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Публікація A Mathematical Model of Multipath QoS-based Routing in Multiservice Networks(International conference TCSET’2006, 2006) Лемешко, О. В.; Drobot, O.In this paper, an approach to the mathematical modeling of multipath QoS-based routing in multiservice networks is considered. The Gallager’s model was assumed as a basis of offered model with introduction of additional restrictions on quality of service. Tensor interpretation of model has allowed to receive in an analytical kind of a condition of maintenance of quality of service simultaneously on high-speed and time parameters QoS.Публікація A method to control bit rate while compressing predicted frames(IEEE, 2015) Barannik, V.; Musienko, A.; Othman Shadi, O. Y.; Kharchenko, N.A method to control bit rate while compressing video data subject to approaching maximal quality of the image has been proposed. We use the bisection method to find optimal parameters of the compressor. This method allows us to control the accuracy of the optimal values to find without doing the exhaustive search. Such an approach reduces the frame processing time for a video group.Публікація A Queue Management Model On Router of Active Network(2015) Лемешко, О. В.; Ali Salem Ali; Simonenko, O.The approach to simulation of queue management processes on nodes of an active network is proposed. The model is presented by a triplanar transportation problem of linear programming. The area of the model application is Next Generation Networks that function on the basis of active technologies.Публікація A Queue Management Model on the Network Routers Using Optimal Flows Aggregation(2016) Lebedenko, T.; Simonenko, A. V.; Fouad Abdul Razzaq ArifThe paper presents the flow-based queue management model on telecommunication networks routers based on optimal flow aggregation and packets distribution in queues. The novelty of the model is that with flows distribution in queues it is carried out its aggregation based on flows and queues classes comparison within the analysis of the set of classification indicators.Публікація A simulation-based performance comparison study of a man-on-the-side attack based on ARP spoofing, its detection, and prevention(ХНУРЕ, 2022) Kashaija JoelThe work describes a simulation-based performance comparison study of a Man-on-the-Side attack based on ARP spoofing, its detection, and prevention. Using Wireshark as the deep packet analyzer, we performed a Man-on-the-Side attack leveraging the ARP spoofing table, showing the real environment created to simulate a Man-on-the-Side attack. The presented sample revealed how a MotS attack could quickly get the password from an unsecured login. The two frames from the victim and the attacker's relay to the website have been displayed.Публікація A Steganographic Method Based On The Modification Of Regions Of The Image With Different Saturation(2018) Бараннік, Волод. Віктор.; Бекіров, А. Е.; Бараннік, Д. В.; Леках, А. А.Публікація A Tensor Model of Multipath Routing Based on Multiple QoS Metrics(International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON-2013), 2013) Лемешко, О. В.; Yevseyeva, O. Yu.; Garkusha, S.Flow model for multipath routing with guaranteed the quality of service (QoS) is proposed. The model is based on the updated version of flow conservation law, which is taking into account the possible packet loss caused by buffer overflow at the network routers. The accounting such losses is related to revise conditions associated with the quality of service. By using tensor approach analytical boundary conditions were obtained. The conditions allow ensuring different parameters of the quality of service (rate, average delay and packet loss probability) at the same time. In addition, proposed model provides minimal value of average end-to-end packet delay where delays along all paths are same. As a result jitter caused by the multipath routing (difference between delays along different paths) is minimized. The developed conditions for QoS ensuring have invariant form which do not depend on the used at the interface. Changing the traffic models and/or packet servicing algorithm is related to a modification of the metric only within the same form of conditions.Публікація Access technologies for machine type communication networks(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Eltayh Mostafa Tarek AhmedMachine-type communication (MTC) has it provides connections for of MTC devices, forming a basis for the Internet of things. Physical layer has a pivotal role in M2M communications. M2M should be made efficient enough in terms of its power consumption and spectrum utilisation for to accommodate a large number of MTC devices. In this work is studied the issues on PHY-layer designs relevant to M2M communications. We surveyed related research works based on MTC network designs and the issues in this respectПублікація Adaptation of the least squares method for determination of oscillating type measuring devices parameters with using gain-frequency characteristic(2019) Zakharov, I. P.; Serhiienko, M. P.In this article there is suggested a method, which determines both a time constant and a gain-frequency characteristic damp constant for a measuring device, which is simulated by oscillating type dynamic element. The described method is based on a method of least squares, which increases an identification accuracy because of obtaining more information about a measuring device performance during a measurement process. The standard uncertainties of both a time constant and a damp constant are analyzed. The recommendations for measuring process, which was mentioned above, optimization are given.Публікація Advanced solution of the Fast ReRoute based on principles of Traffic Engineering and Traffic Policing(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Lemeshko, O. V.; Yeremenko, O. S.; Yevdokymenko, M. O.; Shapovalova, A. S.The paper proposes a mathematical model of Fast ReRoute based on principles of Traffic Engineering and Traffic Policing in communication networks. The advantage of the proposed solution is the formulation of the problem as an optimization one with the optimality criterion, which focuses on minimizing the dynamically controlled upper bound of communication links and the intensity of flows that receive denial of service at the edge of the network weighted in relation to the priority of serving.