Possibilities Theoretical And Natural Models For Determining The Coefficient Of Human Aerodynamic Nose Resistance

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This paper presents a comparative analysis of mathematical and full-scale models in determining the aerodynamic nose drag coefficient. According to the results of experimental tests of a full-scale model obtained by 3D printing, it is possible to calculate the value of the aerodynamic nose drag coefficient by obtaining the pressure drop values total losses for the corresponding given air flow rates. The discrepancy between the values of the aerodynamic nose drag coefficients in this case did not exceed 15% and is explained by methodological errors associated with the approaches in calculating the aerodynamic model of the nasal cavity, in particular, the impossibility of taking into account all local disturbances and their mutual influence, and the properties of the plastic surface of the air channels of the full-scale model during experimental tests


Ключові слова

Analytical models, Atmospheric modeling, Predictive models, Aerodynamics, inhalation aerodynamics, air consumption

Бібліографічний опис

Possibilities Theoretical And Natural Models For Determining The Coefficient Of Human Aerodynamic Nose Resistance / Ya. Nosova, O. Avrunin, N. Shushliapina, I. Y. Abdelhamid and A. B. A. Saleh // 2022 IEEE 3rd KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek), Kharkiv, 2022. – pp. 1-5. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/KhPIWeek57572.2022.9916453.