Кафедра проектування та експлуатації електронних апаратів (ПЕЕА)
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Перегляд Кафедра проектування та експлуатації електронних апаратів (ПЕЕА) за темою "aperture"
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Публікація Coaxial aperture sensor for assessing the state of biologica objects(2018) Panchenko, A. Yu.; Slipchenko, N. I.; Zaichenko, O. B.; Bondarenko, I. N.Water is the main substance that makes living organisms. The state of any bioobject is characterized by the total amount of water in it and its distribution. In biological matter, water can be in two states, in the form of free water and water, associated with its macromolecules. The distribution of free water and water associated with molecules of biological matter determines its state. Therefore, the task of rapid assessment of water distribution is topical. The water molecule has a low mass and in the free state the molecules have a high relaxation frequency, which lies in the microwave range. The dipole moment of water has a high value. Therefore, at frequencies below the relaxation frequency, water has a high value of the dielectric constant. In the bound state, its electrophysical properties of water depend on the properties of the macromolecule in which it is embedded. Therefore, microwave methods and electrodynamic measurement sensors are effective means of operative measurements. They have a high speed, simple measurement procedure, do not require special preparation of samples, they allow performing non-destructive testing. Therefore, under certain conditions, they have advantages over other methods. However, the problems of using electrodynamic methods are caused by the indirect nature of the data obtained and the rather complicated process of determining the transfer function of the microwave sensor. The report presents a scheme of the microwave sensor, in which the generatrix coincides with the coordinate surfaces. For such a scheme, you can create a rigorous analytical model. Solving the task of describing fields in the working area of such a sensor allows determining the transfer function of the sensor. The presented scheme allows a principled possibility of further development. For example, in the presence of a mathematical model of changes in the properties of a bioobject under external influence. This will allow a numerical evaluation of the sensor parameters at the theoretical preparation stage. Such an approach will significantly reduce time costs and reduce the cost of design, prototyping and experimental development of specific designs.