Публікація: Possibilities of keystroke dynamics analysis for early stress recognition in office environment
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This thesis explores the possibilities of keystroke dynamics analysis as a method for early stress recognition in office environments. Chronic stress in the workplace is a growing concern, with negative consequences for both employees and organizations. Traditional methods of stress detection have limitations in terms of accuracy and practicality, and there is a need for alternative approaches. Keystroke dynamics analysis, which involves analyzing typing patterns, has shown promise as a non-invasive, unobtrusive, and cost-effective tool for stress detection. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the potential of keystroke dynamics analysis as a stress detection method, including its advantages and limitations, and its application in real-world office settings.
Ключові слова
Delay time, digraph, keystroke dynamics, office worker, trigraph
Бібліографічний опис
Ammar Rahmouni Possibilities of keystroke dynamics analysis for early stress recognition in office environment / Ammar Rahmouni // Радіоелектроніка та молодь у ХХІ столітті : матеріали 27-го Міжнар. молодіж. форуму, 10–12 травня 2023 р. – Харків : ХНУРЕ, 2023. – Т. 1. – С. 80-81/