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Публікація 17-й Международный молодежный форум «Радиоэлектроника и молодежь в ХХІ веке». Сб. материалов форума. Т. 11.(ХНУРЕ, 2013)У збірник включені матеріали 17-го Міжнародного молодіжного форума «Радіоелектроніка і молодь у ХХІ столітті».Публікація 18-й Международный молодежный форум «Радиоэлектроника и молодежь в ХХI веке». Сб. материалов форума. Т. 11.(ХНУРЭ, 2014)В сборник включены материалы 18-го Международного молодежного форума «Радиоэлектроника и молодежь в ХХI веке».Публікація 19-й Международный молодежный форум «Радиоэлектроника и молодежь в ХХІ веке». Сб. материалов форума. Т. 11.(ХНУРЭ, 2015)В сборник включены материалы 19-го Международного молодежного форума «Радиоэлектроника и молодежь в ХХІ веке».Публікація 20-й Ювілейний Міжнародний молодіжний форум «Радіоелектроніка і молодь в ХХІ столітті». Зб. матеріалів форуму. Т. 11(ХНУРЕ, 2016)У збірник включені матеріали 20-го Ювілейного Міжнародного молодіжного форуму «Радіоелектроніка і молодь в ХХІ столітті».Публікація 21-й Міжнародний молодіжний форум «Радіоелектроніка та молодь у ХХІ столітті». Зб. матеріалів форуму. Т. 11.(ХНУРЕ, 2017)До збірника внесені матеріали 21-го Міжнародного молодіжного форуму «Радіоелектроніка та молодь у ХХІ столітті».Публікація 22-й Міжнародний молодіжний форум «Радіоелектроніка та молодь у ХХІ столітті». Зб. матеріалів форуму. Т. 11.(ХНУРЕ, 2018)До збірника внесені матеріали 22-го Міжнародного молодіжного форуму «Радіоелектроніка та молодь у ХХІ столітті».Публікація A Diagnostic Model for Detecting Functional Violation in HDL-Code of System-on-Chip(EWDTS, 2011) Umerah, N. C.; Hahanov, V. I.The problem of synthesis or analysis of the components of any system can be formulated by the interaction of its model with input patterns and reactions in a space. This is similar to determining the symmetric difference of the three components – model, test patterns and reaction of the model when the test pattern is applied to it. The distance or relationship between two or more objects in a space can be determined by the well known Cartesian or polar coordinate systems. In case of Boolean variables the Hamming distance has been used to determine how close or far apart are two binary variables of any length. Using Hamming distance results in cardinality or a number; but the beta metric proposed in this paper gives a broader view of how two or more binary variables of any length relates to each other in a cyberspace. And Hamming distance is only a particular case of beta metric. In this paper we define cyberspace as a set of interacting information processes and phenomena which conforms to a predefined metric using computer systems and networks as a vehicle. This paper is organised as follows: In section 2 we discuss the beta metric used in defining the relationship between objects in a space. The analysis of interactive graph of components of technical diagnostics is presented in section 3 followed by a model to search for functional violation in HDLcode in section 4.Публікація A Security Model of Individual Cyberspace(EWDTS, 2011) Adamov, A.; Hahanov, V.Previous studies in the field of cyberspace security were mostly based on an analysis of a computer network state and identifying vulnerabilities in it [1], or using as security criterion multi-perspective parameters to assess and predict a security state of a network system [2]. In later studies, this approach has been recognized as untenable because it ignores the behaviour of a user when a system anomaly occurs. According to [3] cyberspace is defined as "a massive socio technical system of systems, with a significant component being the humans involved". Thus, the authors attribute the cyber attacks with social, political, economic and cultural phenomena. Today an individual virtual space expanded by the widespread expansion of social networking and Internet services that allow process and store data in the cloud. Thus, users are becoming less tied to their personal digital device, which is only used for access to online services to obtain the necessary data and perform operations. This approach allows us to abstract from hardware characteristics accessing the Internet and use any mobile hardware and software platform for a wide range of tasks in the "cloud" [4]. The examples of such services are cloud office (Google Documents, Microsoft Office Live), sharing of files and images, map services, interpreters, calendars, and, finally, social networks, where each member of a network can store personal information and gain access to multimedia content of other users. All these are evidence of humanity's transition to cloud technology everywhere. The protection of cloud services is hot topic today because these technologies are widely used by organizations to create a business service infrastructure. Accordingly, it is necessary to guarantee the security of corporate data in the cloud, which is an elusive task. Solving this task a company may sign Service Level Agreement (SLA) with a service provider, where all security issues are determined at different levels of representation [5]. For instance, Intel has developed a suite of solutions for secure access and data storage in the cloud. Intel's technologies are supported by leading antivirus companies Symantec and McAfee [6]. Taking in consideration the existing technologies in this area a new model of ICS protection is suggested, which implies the creation of a secure environment for data storage and processing with the help of a cloud computing technology.