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Перегляд Кафедра комп'ютерних інтелектуальних технологій та систем (КІТС) за темою "cloud computing"
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Публікація Особливості мови програмування Java та хмарних технологій(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Ілляшенко, І. Б.This article demonstrates the benefits of using cloud computing in Java based software as an important component of modern web development. Cloud computing is considered so revolutionary because it frees companies from maintaining their own servers, paying for a huge IT department and being responsible for cyber security in a rapidly changing security environment. It enables companies to quickly deploy and manage applications, minimizing infrastructure costs and ensuring optimal performance. Cloud computing is another area of the IT market that is the future and where Java is not only used, but often the main language. This paper describes an attempt to predict the future of Java and cloud computing based on the current situation.Публікація Інтеграція обробки великих даних за допомогою нейромереж у хмарні обчислення(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Сердюк, С. С.The integration of cloud computing and big data processing using neural networks opens wide opportunities for the development and improvement of information analysis. This approach makes it possible to use resources efficiently, speed up data processing, and provide accurate and predictable results thanks to neural networks.