Публікація: Calculation of weight indicators of the importance of using odorivectors for the purpose of formalizing olfactometry diagnosis
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RS Global S. z O.O
In this article an attempt is made to standardize the results of diagnosis of olfactory analyzer disorders. For the development of the integral indicator of olfactory sensitivity in order to formalize the diagnostic data on the basis of the method of increasing the objectivity of alfakometric studies, weighting coefficients were determined based on the method of attribution of points. A questionnaire was prepared for our study.
Ключові слова
olfactometry, sensitivity olfactory, expert systems, odorivector
Бібліографічний опис
Nosova Ya. V. Calculation of weight indicators of the importance of using odorivectors for the purpose of formalizing olfactometry diagnosis / Ya.V. Nosova, O.S. Shevchenko, S.A. Khudayeva, Abdelhamid brahim Younouss // International Academy Journal. -2018. -Web Of Scholar. 7(25), Vol. 1 doi: 10.31435/rsglobal_wos/12072018/5973