Кафедра комп'ютерних інтелектуальних технологій та систем (КІТС)
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Перегляд Кафедра комп'ютерних інтелектуальних технологій та систем (КІТС) за темою "багатоагентна система"
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Публікація Багатоагентні системи як спосіб моделювання та проектування(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Охотников, О. С.An analysis of the problem of using multi-agent systems revealed the lack of a unified approach to the design and creation of a convenient way of modeling distributed systems. Multi-agent systems provide a useful modeling framework in systems consisting of a large number of agents who interact with each other in various ways. In these models, the agents change their actions as a result of events in the process of interaction. The behavior of the whole system depends on these interactions between agents, which can be represented in a model. Multi-agent system are used to set up spatial models, which integrate social and ecological dimensions.Публікація Основні особливості викорстання мультиагентних систем та технологій(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Варченко, Д. Ю.The basis of the theory and practice of artificial intelligence systems is primarily based on the concepts of formal systems based on classical logic, traditional methods of engineering knowledge. New approaches are being developed today: fuzzy logic, neural network models, genetic algorithms, multi agent (multi-agent) systems and artificial organizationsПублікація Прийняття рішень в многоагентних системах(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Овчаренко, Є. С.In systems, he applies the idea of formal mathematical modeling (description) of the behavior of elements, similar to how this is done for technical control objects. This is the basis of the mathematical apparatus of game theory and the well-known mathematical decision-making models. The game theory apparatus is being developed taking into account the needs of the management tasks being solved. Therefore, it is necessary to propose models and decision-making methods that show how to build models of organizational and socio-economic systems in the form of multi-agent systems.