Публікація A WSN Approach to Unmanned Aerial Surveillance of Traffic Anomalies: Some Challenges and Potential Solutions(EWDTS, 2012) David Afolabi; Ka Lok Man; Hai-Ning Liang; Eng Gee Lim; Zhun Shen; Chi-Un Lei; Tomas Krilavičius; Yue Yang; Lixin Cheng; Hahanov, V. I.; Yemelyanov, IgorStationary CCTV cameras are often used to help monitor car movements and detect any anomalies— e.g., accidents, cars going faster than the allowed speed, driving under the influence of alcohol, etc. The height of the cameras can limit their effectiveness and the types of image processing algorithm which can be used. With advancements in the development of inexpensive aerial flying objects and wireless devices, these two technologies can be coupled to support enhanced surveillance. The flying objects can carry multiple cameras and be sent well above the ground to capture and feed video/image information back to a ground station. In addition, because of the height the objects can achieve, they can capture videos and images which could lend themselves more suitably for the application of a variety of video and image processing algorithms to assist analysts in detecting any anomalies. In this paper, we examine some main challenges of using flying objects for surveillance purposes and propose some potential solutions to these challenges. By doing so, we attempt to provide the basis for developing a framework to build a viable system for improved surveillance based on low-cost equipment. With the cost of cars decreasing, more and more people are opting to use cars as their main means of transportation. In cities with large populations, the exponential rise in the number of cars on the streets can lead to many issues (e.g., accidents, congestions, etc.). Governments are spending large amounts of resources in order to improve means to help monitor the movement of cars and in the process enable enforcement officers detect any existing anomalies and prevent potential ones. One widespread technology used to monitor the flow of cars is CCTVs. These can be seen placed on top of street light posts, traffic lights and/or specialized street structures. Although useful, these types of structures are limited in their height, and this limitation can constraint severely the kinds of images and videos can be captured. Similarly, the type of images and videos can determine to a large extent how well they support computer vision and image analysis algorithms. We believe that the use of unmanned flying (or aerial) vehicles (UAV) embedded with video cameras and wireless devices to be used in conjunction with normal CCTVs can support enhanced monitoring of car movements. Unmanned flying objects have become inexpensive and so have video cameras and wireless devices. In this paper, we explore some challenges of using these technologies for automatic monitoring of car flows and suggest some potential solutions for researchers to consider.Публікація Algebra-Logical Repair Method for FPGA Logic Blocks(EWDTS, 2009) Hahanov, V.; Galagan, S.; Olchovoy, V.; Priymak, A.At present there are many scientific publications, which cover SoC/SiP testing, diagnosis and repair problems [1-16, 19-20]. The testing and repair problem for the digital system logic components has a special place, because repair of faulty logic blocks is technologically complicated problem. Existing solutions, which are proposed in published works, can be divided on the following groups: 1. Duplication of logic elements or chip regions to double hardware realization of functionality. When faulty element is detected switching to faultless component by means of a multiplexer is carried out [4]. The FPGA models, proposed by Xilinx, can be applied for repair of Altera FPGA components. At repair the main unit of measure is row or column. 2. Application of genetic algorithms for diagnosis and repair on the basis of off-line FPGA reconfiguration not using external control devices [5]. The fault diagnosis reliability is 99%, repair time is 36 msec instead of 660 sec, required for standard configuration of a project. 3. Time-critical FPGA repairing by means of replacement of local CLBs by redundant spares is proposed in [6,7]. In critically important applications the acceptable integration level for CLB replacement is about 1000 logic blocks. The repair technologies for digital system logic, implemented on-chip FPGA, are based on existence or introduction of LUT redundancy after place and route procedure execution. Physical faults, which appear in the process of fabrication or operation, become apparent as logical or temporary failure and result in malfunction of a digital system. Faults are tied not only to the gates or LUT components but also to a specified location on a chip. The idea of digital system repairing comes to the removal of a fault element by means of repeated place and route executing after diagnosis. At that two repair technologies are possible: 1) Blockage of a defective area by means of developing the control scripts for long time place and route procedure. But it is not always acceptable for real time digital systems. The approach is oriented to remove the defective areas of any multiplicity. Blockage of the defective areas by means of repeated place and route executing results in repair of a digital system. 2) Place and route executing for repairing of real time digital systems can result in disastrous effects. The technological approach is necessary that allows repairing of the digital system functionality for milliseconds, required for reprogramming FPGA by new bitstream to remove defective areas from chip functionality. The approach is based on preliminary generation of all possible bitstreams for blocking future defective areas by means of their logical relocation to the redundant nonfunctional chip area. The larger a spare area the less a number of bitstreams, which can be generated a priori. Concerning multiple faults, not covered by a spare area, it is necessary to segment a digital project by its decomposition on disjoin parts, which have their own Place and Route maps. In this case a digital system that has n spare segments for n distributed faults can be repaired. The total chip area consists of (n+m) equal parts. The research objective is to develop a repair method for FPGA logic blocks on the basis of using the redundant chip area. Problems: 1) Development of an algebra-logical repair method for logic blocks of a digital system on basis of FPGA. 2) Development of a method for logic blocks matrix traversal to cover FPGA faulty components by spare tiles. 