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Публікація A Method for Increasing the Capacity of Radio Systems of Short-Range Navigation(2022 IEEE 2nd Ukrainian Microwave Week (UkrMW), 2022) Шевцов, І. О.; Старокожев, С. В.; Сєріков, А. О.; Дацько, С. В.; Сухоруков, Д. О.; Мачоніс, Т. С.; Коротіч, О. В.; Чумак, В. С.; Білоцерківець, О. Г.In the presented work, based on the representation of the total flow of range request signals, as well as intentional correlated and uncorrelated interference to a range-finding radio beacon as a Poisson flow, the capacity of both the range-finding beacon range transponder and the short-range radio engineering system as a whole is estimated based on the implementation of the method for extracting synchronous sequences of incoming range interrogation signals in the ground range transponder. It allows on a succession basis to move from the service signal to a requester service and, as a result, increase the throughput of the long -range radio beacon in question.Публікація A Method of Improving the Quality of Solving a Coordinate Problem in Short-Range Radio Engineering Systems(PIC S&T, 2022) Свид, І. В.; Обод, І. І.; Воргуль, О. В.; Мальцев, О. С.In the work presented, a comparative assessment of the accuracy of measuring of aerial objects coordinates was carried out based on the gradual transition from angle-range measuring to range-ranging measurements of the aerial objects coordinates due to the implementation of a synchronous information network of existing range-finding radio beacons. It is shown that the use of rangefinder-rangefinder calculations in radio engineering short-range navigation systems allows increasing the accuracy of estimating the coordinates of aerial objects. This also makes it possible to carry out a transitional transition to interference-protected short-range radio systems.Публікація Analysis of Sensors as Components of Mobile Robots(MC&FPGA, 2022) Kuzmenko, Oleksandr; Чумак, В. С.; Шевцов, І. О.; Бойко, Н. В.Given the current trends in robotics, the paper provides an overview of sensors for use in robotics. It is given what characteristics the sensors must meet for further integration into mobile works.Публікація Analysis of the Impact of Interference on the Time Position of Signals in Requesting Airspace Observation Systems(PIC S&T, 2021) Свид, І. В.; Обод, І. І.; Мальцев, О. С.; Воргуль, О. В.; Чумак, В. С.; Сєріков, А. О.In the presented work, the analysis of the influence of interference and accidental loss of the received response signals due to the final availability factor of the aircraft responder of the airspace surveillance requesting systems on the time position of the decoded signals is carried out. It was shown that a decrease in the readiness factor of an aircraft responder, as well as the probability of detecting single pulses of the used response signals in requesting radar systems for observing the airspace, leads to an increase in both the delay of the output pulses and to an increase in the magnitude of the dispersion. The method of decoding response signals with inter-period pre-processing of response signals is more preferable due to the fact that it has both a shorter delay time and a variance in the estimation of the delay time in comparison with the method of decoding with subsequent inter-period processing of the received signals.Публікація Application of Software Signal Filtering in an Ultrasonic Rangefinder(2020) Khromenko, A.; Saikivska, L.This article describes an example of creating an ultrasonic rangefinder on the ARDUINO platform using inexpensive modules and components. The main feature of the device is the use of a software method of filtering values, which significantly increases its accuracy, and makes the device comparable in accuracy with industrial analogues, with a relatively low cost.Публікація Aspects of Quality Assurance of the Educational Process of Higher Technical Education(MC&FPGA, 2021) Семенець, В. В.; Свид, І. В.; Воргуль, О. В.; Чумак, В. С.; Митцева, О. С.; Бойко, Н. В.The principles of quality assurance of higher education are considered in the work. The analysis of aspects of quality assurance of the educational process of higher technical education on the example of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics is given. Measures to develop a quality system of higher education at the university level are proposed as well.Публікація Aspects of STEM Education in the Design of Devices on Microcontrollers and FPGAs(MC&FPGA, 2022) Свид, І. В.; Семенець, В. В.; Воргуль, О. В.; Шевцов, І. О.Nowadays the system of engineering and technical education is facing acute challenges of today. Innovative technologies confidently occupy leading positions in society. But there is still a significant shortage of qualified specialists for STEM fields. The paper considers the introduction of elements of STEM education in the laboratory practice of designing devices on microcontrollers and programmable integrated circuits. The comprehensive approach of STEM education allows in the laboratory practice to expand the horizons and awareness of students in relation to the tasks of work. Also, these developments can be scaled to tangential educational components.Публікація Assessing SSR Relative Data Capacity(UKRCON, 2021) Обод, І. І.; Свид, І. В.; Заволодько, Г. Е.; Мальцев, О. С.; Бакуменко, Б. В.; Чумак, В. С.Secondary Surveillance Radars are widely used in many aspects of users’ information support, such as air object recognition and radio beacon tracking. The study considers a two-channel data transmission system as an SSR model and assesses its relative data capacity subject to intentional (correlated and uncorrelated) and intra-system interference as well as fluctuation (masking effect) noise in the request and response channels. It is shown that the aircraft transponder design built on the principles of a single-channel queuing system with denial of service has a significant impact on Secondary Surveillance Radar relative data capacity and the information security of both the aircraft transponder and the entire Secondary Surveillance Radar.