Implementation of game-based learning method

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This paper considers relevance of introducing game-based learning methods in context of training university specialists. The article analyzes various aspects of game activities use in education, identifying main cases of its use and key aspects of game techniques implementation. Particular attention was paid to specifics of use of game methods in teaching robotics, in particular use of virtual simulators and platforms. This study has shown significant potential of game-based methods to improve efficiency of educational process, promote better learning of complex material, develop practical skills, and increase student motivation. Based on our analysis, we recommend that these methods be more actively introduced into curriculum, allowing students to gain valuable practical experience in safe environment. Further research could be aimed at evaluating effectiveness of different game methods and developing new virtual platforms.


Ключові слова

Implementation, game-based, learning, gamification, simulations

Бібліографічний опис

Sotnik S. V. Implementation of game-based learning method / S. V. Sotnik // Комп'ютерні ігри та мультимедіа як інноваційний підхід до комунікації - 2024 : матеріали IV Всеукр. наук.-техн. конф. молодих вчених, аспірантів і студентів, Одеса, 26-27 вересня, 2024 р. - Одеса : ОНТУ, 2024. - P. 19-22.