A Method of Improving the Quality of Solving a Coordinate Problem in Short-Range Radio Engineering Systems

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Видання журналу


In the work presented, a comparative assessment of the accuracy of measuring of aerial objects coordinates was carried out based on the gradual transition from angle-range measuring to range-ranging measurements of the aerial objects coordinates due to the implementation of a synchronous information network of existing range-finding radio beacons. It is shown that the use of rangefinder-rangefinder calculations in radio engineering short-range navigation systems allows increasing the accuracy of estimating the coordinates of aerial objects. This also makes it possible to carry out a transitional transition to interference-protected short-range radio systems.


Ключові слова

distance measuring equipment, request signals, secondary radar systems, Wide Area Multilateration

Бібліографічний опис

A Method of Improving the Quality of Solving a Coordinate Problem in Short-Range Radio Engineering Systems / I. Svyd, I. Obod, O. Vorgul, O. Maltsev // 2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PIC S&T). - Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2022, - pp. 489-494.