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Публікація 1,55 mkm fiber laser with electronic controlled mode-locking(CAOL, 2019) Hnatenko, O. S.; Neofitnyy, M. V.; Machekhin, Yu. P.; Zarytskyi, V. I.; Zhdanova, Yu. V.A projection of an erbium-doped active-fiber laser is offered in this research paper. Mode synchronization method - the nonlinear evolution of mode polarization, is used to ensure the duration of femtosecond pulses. The basis of this method uses liquid crystal controllers polarization, which is controlled by an electrical signal. The proposed scheme and method for obtaining ultrashort pulses are free from the unstable operation of the laser.Публікація 3D modeling, errors sources, internal map, optical detection, surgical navigation system(American Scientific Publishers, 2015) Аврунін, О. Г.; Alkhorayef, M.; Saied, H. F. I.; Tymkovych, M.Several causes of spatial errors in surgical navigation system have been investigated for several systems. These include identification error of the external features used for registration, geometrical distortion in the preoperative images, and tracking error of the surgical instruments. Another potentially important source of error is the patient head position detection retrospectively and concurrent with surgery. The visualization of target zone is carried out according to reference landmark points inside the center of the brain as well as an automatic algorithm for contour recognition (based on 3D segmentation and computer morphometry) was applied to edge the contour. Moreover, the optical navigation system was used to assess the accuracy of determination the position of the surgical instrument inside patient head construction using the "internal map" describing the anatomy of the brain. The major sources of errors occurring in the unit of position detection of the optical navigation system were considered. Furthermore, parts of the errors that could appear were simulated while operating the surgical navigation system. Eventually the research included the possibility of using different filters depending on natural source of noise that was also simulated and analyzed.Публікація 3D-bioprinting system for fabrication of alginate microfibers(АНПРЭ, ХНУРЭ, Издательство «Точка», 2017) Avakian, A.The given work is devoted to the theme of 3D-printing of alginate microfibers with encapsulated stem cells which are used for the nerve regeneration. The motorized printing device is developed and tested. The appropriate software controls the device and allows to design the printing structures.Публікація 3D-reconstruction of anatomical structures using rapid prototyping for medical applications(КрНУ імені Михайла Остроградського, 2016) Аврунін, О. Г.; Avrunin, O. G.; Tymkovych, M.; Filzov, M.3D-reconstruction of anatomical structures using rapid prototyping for medical applications is described.Публікація 3D-биопринтинг воздухоносных путей(ХНУРЕ, 2016) Наконечный, И. М.This work is devoted to the use of 3D-Bioprinting in the field of biomedical engineering, namely the airways bioprinting. Damage to the trachea - a common phenomenon. Known methods of treatments worse than 3D-Bioprinting. To create researchers have resorted to the tracheal tissue engineering. This science is similar to programming code but instead it creates objects from body cells, including, from muscle and cartilage. Just narrowing airways surgically placed into the trachea insert manufactured using 3D-Bioprinting. 3D-Bioprinting is directly relevant to improving and saving lives, as well as the ability to completely transform many of the risky surgical procedures. Работа посвящена использованию 3D-биопечати в биомедицинской инженерии, а именно биопечати дыхательных путей. Повреждение трахеи - частое явление. Известные методы лечения хуже, чем 3D-биопечать. Исследователи прибегли к инженерии ткани трахеи. Эта похоже на программный код, когда создаются объекты из клеток тела, в том числе из мышц и хрящей. 3D-биопечать имеет прямое отношение к улучшению и спасение жизней, а также способна полностью изменить многие рискованные хирургические процедуры.Публікація 3D-реконструкция структур легких по данным компьютерной томографии для контроля качества рентгенограмм(КрНУ, 2018) Роговец, В. Е.; Тымкович, М. Ю.; Аверьянова, Л. А.Приводятся результаты исследования возможностей 3Д реконструкции структур легких по данным КТ для контроля качества рентгенограмм. Предлагается технология изготовления морфологического рентгенэквивалентного фантома легких.Публікація 3D-технологии при совершенствовании научно-педагогического процесса в оториноларингологии(НМУ им. Богомольца, 2016) Журавлев, А. С.; Аврунін, О. Г.; Калашник, Ю. М.; Фильтзов, М.