Analysis of Fast ReRoute Model For Multicast And Broadcast Flows in MPLS Network

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Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic

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Видання журналу


A fault-tolerant routing model for multicast and broadcast flows in MPLS-network is proposed. The flow-oriented model is represented by algebraic equations and inequalities characterizing the state of MPLS-network, i.e. load of its communication links. The proposed model includes the possibility to implement three basic backup schemes in accordance with the concept of Fast ReRoute: link, node and routing tree protection. The performance of the proposed fault-tolerant routing model is demonstrated in calculated examples.


Ключові слова

Flow-based model, Fault-tolerance

Бібліографічний опис

Arous K.M., Romanyuk A.A., Korolyuk N.A. Analysis of Fast ReRoute Model For Multicast And Broadcast Flows in MPLS Network // Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science. Proceedings of the international Conference TCSET’2014. – Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine, February 25 - March 1, 2014: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2014. – P. 97-99.