Публікація: Аналіз виробничого травматизму на підприємствах України
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In recent years, there have been attempts to reduce the number of accidents
at the enterprises of the country, but despite this the injury rate remains quite
high. But on a deeper inspection, it is safe to say that the injury rates in Ukraine
are not decreasing, but injury indices are. Considering the ongoing de industrialization, the level of industrial injuries in Ukraine is striking. Perhaps
this is why the government has given due consideration to this problem by
endorsing the Concept of Reforming the Occupational Safety and Health
Management System in Ukraine. It is supposed to form a new system of
industrial injury risk prevention through 2019-2020 by implementing a risk oriented approach since the current system is focused on dealing with the
consequences of workplace accidents rather than their prevention.
Ключові слова
нещасний випадок, виробництво, травматизм, шкідливі фактори на виробництві
Бібліографічний опис
Полохов В. О. Аналіз виробничого травматизму на підприємствах України / В. О. Полохов // Радіоелектроніка та молодь у ХХІ столітті : матеріали 24 Міжнар. молодіж. форуму, 7-9 квіт. 2020р. – Харків : ХНУРЕ, 2020. – Т. 2. – С. 170-171.