Рассматриваются 3D-технологии при совершенствовании научно-педагогического процесса в оториноларингологииПублікація A comprehensive study of molecular hybridization techniques in cytogenetics with a focus on chronic myeloid leukaemia(ВНТУ, 2024) Molodetska, D.Early and accurate diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities is crucial for preventing congenital disorders. However, cytogenetics faces limitations in Ukraine, likely due to a lack of specialists and public awareness. This study aims to investigate these limitations and explore strategies to promote cytogenetics in Ukraine. By increasing access and awareness, more people can benefit from this potentially life-saving field.Публікація A High-Power Source of Optical Radiation with Microwave Excitation(2019) Frolova, T. I.; Churyumov, G. I.; Denisov, O. G.; Wang, N.; Qiu, J.For more than 50 years, interest to the microwave heating technology has not weakened. In addition to the traditional areas of its application, which described in detail in [1], recently there has been an expansion of technological possibilities for the use of microwave energy associated with the impact of electromagnetic waves of the microwave range on various materials (sintering of metal and ceramic powders) and media, including plasma [2]. One such new direction is the creation of high-power and environmentally friendly sources of optical radiation on the basis of an electrodeless sulfur lamp with microwave excitation [2, 3]. The purpose of this paper is to the further development of the theory and practice of microwave excitation by the electrodeless sulfur lamps, improvement the energy efficiency during energy conversion into the optical radiation and widening the application of new light sources in real practice. The results of the computer modeling of conversion process of the microwave energy into optical radiation energy are presented. The simulation results are compared with experimental data. It is shown that additional use of the solar panels for the reverse conversion of the optical radiation into DC energy with follow-up its using in the circuits of secondary power supply allows improving the energy efficiency of the light source.Публікація A human as a research object for metrology of nonlinear dynamic systems(2017) Machekhin, Yu. P.; Kurskoy, Yu. S.; Prisich, E. Yu.The article presents the results of practical using of the approaches and tools of Metrology of nonlinear dynamic systems (Nonlinear Metrology). They were used for measurement and analysis of dynamic variables of a human body with a regular physical activity. As the analysis tools the intervals of dynamic variables values, measurement portrait, fractal dimension and Shannon entropy are used. The analysis of measurements results demonstrates that the dynamics of measured value is close to deterministic way. This is a characteristic trait of an open system with a self-organization function. The study results can be used for development of athletes training programs.Публікація A matrix electrodynamics as an analogue of the Heisenberg’s mechanics(2008) Gritsunov, A. V.A matrix approach to solving the electrodynamic problems is suggested. The specificity of one is treatment of an electrodynamic system (ES) as an oscillating system with a finite number of the degrees of freedom. The ES is considered as a set of spatially localized so-called partial oscillators (oscillets). Matrices of unit mutual pseudoenergies and unit mutual energies of the oscillators are evaluated. The eigenfrequencies and the eigenfunctions of the ES can be calculated basing on the lumped elements oscillating system matrix theory. A matrix second-order ordinary differential equation is solved for excited potentials of the ES instead of the D’Alembert equation. The main advantage of the matrix electrodynamics is substitution of the solving the partial derivative differential equations by the less computationally intensive linear algebra problems and the ordinary differential equation integration.Публікація A Matrix Electrodynamics: A Similarity to the Heisenberg’s Mechanics?(2008) Gritsunov, A. V.; Veryovkina, A.A matrix approach to solving the electrodynamic problems is described. This specificity consists in the treatment of an electrodynamic system (ES) as an oscillating system with a finite number of the degrees of freedom. The ES is considered as a set of spatially localized partial oscillators (oscillets). Matrices of unit mutual pseudoenergies and unit mutual energies of the oscillators are evaluated. The ES eigenvalues, eigenfunctions and excited potentials can be calculated then basing on the lumped element circuit matrix theory. The main advantage of such approach is substitution of the partial derivative differential equations with the linear algebra problems and the ordinary differential equations.