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Publication Имитационные модели в курсе «Основы охраны труда»(УАДО, 2004) Дзюндзюк, Б. В.; Ларченко, Л. В.; Марченко, Л. И.Program imitating models of laboratory works are intended for students of day time, in absentia and remote forms of training. Programs include a theoretical material on the appropriate theme, testing and the full control of passage of the program. After performance of work there is an automatic generation of the report.Publication Элемент электронного учебника по дисциплине «Основы экологии». Программа для расчета нормативных значений(УАДО, 2004) Березуцкая, Н. Л.; Дзюндзюк, Б. В.; Денисенко, Н. В.There was suggested an automatically computing method of the maximal permitted level of come-out into the atmosphere and the conditions of ditch waters going into a water object. The brunch of usage: as student’s individual work and as a part of electronic coursebook «The Basics of Ecology».Publication Электронный учебник по дисциплине «Основы экологии»(УАДО, 2004) Березуцкая, Н. Л.; Дзюндзюк, Б. В.; Марченко, Л. И.The electron text-book was designed which combines a convenient account of a theoretical stuff, laboratory practical work and testing system. The interface is convenient for dialogue of the user with the computer that is allows to spend process of education more obviously and effectively. The protocol inaccessible to the user the is frameed in which is brought: a login name, result of testing, practical definitions and also the reports on laboratory works are generated.Publication Использование компьютерных экологических игр в учебном процессе(УАДО, 2002) Березуцкая, Н. Л.; Усенко, Е. В.In the given report the question on application of computer ecological games in laboratory works at the rate " a Fundamentals of a ecology" is affected. These programs designed by the students of university of a radioelectronic and execute the important role in ecological education of the students. The development of such programs enables the students in practice to apply theoretical knowledge obtained on profile facultiesPublication Экологические аспекты инженерного образования(УАДО, 2002) Березуцкая, Н. Л.; Марченко, Л. И.In the given paper the question on a heightening of ecological culture of a society (community) as a whole and about a heightening of a role of ecological education at engineering universities is considered. Principal aspect of engineering activity should become continuous communication (connection) of a nature and man and on pathes (route) of engineering advance the mankind should not erase medium of a habitation, our planet.Publication Применение дистанционных методов обучения в курсе «Основы экологии»(УАДО, 2002) Березуцкая, Н. Л.; Ларченко, Л. В.В настоящее время наблюдается мировая тенденция перехода к нетрадиционным формам образования. Наряду с ростом потребности в высшем непрерывном образовании, происходит интернационализация образования не только по содержанию, но и по методикам обучения и организационным формам. Основная роль в этом процессе принадлежит дистанционным методам обучения, основанным на современных компьютерных технологиях, не имеющим себе равных по степени мобильности, охвату по предметным областям знаний и дальнодействию.Publication Методи та засоби захисту від шкідливих виробничих факторів(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Гродецький, А. Ю.Ensuring safety and health in modern production is paramount. Effective methods and means of protection against harmful production factors are essential. Prevention, collective and individual protection of workers, and education on safety and hygiene play crucial roles. Implementation of these measures is vital for creating a safe work environment. Safety and health are top priorities in modern production. Effective methods of protection against harmful factors include prevention, collective and individual protection, and worker education. Implementation of these measures is essential for maintaining a safe work environment.Publication Прогнозування показників охорони праці підприємства за допомогою часових рядів(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Здорик, Н. В.This work is devoted production processes safety, namely, increasing the accuracy of forecasting temporary disability of workers. Increasing the accuracy of forecasting is based on the use of mathematical tools of time series. To perform calculations, it is necessary to expand the experimental data base, which contains information on the influence of hazard factors on the production processes. The author proposes to create analytical groups (or separate positions) at enterprises to collect and process relevant statistical data. As a result, this will increase the effectiveness of preventive security measures.Publication Екологічна безпека промислових об’єктів(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Кравченко, Р. С.This work examines issues of environmental safety in the production of radio electronics, pollution risks, waste management problems, and resource problems. The focus is on effective strategies such as green technologies and waste recycling for a sustainable future. Further research could include quantification of environmental impacts and consideration of wider social and economic implications.Publication Аналіз методів та засобів контролю навколишнього природного середовища(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Літвін, В. О.This work is devoted to exploring various methods of environmental protection and control since the influence that humanity is having on the environment might become uncontrollable in the nearest future. The main methods of environmental control and their subtypes were considered and analyzed. In particular, it was researched which aspects of control are most effectively performed by these types and what they are best used for. This was proven in the examples of the study of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.Publication Переробка відходів, збагачених органічною речовиною, з отриманням