Публікація: Fractional-rational representation of the frequency spectrum of the scattered field for a Drude-metal nanowire resonating on localized surface plasmons
Назва журналу
ISSN журналу
Назва тома
The paper discusses the problem of determining the eigenfrequencies of surface plasmons for metal nanowire over the frequency spectrum of the scattered field. To determine the eigenfrequencies a fractional-rational approximation of the frequency spectrum based on continued fractions was used. Q-factors for lower and higher modes of the localized surface plasmons are investigated.
Ключові слова
Plasmon resonance, localized surface plasmon, fractional-rational approximation, Q-factor
Бібліографічний опис
Andreev M. V. Fractional-rational representation of the frequency spectrum of the scattered field for a Drude-metal nanowire resonating on localized surface plasmons / M. V. Andreev, O. O. Drobakhin, N. P. Stognii, N. K. Sakhnenko // XXII International Seminar/Workshop DIPED-2017, September 25-28, 2017. – Dnipro, 2017. – P. 53-57.