Benzo[a]pyrene its influence on human organism and new nanophotonic detection method

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Benzo[a]pyrene its influence on human organism and new nanophotonic detection method

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Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) is representative of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) family, the substance of the first hazard class. In an environmental, BaP accumulates mainly in a soil and less in a water. It comes from soil to plants and human tissues and continues to move on in the food chain in living organisms where at each stage the BaP concentration is increasing sufficiently. To human organism BaP can come through skin, respiratory organs, digestive system and transplacental infections. Besides that BaP is the most typical chemical carcinogen in environmental, it is dangerous to humans even at low concentrations, since its metabolites are mutagenic and highly carcinogenic and has the property for bioaccumulation. Being chemically relatively stable, BaP can migrate for a long time from one object to another. As a result, many objects and process in the environmental objects which do not have the ability to synthesize the BaP, are the secondary sources of its production. Content control of BaP in environmental can be accomplished by different assay among which the most wide-spread is liquid chromatography. Known methods possess both positive and negative characteristics the last are connected with assay complexity, not allowing of their used in a field conditions, duration, high cost. So new technologies especially based on nanotechnologies and nanomaterials are in great demand both for BaP and other hazardous organic PAHs compounds. Having in mind that BaP as most of PAH has high fluorescence yield in visible spectrum and is capable to emit electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL), it is quite possible to use this well-known assay method for both direct and indirect definition [1]. At the same time mentioned ECL methods of BaP definition provide not enough low limit of detection (LOD). Using luminescent nanomaterials such as semiconductor quantum dots (SCQD) as highly efficient detector elements in appropriate nanophotonic sensor can provide assay for BaP detection in surrounding objects water in the first turn with rather low LOD (10 nmol/l). The proposed combined photonic (electrochemiluminescent), nanotechnology (sensor’s electrode modification) and electrochemical (analytical signal excitation) techniques are possessing a number of advantages which are discussed in the given paper.


Ключові слова

benzo[a]pyrene, electrochemiluminescence, environmental objects, luminescence, nanotechnology, nanophotonic sensor

Бібліографічний опис

Bilash O. M. Benzo[a]pyrene its influence on human organism and new nanophotonic detection method / O. M. Bilash, O. M. Galaichenko, O. A. Sushko, M. M. Rozhitskii // The 12th In-ternational Conf. on environmental science and technology : internat. conf., 8-10 Sept. 2011. : ab-stract. – Rhodes, 2011. – P. 112–119.