Публікація Amazon alexa voice assistant on the base of raspberry pi as effective instrument for communication(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Akintunde Adedamola EmmanuelThis paper describes and analyzes the development of Amazon Alexa voice assistant based on Raspberry Pi single-board computer. Also it describes the design of the voice assistant system, its system architecture with the hardware and software description which is required to keep the voice assistant up and running. As result in this paper will explained the implementation and testing of the voice assistant system working through its installation, launching, management and testing of the voice assistant system.Публікація An Analysis of SDN-OpenStack Integration(KHARKIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF RADIO ELECTRONICS, 2015) Tkachova, O.; Abdulghafoor Raed Yahya; Mohammed Jamal SalimThis paper is devoted to analysis of integration of SDN solutions to the OpenStack. Architecture of networking OpenStack module or Neutron and plug-ins for communication with SDN is considered. Different types of SDN controllers also considered in the paper. An experimental model of SDN-OpenStack integration was created according to the solution. Such characteristics of SDN-OpenStack solution as delay, max amount of UDP and TCP flows obtained in the experimentПублікація An approach to cyber resilience of critical information infrastructures(ХНУРЕ, 2021) Kashaija Joel; Massis Khader; Onuoha David NwaezeudoThe paper is devoted to an approach to cyber resilience of Critical Information Infrastructures. The cyber resilience of networked services becomes especially important because in many cases such services will increasingly be offered by mission-critical applications. They will need guarantees above and beyond the ‘best effort’ that has initially been considered acceptable for applications provided by conventional networks. Moreover, mission-critical networks must continue to operate during any disaster and protect sensitive information and guard against attacks.Публікація Analyses of european cybersecurity frameworks(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Yevdokymenko, M.; Sebastian Floderus; Linus Rosenholm; Vincent TewoldeThe main purpose of the paper is to analyze the EU cybersecurity frameworks and policies, to compare the development strategies of European countries and Ukraine, to identify compatibility and gaps between them for further developing recommendations for creating a more reliable and safe ecosystem through integrating EU cybersecurity frameworks.Публікація Analysis and Calculation of Multiservice Access Point Performance(ХНУРЭ, 2013) Bisarev, MarkThis work deals with the problem of transition from PSTN networks to the next generation network. It is shown that this issue, due to its complexity, can be solved in practice with the modernization of the existing public telephone networks. Because customers use different types of services, such as: telephony, data and video transmission, appears a need to divide them into categories, depending on the services that they use. In this situation, it is useful is to calculate the number of packets individually for each group and the average value of them. Also it’s important to calculate bandwidth requirements, that will allow us to find the optimal use of multi-service access node. In the paper it comes with analyzing of traffic for different user groups and the final calculation of the required capacity of the hub (multi-service access point).Публікація Analysis Dynamics Change of Average Packet Delay on Telecommunication Network Router Interface(2016) Лемешко, О. В.; Єременко, О. С.Research results and analysis dynamics change of average packet delay on telecommunication network router interface presented. Determined that the use of steady state estimations when calculating such parameters as average queue length and average packet delay allowable only after the end of the transient process. Otherwise, it is advisable to use more accurate differential models. Within the research was investigated the influence of the average flow rate and interface throughput together with initial state at the beginning of the transient process to the average queue size and average packet delay.Публікація Analysis of biometric technology methods(2023) Копиця, А. А.; Скорик, Ю. В.Biometric identification and authentication technologies are used by the majority of people in different countries of the world. Significant projects are realized by governmental and commercial structures. The use of biometric technologies is one of the most important factors that determine the success and competitiveness of any subject of public life - a private person, company, or state.Публікація Analysis of data exchange of Vehicle-To-Vehicle Communication in Vanet(ХНУРЕ, 2020) M’TUMBE ABI TresorThis paper is to analysis of data exchange of vehicle-to-vehicle communication in VANET. The relevance of traffic management mechanisms and technological solutions in V2V communications was presented. It was explained that VANET communication interoperability enables exchange of information, to improve the mobility and reliability in routing protocol.Публікація Analysis of Efficiency for Space-Time Processing of Signals from Subscriber Stations in Implementation of Space-Time Division Multiple Access(KHARKIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF RADIO ELECTRONICS, 2015) Moskalets, M.; Teplitskaya, S.It is shown that implementation of the method of space-time division multiple access with the individual space-time processing of subscriber stations signals which is reduced to the use of group elements of adaptive antenna array and the establishment of parallel procedures of assessing values of vector of weighting coefficients on the number of simultaneously working stationsПублікація Analysis of Fast ReRoute Model For Multicast And Broadcast Flows in MPLS Network(Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2014) Arous, K. M.; Romanyuk, A.A.; Korolyuk, N.AA fault-tolerant routing model for multicast and broadcast flows in MPLS-network is proposed. The flow-oriented model is represented by algebraic equations and inequalities characterizing the state of MPLS-network, i.e. load of its communication links. The proposed model includes the possibility to implement three basic backup schemes in accordance with the concept of Fast ReRoute: link, node and routing tree protection. The performance of the proposed fault-tolerant routing model is demonstrated in calculated examples.