What Types of Space Charge Are Inherent to Different Models of Crossed-Field Devices?

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In this article four models of crossed-field devices: planar magnetron diode, planar magnetron, magnetron diode and magnetron were described. As well known in crossed-field devices electrons moved by cycloid-like trajectories and formed space charge. The shape of the space charge depends on the model under consideration. In a planar magnetron diode the space charge formed as a flow that is parallel to the electrodes. In a planar magnetron the space charge is not formed and is determined by the anode current only. In a magnetron diode the space charge formed as a flow that is parallel to the electrodes. In a magnetron the space charge is not formed and is determined by the anode current only.


Ключові слова

planar magnetron, magnetron diode, magnetron, space charge

Бібліографічний опис

Moshchenko I. What Types of Space Charge Are Inherent to Different Models of Crossed-Field Devices? / I. Moshchenko, O. M. Nikitenko, M. Volovenko // 2023 IEEE International Conference on Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Radio Electronics (UkrMiCo), Kyiv, Ukraine, 2023. – Kyiv, 2023. – P. 119-222 ; DOI: 10.1109/UkrMiCo61577.2023.10380372.