Using google docs in the educational process

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Today there is a movement towards the informatization of society and the introduction of information technologies in all spheres of human life. A wide range of information and communication technologies (ICT) opens new opportunities in the development of professional training of various specialists in the entire spectrum of educational institutions - schools, lyceums, colleges, technical schools, institutes, and universities. To make it easier and more efficient to implement and use ICT, they must have such characteristics as - availability, simplicity, reliability, low cost, stability, variability, quality. Among the many modern and accessible ICTs, the most relevant are Google Docs, which improve the quality of educational activities, while providing a wide range of ICTs (communication, collaboration, and publishing) and, importantly, are available around the clock from anywhere in the world.


Ключові слова

Eduction, Google Docs

Бібліографічний опис

Nesterenko V.V. Using google docs in the educational process / V. V. Nesterenko, I. V. Gruzdo // Теоретичні та практичні дослідження молодих науковців : матеріали ХV Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. магістрантів та аспірантів, 01–03 грудня 2021 р. - Харків, 2021. - С. 11.