Motor activity as the basis of a healthy lifestyle of student youth

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Fundacja Lekarzy Polskich-Pro-Medica

Дослідницькі проекти

Організаційні підрозділи

Видання журналу


The aim is to find out the role of motor activity in developing a healthy lifestyle of student youth in the process of physical education. Materials and methods: The study involved 647 students, aged 18-22. The research methods are the analysis and synthesis of the literature, analysis of curricula, programs, methodological support and quality of training, questionnaires, and the methods of mathematical statistics. Results: It is determined that the majority of the students had no need for a healthy lifestyle, the lack of knowledge in this area, low activity while performing the requirements of a healthy lifestyle, irrational organization of educational activities, bad habits and other factors that negatively affect their health. Сonclusions: The current system of physical education in the higher education institutions of Ukraine cannot change the attitude of students to a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of physical education, in addition to the formation of physical skills and development of students’ physical qualities, should be educational work aimed at forming a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.


Ключові слова

healthy lifestyle, motor activity, health, physical education, student

Бібліографічний опис

Motor activity as the basis of a healthy lifestyle of student youth / G. Griban, A. Lytvynenko at al. // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. - 2020. -Warsaw, Poland. - 73(6). - P. 1199-1206.