller blocks. Then the blocks are integrated into larger blocks, which may eventually be integrated into a system. That is reason for performing functional verification at a system level. The paper describes the system-level modeling environment for a functional verification System-on-a-Chip models. System level allow design teams to rapidly create large system-on-a-chip designs (SOCs) by integrating premade blocks that do not require any design work or verification. One of the hottest topics in embedded system design today is Electronic System Level (ESL) design. Although the idea of being able to describe a system at an abstract level has been around for a decade, only now are various parts of the design flow becoming available to make it practical. ESL describes a Systemon- chip (SoC) design in an abstract enough and fast enough way to explore the design space and provide virtual prototypes for hardware and software implementation. It is becoming a fundamental part of the design flow because we can now use it throughout the iterative design process rather than just in the early system architecting phase. ESL provides tools and methodologies that let designers describe and analyze chips on a high level of abstraction, easing the pain of designing electronic systems which would otherwise be too costly, complex or time consuming to create. The adoption of ESL can be seen in the same light as the transition to register transfer level (RTL) methodologies 10-15 years ago when complexity and time-to-market pressures obliged the industry to step up to another design level. As designs become larger with more and more IP blocks, engineers will re-use more IP. ESL methodologies that enable platform-based design will be increasingly necessary to create and test a complete system. For the most complex SoCs, IP reuse can only help up to a point. For a 40-million-gate SoC, filling even 75% of the device with existing IP leaves 10 million gates to design with original content. ESL methodologies which allow rapid creation of new blocks are likely to be leveraged by designers to quickly develop and verify original content to fill the 10 million gate void while meeting time-to- market requirements. Among the 24% percent of respondents who have implemented some form of ESL design methodology an overwhelming 87% believe ESL provides an acceptable or greater return on investment.Публікація The Problem of Trojan Inclusions in Software and Hardware(EWDTS, 2009) Adamov, A.; Saprykin, A.This paper describes an information security threat implemented in software and hardware by means of malicious inclusions called Trojans. Creation of Trojans is mostly driven by criminal with the purpose of financial profit and sabotage. The Trojans programs can steal money from your bank account, payment system, credit card numbers, and other personal information; use your computer as a part of “zombie” network to perform fraudulent actions of hacker. The hardware Trojans can be embedded in safety critical, security and military systems, such as weapon control systems, battlefield communication systems, information collection and decision making systems, satellite electronics, banking systems, cryptosystems, etc. The goal of the paper is to compare the security problem of high level computer systems with the same problem in hardware systems, such as System-onChip. Therefore, the class of Trojan malicious programs is considered in both environments: software and hardware. Nowadays e-crime and e-terrorism are the hottest topic in information security. Digital systems are everywhere in our life. And millions of computers are infected by malicious programs - malware, part of them are enslaved within botnets, launching distributed DoS attacks, working as anonymizers and spam senders. Currently, every two seconds new malicious program appears according to Kaspersky Lab statistics [1]. All these samples are high level software for particular OS. Also many anti-virus solutions are available on the market to protect the users from security threats, such as malware, hacker attacks, spam. The worse thing about malicious inclusions is that they can be found at hardware level as well. Such alterations can compromise the system by modifying its functionality, intercepting the data or blocking the work of the whole system. Fortunately, they are limited in proliferation and cannot infect other devices. In contrast to malicious programs, hardware malicious circuits are hardly-detectable. There is no unified protection solution, like Antivirus. There are three main categories of malicious programs[2]: x Viruses - program code that replicates on host system. x Worms (network worms) – type of malicious programs, that spread by network channels, capable of overcoming the protection of computer systems and computer networks, as well as the creation and further copies proliferation, that are not always the same as the original ones, and implementation of other harmful effects. x Trojans – programs that damage victim machines or threaten data integrity, or impair the functioning of the victim machine. 1. Hacker utilities and other malware. Unlike, the world of hardware devices has only the one class of malware – Hardware Trojan (HT). Because, the chip’s IP cores cannot be modified by viruses when it is already synthesized into a die. And also there is no required communication channel for worm proliferation. Both those classes need the unified environment for reproduction and spreading. So the most popular threat implemented in hardware is Trojan circuit. The main purpose of HT is to steal confidential information, modify the functionality and transmitting data or block/destroy device. HT can be implemented as hardware inclusions to application specific ICs (ASICs), microprocessors, digital signal processors (DSPs), or as IP core modifications for field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) [3].Публікація Transaction Level Model of Embedded Processor for Vector-Logical Analysis(EWDTS, 2012) Adamov, A.; Hahanova, I. V.; Obrizan, V.; Shcherbin, D.Transaction level model of embedded processor for improving the performance of logical relation analysis are proposed. It is based on the hardware implementation of vector operations. There are examples of the model using for the semantics analysis of Russian adjectives. The embedded processor was designed to be part of SoC that will be implemented on FPGA. With the increase in complexity and velocity of the modern digital devices its energy consumption and cost gross also. The division of tasks across multiple cores of the processor that leads to create some parallel systems using a coherent set of specialized calculators would be a trade-off in this situation. These structures could improve the performance of solving the computational problems, and could reduce the power consumption and the hardware implementation cost of the digital systems. The special interest of electronic technology market is the scientific and technical direction of formalizing human mental activity to create the artificial intelligence components. These intelligent tools such as expert systems, image recognition and decisionmaking need creating effective and high-speed engines (multi-processor or specialized embedded processors). A typical example of this domain that requires a specialized processor is the analysis and synthesis of the natural language constructs. At the same time one of the main points of designing the word processor is the hardware implementation of the device that handle synthesis and analysis of the language constructs. Purpose: Development of the transaction level model of the special embedded processor for hardware realization of the vector operations. Objectives: 1. Analysis of publications about the specialized logic processor design [1-4]. 2. Analysis of the syntactic and semantic models of word processing that implement for natural languages [5-6]. 3. Creation of the architecture of the specialized embedded processor that analyze the logical net of the language constructs [6]. 4. The hardware implementation of the transaction level model device that implements the grammatical analysis of the Russian adjectives. The prototype design is used the specialized device that performed grammatical analysis of adjectives end was implemented in the FPGA [6]. The proposed model has more flexibility and can handle any logical net of syntactic and semantic relations. The use of the transaction level modes and design techniques allowed to focus on the order of the data processing and transmission, and reduce unimportant details.