3) Analysis of practical results and future research.Публікація Algebra-Logical Repair Method for FPGA Logic Blocks(ХНУРЭ, 2009) Hahanov, V. I.; Gharibi, W.; Guz, O. A.; Litvinova, E. I.An algebra-logical repair method for FPGA functional logic blocks on the basis of solving the coverage problem is proposed. It is focused on implementation into Infrastructure IP for system-on-a chip and system-in-package. A method is designed for providing the operability of FPGA blocks and digital system as a whole. It enables to obtain exact and optimal solution associated with the minimum number of spares needed to repair the FPGA logic components with multiple faults.Публікація Analysing the impact of IaaS infrastructure components to improve system performance(ДП "ПДПРОНДІАВІАПРОМ", 2021) Bondarenko, M. E.Публікація Analysis and comparison of data protection protocols of Wi-Fi networks(2022) Balagura, D. S.; Karavaiev, V. М.Публікація Analysis and comparison of the PaLa consensus protocol(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Кравченко, А. А.The PaLa protocol is known for its simplicity and effectiveness in achieving Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT). This thesis discusses the main properties of the PaLa – partially synchronous blockchain protocol, its advantages and disadvantages, and key aspects of its structure. We also compare PaLa with other algorithms, such as Tendermint, Hotstuff, and Casper FFG, which have fewer limitations due to their more complex structure. Based on the considered limitations, the following modifications are presented, which allow to extend them: Pipelet protocol, Committee rotation algorithm, and Streamlet protocol.Публікація Analysis of correlation rules in Security information and event management systems(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Sievierinov, О. V.; Ovcharenko, M.This article discusses the main components of information security systems and information security incident management. The methods of non-signature, as well as signature analysis of rules and decision-making that are used in such systems are considered. The analysis of existing methods of correlation rules. The main types of each method have been identified.Публікація Analysis of information structure modeling methods(ФОП Петров В.В., 2022) Kuchuk, N.; Kotova, O.A mathematical model is often used to analyze the information structure of a network. This model has the form of queuing networks. Queuing network – This is a system that performs the service of incoming requests to it. The main elements of the system are the input flow of applications, service channels, the queue of applications, the output flow of applications. Service requests arrive at discrete (constant or random) time intervals. It is important to know the law of distribution of the incoming flow. The channels needed to serve these applications. Service lasts for a while, constant or occasionalПублікація Analysis of methods of using the Raspberry PI platform in the training of computer engineers(ХНУРЕ, 2021) Bilash, D. A.Raspberry Pi is the name of a series of single-board computers and high-performance microcontrollers. First of them was launched by the Raspberry Pi Foundation in 2012. A UK charity that aims to teach people in computing and provide them with easy knowledge in the Internet of Things, giving a big opportunity to use their products. Also it is cheap and costs less than 35 $ and there is a model that costs only 5$.Публікація Analysis of multimedia data replication methods(ХНУРЭ, 2021) Hvozdetska, K. P.This work is devoted to the analysis of existing methods of data replication when using the scheme of increasing fault tolerance of servers with multimedia content. It analyzes such methods as detachment/attachment method, one-way and two-way replication methods.Публікація Analysis of Production Rules in Expert Systems of Diagnosis(Української державної академії залізничного транспорту, 2013) Krivoulya, G. F.; Shkil, A. S.; Kucherenko, D. E.This paper examines the problem of the quality test of production rules that is basic for judgment about the technical state of a computer system. The object of the diagnosis is software. Its quality is assessed on the basis of an expert appraisal of the chosen attributes (diagnostic features) with the use of rules and procedures of fuzzy logic. The developed formal procedures to check the produc tion rules for correctness by analysis of the cubic form of their presentation on the basis of the proposed alphabet and procedures are given.Публікація Analysis of the influence of selected audio pre-processing stages on accuracy of speaker language recognition(ХНУРЕ, 2023) Barkovska, O. Yu.; Havrashenko, A. O.In the course of the work, the best sequence of stages of pre-processing audio data was selected for use in further training of the neural network for different ways to convert signals into features. Mel-cepstral characteristic coefficients are better suited for solving our problem. Since the neural network strongly depends on its structure, the results may change with the increase in the volume of input data and the number of languages. But at this stage, it was decided to use only mel-cepstral characteristic coefficients with normalization.