Публікація: Multiscale quantitative analysis of microscopic images of ice crystals
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The International Journal of Artificial Organs
It was analyzed multiple images. The results in the first approximation show a 2-fold increase in speed when using our implementation of active contours. At the same time, the segmented areas of crystals correspond to the approach without the use of multi-scale image representation.
Ключові слова
ice crystal, image analysis, active contour, multiscale representation, gaussian pyramid
Бібліографічний опис
Multiscale quantitative analysis of microscopic images of ice crystals / M. Y. Tymkovych, O. G. Avrunin, O. Gryshkov, K. G. Selivanova, V. Mutsenko, B. Glasmacher. // 46 th ESAO Congress.The International Journal of Artificial Organs. Hannover, Germany.- 2019. –Vol.42 ,Number 8. – P. 429.