Публікація Assessment of information support quality by “friend or foe” identification systems(SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o., 2019) Свид, І. В.; Обод, А. І.; Заволодько, Г. Е.; Melnychuk, I.; Wojcik, W.; Orazalieva, S.; Ziyatbekova, G.Based on the assessment of the aircraft responders and ground-based radio transponders noise immunity it is shown that the identification “friend-or-foe” systems have a low quality of informational support of the air space control system due to the openness of the interrogation channel and, as a consequence, the possibility of the concerned party to influence on the quality of operation of the aircraft responder due to the radiation of simulated interrogation signals of the simulation steady mode.Публікація Assessment of the quality of information provided by Combined Radar Airspace Surveillance Systems(SPIE, 2022) Свид, І. В.; Обод, І. І.; Мальцев, О. С.; Зарицький, В. І.; Prokopovich, I.; Titova, N.; Romaniuk, R.; Smolarz, A.; Turgynbekov, Y.The structure of information support for the airspace control system based on combined radar surveillance systems has been substantiated and investigated. This makes it possible to improve the quality of the detection of air objects, as well as to assess the accuracy of the location of the detected air objects. As a result, this improves the quality of information support for decision-makers in the airspace control system.Публікація Assessment of the quality of information support by air radar surveillance systems(2021) Андрусевич, В. А.; Обод, І. І.В работе уделено внимание рассмотрению структуры информационного обеспечения пользователей системы контроля воздушного пространства на этапе первичной обработки информации совмещенной радиолокационной системой. Эта система включает первичную и идентификационную системы наблюдения, позволяет рассматривать общую структуру, как единую синхронную сеть информационных систем наблюдения. Такая структура может характеризоваться общим интегральным показателем качества информационного обеспечения системы контроля воздушного пространства. Таким показателем качества может быть вероятность информационного обеспечения, которая является произведением вероятностей правильного обнаружения воздушного объекта первичным радиолокатором и системой идентификации по признаку «свой-чужой» и вероятности сравнения координатной информации первичных радиолокационных систем и идентификационных систем. Такой подход позволяет изменить модель объединения информации первичных радиолокационных систем и идентификационных систем так, чтобы учитывать оценки координат воздушного объекта обеими информационными системами за счет весового сочетание координат воздушных объектов. Расчет координат воздушных объектов по информации первичных радиолокационных систем и идентификационных систем позволяет повысить качество информационного обеспечения лиц, принимающих решения в системе контроля использования воздушного пространства.Публікація Assessment Reliability of Data in the Identification Friend or Foe Systems(ELNANO, 2019) Стрельницький, О. О.; Свид, І. В.; Обод, І. І.; Мальцев, О. С.; Волощук, О. Б.; Заволодько, Г. Е.In the presented work, on the basis of the introduced integral indicator of the quality of information support for decision makers in the Air Traffic Control system, the security of the Identification Friend or Foe systems was assessed under the action of intentional simulated interrogation signals flows in the interrogation channel. It is shown that jamming of intentional correlated interference of the required intensity in the interrogation channel allows paralyzing the aircraft responder of Identification Friend or Foe systems, which reduces the likelihood of correct identification of air objects and, as a result, eliminates the accuracy of information in the Air Traffic Control system.Публікація Bandwidth Assessment of Cooperative Surveillance Systems(AICT, 2019) Обод, І. І.; Свид, І. В.; Мальцев, О. С.; Майстренко, Г. В.; Зубков, О. В.; Заволодько, Г. Е.Cooperative surveillance systems (СSS), which are formed by secondary surveillance radar (SSR), Multilateration systems (MLAT) and Automatic dependent surveillance (ADS) are the basis of information support of the airspace control system and air traffic control (ATC). СSS represent asynchronous data transmission systems, the capacity of which largely determines the quality of information support of consumers of the airspace control system and ATC. The principle of CSS construction, based on the principle of servicing request signals, predetermined a significant density of intra-system interference and the possibility of the interested party to use aircraft responders by unauthorized request both for receiving data and for paralyzing aircraft responders. In the present paper, on the basis of a brief description of information flows in the request and response channels of CSS, the relative throughput of the aircraft responder under the effect of intrasystem and deliberate correlated and uncorrelated interference in the request channel was evaluated, and an estimate is given of the probability of receiving undistorted data in the response channel under the action of interference, which generally represents the throughput of the CSS.Публікація Comparative Analysis of Data Consolidation in Surveillance Networks(DESSERT, 2019) Павлова, Д. Б.; Заволодько, Г. Е.; Обод, І. І.; Свид, І. В.; Мальцев, О. С.; Сайківська, Л. Ф.In the paper, on ground of comparative analysis of the data consolidation methods in the stages of tertiary data processing, primary data processing and signal data processing in a unified information network of airspace surveillance systems for air objects, it was shown that the most effective is the joining of decisions about air objects at the stage of signal data processing, which provides the greatest probability of information provision for consumers of the airspace control system.