біогазу(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Морозова, К. О.In this work, I have explored how to obtain biogas and its benefits for people's daily lives. I have also gathered data from existing biogas facilities in Ukraine. Additionally, I have explained the overall process of obtaining biogas and outlined each stage step by step.Publication Техногенні небезпеки – загроза сталому розвитку міст(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Рябініна, І. О.Today, looking at the current state of cities, especially the consequences of the impact of hazard factors on the environment and humanity, causing damage to the economy and inhibiting the achievement of sustainable development goals, and, as a result, maintaining a high standard of living, there is an acute question of preventing the occurrence of various types of man-made hazards . The concept of sustainable development is aimed at finding a balance between economic development of the country, environmental protection, prevention of man-made disasters, sustainability of cities and social welfare of the population.Publication Сталий розвиток – панацея чи утопія?(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Чуйков, Д. В.This work is devoted to the issues of sustainable development and the goals set by the UN until 2030. The basics of the concept of sustainable development of the world are considered. The position of the leadership of Ukraine on this concept and state documents regulating issues of the Sustainable Development Goals in our country are being studied. Questions related to the criticism of the concept of sustainable development and the attitude towards it as a utopia are raised.Publication Перспективи використання інноваційних технологій у вдосконаленні засобів індивідуального захисту(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Юзифович, Р. Ю.Personal protective equipment is a key element in ensuring the protection of employees from harmful production factors. This paper discusses methods of improving the effectiveness of protective equipment by introducing innovative technologies into their development. Particular attention is paid to such innovations as exoskeletons, augmented reality, wearable technologies and nanomaterials. The prospects of integrating these technologies into PPE are analyzed and a conclusion is made as to whether they can become a standard in labor protection.Publication Комп'ютерна програма «sort savvy» при вивченні питань захисту літосфери від забруднення відходами(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Внуков, Т. С.A new computer program "Sort Savvy" has been created, which illustrates how owners of industrial and residential complexes can effectively sort waste and evaluate the benefits of this process. The main emphasis is on the visual demonstration of the consequences of anthropogenic human activity, its impact on people and the environment. Methods of solving these issues are also proposed. The program is designed for assimilation and consolidation of knowledge on environmental safety and life safety.Publication Горєва М. М. Дослідження стану промислового травматизму в Україні під час воєнних дій(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Горєва, М. М.This work is devoted to analysis of the occupational injuries including fatal cases in Ukraine for the period January-February 2022-2024. Prevention of industrial accidents and fatalities at work. For the study, operational data on accidents of registered by the state Labor Service of Ukraine were considered as well as some ways of prevention industrial injuries. The analysis of this information helped to draw conclusions about the circumstances that lead to the greatest number of injuries and deaths. After reviewing the data, recommendations were made to reduce and avoid fatal workplace accidents.Publication Автоматизація виробничого процесу і безпека людини(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Багаєв, Д. О.Our world is evolving very rapidly, and new technologies are coming along with it. More and more scientists are proposing new ways to overcome certain problems. They raise safety issues in production facilities in order to minimize the risk and danger to the life and health of workers. The main aspects of equipment safety assessmentare identified. Advanced technologies and hazard assessments of industrial enterprises are presented.Publication Оцінка та визначення ризику при здійсненні виробничої діяльності(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Бойко, А. Ю.Environmental risks are an eternal topic. All living and non-living things can be a source of danger. What can be done to reduce the impact of negative factors on a person? What exactly does the Constitution of Ukraine guarantee to each person? What are the classifications of environmental risks? What is the purpose of the sanitary-epidemiological direction? What is the essence of the concept of acceptable risk? Is it possible to achieve a zero level of risk in practice? An analysis was conducted on these and other issues and a general conclusion was made.Publication Вплив повномасштабного вторгнення на ментальне здоровʼя працівників ІТ-сфери(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Антоненко, Ю. О.This work is devoted to the study of the impact of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine on the mental health of IT workers. Factors affecting the mental and physical health of workers in this field are considered. Sources that investigate the level of stress of Ukrainians in pre war and war times are analyzed. The issue of care of employers in the IT sphere regarding the mental health of their subordinates in Ukrainian and foreign companies was investigated. A comparison of stress level indicators of Ukrainians in 2021 and 2023 was made.Publication Приховані загрози застосування рідкого диму(ХНУРЕ, 2022) Ракітіна, В. О.Liquid smoke is a food additive that allows you to artificially achieve the effect of moked products. But not everyone knows about the hidden threats of using this substance to human health in goods those sold in stores