Кафедра мікроелектроніки, електронних приладів та пристроїв (МЕЕПП)
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Перегляд Кафедра мікроелектроніки, електронних приладів та пристроїв (МЕЕПП) за темою "Arduino"
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Публікація Лабораторный макет на основе отладочной платы Arduino(ХНУРЭ, 2018) Левченко, Е. В.; Карнаушенко, В. П.Данное устройство будет отличным средством для обучения основным разработкам Embedded систем и программирования на языке С++.Публікація Лабораторный макет на основе отладочной платы Arduino(ХНУРЕ, 2018) Левченко, Е. В.; Глухов, О. В.At this stage, there are many options for studying the development of Embedded systems. The most common and available ones are Arduino debugging boards. For this line of cards, there are a large number of expansion devices that make it possible to implement virtually any system.Публікація Система автоматического полива комнатных растений на базе Arduino(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Чекубашева, В. А.; Глухов, О. В.The development of electronic devices and systems are aimed primarily at improving the human life. This is achieved through the automation of household appliances, for example, domestic robots and "smart homes". Part of such a system can be an automatic irrigation device for indoor plants because there are not rare cases when a person does not have the opportunity to stay at home for a long time and monitor the state of flowers. This paper provides a description of such a system implemented on the basis of the Arduino Pro Mini microcontroller.Публікація Сонячний контролер заряду на базі Arduino(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Слюсаренко, О. А.; Карнаушенко, В. П.Solar System is now used for green energy generation. However there arises a problem in voltage levels which affects the system stability. As the solar cell generates fewer amounts of charges we have to use a controller to maximize the efficiency. In this project MPPT (Maximum power point tracker) method is developed with LM324 comparator with optocoupler. The results are taken from wireless technique of Bluetooth module and a display panel interfacing with Arduino UNO. This system protects the battery from over charging and deep discharging to increase battery life.