Публікація Comparative Analysis of Methods for Processing Data Transmission Information Codes by Secondary Radar Channels(PIC S&T, 2022) Старокожев, С. В.; Шевцов, І. О.; Даценко, О. О.; Чумак, В. С.; Сєріков, А. О.; Бойко, Н. В.The paper presents a comparative analysis of the quality of request signals processing of secondary radar systems of the international mode RBS, regulated by the ICAO standard, as well as the method of transmitting flight data from an air object using ATC information codes. It has been shown that when receiving encoded request signals, the operations of decoding and inter-period processing of pulses can be carried out in two ways: decoding with preliminary inter-period processing of input pulses and decoding with subsequent inter-period processing of decoded pulses). It is shown that the information code of the ATC mode is more noise-resistant in comparison with the information code of the RBS mode when implementing integer processing logic. With fractional processing logics, the RBS mode code is more noise-resistant.Публікація Comparative Analysis of Noise Immunity Systems Identification Friend or Foe(ELNANO, 2020) Обод, І. І.; Свид, І. В.; Мальцев, О. С.; Бакуменко, Б. В.In the presented work, based on the presentation of the total flow of requesting signals, intra-system correlated and uncorrelated interference, as well as intentional correlated interference, such as Poisson's, an estimation technique was developed and a comparative analysis of the noise immunity of both aircraft responders and existing Systems Identification Friend or Foe as a whole. A comparative assessment of the energy secrecy of the aircraft responders of the existing Systems Identification Friend or Foe is also given. This allowed a comparative analysis of the noise immunity of existing Systems Identification Friend or Foe. It is shown that the existing Systems Identification Friend or Foe in terms of the structure of the aircraft responder, allows the interested party to use it unauthorized both to obtain information and to suppress intentional correlated interference.Публікація Comparative analysis of signal processing methods secondary surveillance radar(UkrMiCo, 2018) Горюшкіна, А. Е.; Свид, І. В.; Заволодько, Г. Е.; Майстренко, Г. В.In the paper, based on a comparative analysis of the methods of processing time-interval codes used as secondary surveillance radar information signals consisting of a different sequence of performing joint decoding operations, selecting signals by duration and time position, it is shown that the most effective is the signal processing method in which first the signals are decoded, then the signals are selected in accordance with the duration and in the future with the selection according to the time position, which provides the lowest probability of a false alarm of the first kind.Публікація Comparative Quality Analysis of the Air Objects Detection by the Secondary Surveillance Radar(ELNANO, 2019) Свид, І. В.; Обод, І. І.; Мальцев, О. С.; Штих, І. А.; Майстренко, Г. В.; Заволодько, Г. Е.This paper presents a comparative quality analysis of the air objects detection of the Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR). Two structures for processing the coordinate codes of response signals, taking into account the effect of the aircraft responder availability factor, are compared. The impacts of fluctuation and impulse noise in the response channel also are taken into account. It is shown that the processing of received signals of the coordinate code with preliminary inter-period processing is more preferable, being compared with the current subsequent inter-period processing of the coordinate code. The quality of detection of air objects is improved by reducing the influence of fluctuation and impulse noise in the response channel.Публікація Comparative Quality Processing Analysis of Request Signals in Secondary Radar Systems(PIC S&T, 2021) Семенець, В. В.; Свид, І. В.; Обод, І. І.; Мальцев, О. С.; Воргуль, О. В.; Бакуменко, Б. В.The paper presents a comparative quality processing analysis of request signals of secondary radar systems with different sequences of decoding operations, pulse selection by duration and time-position when intrasystem, correlated and uncorrelated (chaotic), intentional and unintentional interference operates in the request channel. It is shown that the lowest intensity of a false alarm of the first kind at the output of the processing device is provided by the structure of processing request signals, in which first the decoding of the request signals is carried out, and then the selection of the received pulses by the duration is carried out and the last operation is the selection by the time position, as well as with a greater value of the code request signal.Публікація Construction of the SDN Control Level Based on ONOS(UkrMiCo, 2021) Romanov, O.; Korniienko, N.; Обод, І. І.; Свид, І. В.Possibilities of construction of logically centralized control plane in SDN networks on the basis of open network operating system ONOS are considered. The structure of the controller and its main functional blocks are considered, which provide the collection of information about the state of network elements, the solution of the main control tasks, the interaction of control systems built on different technological bases. The role and place of open network operating system in the controller structure are shown, the description of ONOS multilevel architecture in the form of a set of functional modules is given, the purpose and functions of ONOS subsystems are analyzed, protocols and interfaces that allow to present SDN network as a model are described. The peculiarity of the model is that the managed network can be represented as a set of virtual network functions. Therefore, the control process becomes independent of which vendor's equipment was used to build the network, as well as whether the network is built on real physical elements or virtual ones.