Публікація A Method for Prognosis of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma(International Review on Computers and Software., 2013) Vysotskaja, E.; Strashnenko, A.; Prasol, I.A method for prognosis of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) using the mathematical apparatus of Markov processes is developed in the article. The mathematical apparatus of Markov processes with discrete states and discrete time was used to describe the course of glaucoma. According to the clinical approbation of the proposed method, the prognosis was made unmistakably in 16 surveyed patients. Prognosis was confirmed in 82% of cases. The proposed method increases the prognosis of POAG development significantly. The introduction of this method for POAG prognosis in ophthalmology practice allows improving the quality level of medical service for patients.Публікація A Method of Computer Testing of the Level of Development of Graphic Skills(2014) Аврунін, О. Г.; Selivanova, K.; Saied, H. F. I.This paper describes a computer-aided method of testing fine motor skills of the dominant hand and introduces a technique for estimating the level of development of the fine motor skills (using graphical tablet). The paper provides a set of basic parameters that serves as criteria for performance evaluation methodology. The analysis of the tests results is carried out with a computer program that allows determining the level of development of motor skills based on quantitative assessments.Публікація A self-consistent potential formalism in the electrodynamics(2009) Gritsunov, A. V.An attempt is made to complete logically the potential formalism in the electromagnetic theory basing on treatment of the Minkowski space-time as an electromagnetic oscillating system with distributed parameters. The Lagrange function and the energy-pulse four-vector density for the system are written using no the electromagnetic field tensor. Some physical consequences of the offered mathematical tool implementation are considered.Публікація A single-electrode electrochemical system for multiplex electrochemiluminescence analysis based on a resistance induced potential difference†(Chemical Science, 2018) Gao, W.; Muzyka, K.; Ma, X.; Loua, B.; Xu, G.Developing low-cost and simple electrochemical systems is becoming increasingly important but still challenged for multiplex experiments. Here we report a single-electrode electrochemical system (SEES) using only one electrode not only for a single experiment but also for multiplex experiments based on a resistance induced potential difference. SEESs for a single experiment and multiplex experiments are fabricated by attaching a self-adhesive label with a hole and multiple holes onto an ITO electrode, respectively. This enables multiplex electrochemiluminescence analysis with high sensitivity at a very low safe voltage using a smartphone as a detector. For the multiplex analysis, the SEES using a single electrode is much simpler, cheaper and more user-friendly than conventional electrochemical systems and bipolar electrochemical systems using electrode arrays. Moreover, SEESs are free from the electrochemiluminescent background problem from driving electrodes in bipolar electrochemical systems. Since numerous electrodes and cover materials can be used to fabricate SEESs readily and electrochemistry is being extensively used, SEESs are very promising for broad applications, such as drug screening and high throughput analysis.Публікація Acoustic excitation of electric field in water solution NaCl(Poland, Warszawa, 2019) Аврунін, О. Г.; Bondarenko, I. S.; Bondarenko, S. I.; Kuzmenko, Y. V.; Pinaieva, O. Yu.; Kisała, P.; Tleshova, A.; Luganskaya, S.Acoustic excitation of electric field in water solution NaCl is described.Публікація Acoustomagnetic detection of magnetic nanoparticles in a model(The International Journal of Artificial Organs, 2019) Bondarenko, I. S.; Аврунін, О. Г.; Gryshkov, O.; Glasmacher, B.; Bondarenko, S. I.; Krevsun, A. V.; Rakhimova, M. V.Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are used in medicine for targeted drug delivyry to the area of the cancer. The installation consists of the ultrasound generator, the permanent magnet, the glass containerwith the colloidal mixture, the multi-turn coil about of the glass tube and the voltmeter. The experimental result corrilates with the calculated ones. It is suggested that AMM can used to detect MNPs in the real biological substance.Публікація Acoustomagnetic Registration of Magnetic Nanoparticles in a Liquid Medium(Begell House, Inc, 2019) Аврунін, О. Г.; Avrunin, O. G.; Bondarenko, I. S.; Rakhimova, M. V.; Bondarenko, S. I.; Krevsun, A. V.; Kulish, S. M.The technique and results of experiments on the registration of magnetic nanoparticles in a colloidal solution using the combined effect of ultrasound and a direct magnetic field are presented. The possibility of using this technique to control the content of magnetic nanoparticles in a biological substance is discussed.Публікація Actual problems of stroke disease cure in Egypt(Харків, ХНУРЕ, 2019) Bayoumy, Hassan; Averyanova, L. O.The causes of stroke disease in Egypt are considered. The diagnosis of stroke is explained, and the used diagnostic instruments are studied. The prevention liver cancer is explained. The treatment of each of the causes of liver cancer is analyzed.