Публікація: Preventing Occupational Diseases and Injuries in Ukraine: The Socio-Economic Perspective
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Назва тома
Assessment of socio-economic performance of injury prevention and occupational diseases. Methodology. To assess the effectiveness of injury prevention and occupational diseases, the Social Insurance Fund's reporting data on occupational injury and occupational health surveillance were used. Formation of indicators of supervisory activity and occupational traumatism was carried out by types of supervision, which allowed to analyze quantitative and qualitative indicators of supervisory activity of industrial traumatism over a certain period of time, and to use these data to evaluate the effectiveness of prevention of injuries and occupational diseases.
Ключові слова
assessment of socio-economic performance, prevention of injuries and occupational diseases, quantitative and qualitative indicators, occupational injuries
Бібліографічний опис
Preventing Occupational Diseases and Injuries in Ukraine: The Socio-Economic Perspective / / Socio-Economic Development: Interdisciplinary Ecosystems Perspective / N. Berezutska, T. Stytsenko , V. Berezutskyi ; Cracow University of Economics Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation ul. Rakowicka. – Cracow, 2020. – Chapter 13. – С. 215 – 227.