Methods for Evaluating the Resistance of Lightweight Symmetric Ciphers to Differential-Linear Attack

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Lightweight cryptography plays a critical role in securing devices with limited computational power and memory, such as those found in the Internet of Things (IoT), smart cards, and embedded systems. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has recognized this growing need and initiated the Lightweight Cryptography Project to develop secure, energy-efficient cryptographic standards. Among the selected algorithms, Ascon stands out as a prime example of lightweight cipher design. However, despite their resource efficiency, lightweight cryptographic algorithms must still be resistant to advanced attacks, including differential-linear cryptanalysis, a sophisticated hybrid approach that combines differential and linear methods. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the techniques used to evaluate the resistance of lightweight symmetric ciphers to differential-linear cryptanalysis, identifying key vulnerabilities and proposing methods to enhance their security.


Ключові слова

Lightweight cryptography, differential-linear cryptanalysis, cipher resistance, symmetric encryption, SPN network, Ascon cipher

Бібліографічний опис

Tsemma D. Methods for Evaluating the Resistance of Lightweight Symmetric Ciphers to Differential-Linear Attack / D. Tsemma // Computer and information systems and technologies : Seventh International Scientific and Technical Conference, 2024. – Kharkiv : NURE, 2024. – p. 48-49.