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Публікація Measurement uncertainty evaluation at mass calibration(NNC Institute of metrology, 2020) Zakharov, I. P.; Botsiura, O. A.; Patsenko, O.Example of JCGM-S1 “Mass calibration” is analyzed, which describes the comparison in air of reference and calibrated weights having the same nominal mass. JCGM-S1 compares uncertainty evaluation procedures based on the GUM uncertainty framework and the Monte Carlo method. The article uses the procedure developed by the authors and consists in decomposing the measurement model into a Taylor series of the second order taking into account the kurtoses of the distributions of input quantities. To facilitate the calculations, the finite increment method is used. To find expanded uncertainty, the kurtosis method is used. Good agreement between the results obtained by the proposed method and the result obtained by the Monte Carlo method is shown.Публікація Measurement uncertainty evaluation by kurtosis method at calibration of electrical resistance standards using a comparator(NNC Institute of metrology, 2020) Zakharov, I. P.; Botsiura, O. A.; Semenikhin, V.Presented methods for calibrating electrical resistance standards are ana-lyzed. A model for calibration of electrical resistance measure with help of com-parator is considered. The procedure for measurement uncertainty evaluation based on the kurtosis method is described, and the uncertainty budget is com-piled. An example of measurement uncertainty evaluation at calibration of electri-cal resistance standard using a comparator is given. The coincidence of the ob-tained results with the results obtained using the Monte-Carlo method is shown.Публікація Measurement uncertainty evaluation by kurtosis method at micrometer calibration("Софттрейд", 2020) Zakharov, I. P.; Botsiura, O. A.; Tsybina, I.; Zakharov, O.The procedure for measurement uncertainty evaluation at micrometer calibration by the kurtosis method is considered. The measurement model as the deviation of the micrometer readings from the length of the reference gage block is recorded. The measurement model takes into account the corrections for the micrometer resolution to be calibrated, lack of flatness and departure from parallelism of its measuring faces, as well as for the temperature difference between the gage block and the calibrated micrometer. The input values and their standard uncertainties are estimated. The calculation of the combined standard uncertainty and expanded uncertainty is carried out taking into account the kurtosis of the input quantities. The report presents an uncertainty budget, which can serve as a basis for creating a software tool that facilitates calculations. The proposed procedure was validated by the Monte Carlo method, which showed that it is are adequate for an intended use.Публікація Verification of the Indicating Measuring Instruments Taking into Account their Instrumental Measurement Uncertainty(Institute of Measurement Science, 2017) Zakharov, I. P.; Neyezhmakov, P. I.; Botsiura, O. A.The specific features of the measuring instruments verification based on the results of their calibration are considered. It is noted that, in contrast to the verification procedure used in the legal metrology, the verification procedure for calibrated measuring instruments has to take into account the uncertainty of measurements into account. In this regard, a large number of measuring instruments, considered as those that are in compliance after verification in the legal metrology, turns out to be not in compliance after calibration. In this case, it is necessary to evaluate the probability of compliance of indicating measuring instruments. The procedure of compliance probability determination on the basis of the Monte Carlo method is considered. An example of calibration of a Vernier caliper is given.Публікація Визначення ймовірності відповідності засобів вимірювальної техніки метрологічним вимогам(ННЦ "Інститут метрології", 2018) Захаров, І. П.; Неєжмаков, П. І.; Боцюра, О. А.The requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017, which affect the indication of the information about measurement uncertainty and statement of compliance with the requirements or specifications in the calibration certificates of measuring instruments (MIs), are analyzed. The provisions of European and International reference documents concerning the conformity assess- ment of the investigated object with the requirements of the technical documentation are considered. It has been shown that in some cases the result of calibration of a MI in its compliance assessment with metrological requirements may be in the uncertainty zone. In these situations, in accordance with JCGM 106:2012 and OIML G 19:2017, it is necessary to assess the probability of compliance of the MI with the requirements of the technical documentation in order for the customer to determine the risk of further use of this MI in production practice. Expressions for assessing the probability of compliance of MI with metrological requirements for different distribution laws of the measurand are presented. The diagram, which allows carrying out operative control of probability of compliance of calibrated MI, is constructed. An algorithm for applying the Monte Carlo method to calculate the probability of a MI correspondence based on the uncertainty budget obtained during its calibration for any law of the distribution of the measurand is developed. Examples for calculating the probability of compliance of calibrated measuring instruments with the metrological requirements established in the technical documentation are given.Публікація Калібрування термометра(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Брікман, А. І.The purpose of the report is to develop a procedure for uncertainty evaluation when mercury thermometer is calibrated. The measurand is the bias of the thermometer being calibrated, which is determined using a reference thermometer. The correlation between thermometers readings was taken into account when measurement uncertainty is estimated. An uncertainty budget has been developed.Публікація Определение измерительных и калибровочных возможностей калибровочной лаборатории в процессе ее аккредитации(ННЦ "Інститут метрології", 2017) Захаров, И. П.; Новоселов, О. А.The aim of the article is to analyze the main features of the formation of the smallest achievable uncertainty of measurement durung accreditation of a calibration laboratory. The purpose of publishing of calibration and measurment capabilities is considered. The form of expression of the smallest achievable uncertainty is analyzed. The coverage factors for the probability of 0.9545 for different distribution laws of the measurand are calculated: arcsine, uniform, triangular, trapezoidal, normal. The table of the Student’s coefficients for a fractional number of effective degrees of freedom is given. When measurand is represented as a range of values, the expression of the smallest achievable uncertainty in the form of a single value in absolute, relative or combined form is considered. The linear interpolation formula is given for the expression of the dependence by two known base points. The variants of preliminary nonlinear transformation of ranges of the input quantity values and the smallest achievable uncertainty are considered. The expression of the smallest achievable uncertainty as a function in an explicit form, depending on the values of the measurand and additional influencing parameters, is shown. The representation of calibration and measurement capabilities in matrix and graphical form is analyzed. The issues of ensuring the completeness and reliability of the representation of calibration and measurement capabilities are considered. The concept of a “best existing” device is analyzed.Публікація Реализация основных этапов калибровки мер электрического сопротивления постоянного тока(ФГУП "ВНИИМС", 2018) Захаров, И. П.; Волков, О. О.The main steps of calibration of direct current electric resistance measures are considered: selection of the calibration method, substantiation of the model equation during calibration, measurement uncertainty evaluation; validation of calibration procedures. The measurement uncertainty budgets in the calibration of direct current resistance measures are given. The recommendations given in the article can be used by calibration laboratories when creating calibration procedures.Публікація Установление пригодности откалиброванного средства измерений на основе определения вероятности соответствия его метрологических характеристик требованиям технической документации(ФГУП "ВНИИМС", 2018) Захаров, И. П.; Неежмаков, П. И.; Боцюра, О. А.The provisions of European and international normative documents reviewing the conformity assessment of the object under investigation with the requirements of technical documentation are considered. It is noted that, in contrast to the verification procedure for measuring instruments used in the field of legal metrology, the verification procedure for calibrated measuring instruments must take into account the measurement uncertainty. The expressions for estimating the probability of compliance of the measuring instruments of the metrological requirements for distribution laws that are different from normal are obtained. A procedure for evaluation the probability of compliance for an arbitrary law of distribution of a measurand, based on the Monte Carlo method is developed. Examples of calculating the probability of compliance a calibrated caliper are given.