Методологічні основи ідентифікації сучасних детермінант нарощування ресурсного потенціалу в аграрній сфері

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The aim of the article is to identify the determinants of increasing resource potential in the agricultural sector on the basis of modern theories of economic development. The research is based on the analysis of two components of the process of transformation of the elements of the external environment: objective – changes in the productive forces of society, and subjective – modernization of understanding the ways and goals of development within modern theoretical concepts. The issues of investment rationality in terms of the evolution of technological systems in agriculture are analyzed. It is shown that the implementation of the concepts of the core V and VI technological systems in the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy requires optimization of structural characteristics of the agricultural market based on stimulating integration processes between circulation and production, i.e. capital consolidation within vertical integration. Innovation is seen as an element of gaining a sustainable competitive advantage. At the same time, the source of something new in the production and organizational spheres is man. Human capital is recognized as the dominant factor of production in the post-industrial economy. Modernization of theoretical aspects of the vision of the goal of economic development and ways to achieve it, the emergence of paradigmatically different from classical concepts of development creates a methodological basis for identifying modern determinants of building resource potential in the agricultural sector. The thesis about the greatest potential of using the theory of inclusive development in solving the above problem is proved. It is argued that the instrumental content of the processes of building resource capacity in the agricultural sector can be ensured by applying the basic principles of an inclusive economy. The concepts of «reindustrialization», «green economy», paradigms of sustainable development are considered by us as strategic guidelines, the implementation of which can be ensured through the application of the principles of inclusiveness, which will ensure the systematic development of the whole spectrum of socioeconomic relations.


Ключові слова

methodology, resource potential, agrarian sphere, inclusive development, factors of production, human capital

Бібліографічний опис

Степаненко С. В. Методологічні основи ідентифікації сучасних детермінант нарощування ресурсного потенціалу в аграрній сфері / С. В. Степаненко // European Journal of Economics and Management. – 2022. – Volume 8, Issue 1. – Р. 31-37.