Online Recurrent Me-thod Of Credibilistic Fuzzy Clusterin

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An online method of reliable fuzzy clustering is proposed, designed to analyze data sequentially received for processing. A feature of the developed approach is the use of the membership function of a special kind described by the density function of the Cauchy distribution. The actual procedure for clarifying the centroids of clusters is essentially a self-learning rule “The Winner Takes More” (WTM), in which the neighborhood function is generated by the introduced membership function.


Ключові слова

Fuzzy clustering, processing, gradient optimization, membership level, online mode

Бібліографічний опис

Ye. Bodyanskiy, A. Shafronenko, D. Rudenko, I. Klymova Online Recurrent Me-thod Of Credibilistic Fuzzy Clustering. 5th International scientific and practical conference “Topical of the development of modern science” (January 15-17, 2020), Sofia, Bulgaria, P. 37-40