Публікація: Ring fiber lasers for telecommunication systems
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Begell House
The goal of this research is to study the interactions between a laser radiation and a liquidcrystal cell and to ensure the mode-locking in a ring fiber laser. In this paper we discuss how a non-linear polarization rotation in ring fiber lasers can be used to achieve the mode-locking. By supplying voltage to a liquid-crystal cell, we studied the polarization behavior both in theory and through experiment. Optical circuit of the ring fiber laser has been suggested.
Ключові слова
mode-locking, polarization, stability, radiation intensity
Бібліографічний опис
Ring fiber lasers for telecommunication systems / A. S. Gnatenko, Yu. P. Machekhin, Yu. S. Kurskoy, V. P. Obozna, A. V. Vasianovych // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. - Vol.77, No6. - P. 541-548.